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44. Jarak; Not The End

"Why? You're surprised, Jaa-rak?"

Of course, I was surprised by your words. "What do you want?"

"Like Cornelia, the girl in the front room, you used to be a state asset. Have you forgotten what you have done to this country? Together with them, the old people who made this country destroyed, have you forgotten?"

No, I didn't forget.

"From junior high school, your potential was visible. You helped those bastards create a virus, destroying this country. It's true, this virus came from an irresponsible company, but behind it all, there were dirty hands who contributed to the destruction of the country, even the world."

I tried to fix it at that time.

"What? Why are you running away when all those possibilities exist? Cornelia, you, and a few other people should be able to stop the spread of this virus, right?"

"No way! You know what, huh?!" I shouted, making them a little surprised, "My family is missing, they are dead! My sister was taken by people who said they wanted to go to the green zone! But where are they now!"

"There's no reason for you to run away."

"You don't know anything! I was promised that I would be safe, all my family would be safe, he said! But I'm just like you; I'm also a victim of those up there!"

"Your sister is still safe. She's sleeping now."

I was silent when I heard it. Is my sister safe? That's right.

"You guys aren't lying, are you?"

"Why lie? We are not the government; we are society, and some people are just trying to survive in this chaotic world."

"Where is she? May I see her?"

"Send her in."

I don't know; it turns out she was in front there with that one person.

The small, black-haired figure appeared slowly. She stood at the door, looking in, looking at us.

"Gilang, that's your little sister. We're taking care of her like the government promised you," said this woman.

I wanted to stand up, but the man with scars on his face told me to stay seated.

"She doesn't recognise you, Lang," said the woman again, using my real name, and then she told someone to take my sister somewhere. "Now, you know your sister is safe."

"What good is it for you to detain me like this? I'm not one of the pro-government groups. I even killed them a few moments ago, my friends; they're not pro-government either. We want to look for a green zone, that's all," I explained. Length and width.

The woman standing in front of me frowned. She said, "That's why we locked you up. Have you ever killed people? Not only did you hurt, but you killed people; that's even worse. Dangerous for us."

"That's because they raped our friend?! Look at one of our friends who is pregnant. That's their cruel act! Do you know what, HAHHHH!"

I stood up straight, my emotions flooding through my head. My hands clenched into fists, but the man with scars on his face managed to paralyse me with a hard fist that hit my stomach. I fell to the ground; I clutched my stomach, which felt so painful from the crushing blow.

"You are dangerous, easy to get emotional, easy to use violence as a solution, even though it's not necessary. Give us a reason to set you free, Gilang."

They left me, closed the door hard and made the burning fire go out. This place is so late now. I tried sitting after my stomach felt better.

"Hey, Gilang?" Call Cornelia.

"Yes," I answered briefly, leaning against the dirt wall.

"I have your door key."

I stood up straight away and saw Cornelia coming, now smiling at me. She also showed the key he was holding.

"How is that possible? I asked.

Cornelia just smiled. She showed a long wire with curved ends. I think she took the key from the other guard when things got tense earlier. Immediately, the girl held out the key using a wire and moved it towards my door.

I managed to get it. I tried to reach the lock, which was quite far away but still within reach. The door opened, and I approached Cornelia's door.

"I'll come back for you. OK?" I promise. The girl nodded.

If I'm not mistaken, I visited several things that could provide directions. I did not pass this bend only once but remembered enough to get out of this labyrinthine passage.

Apart from the directions from the torch attached to the wall. I also plugged my ears to make it clearer. Finally, I arrived at a place like a settlement in this underground room.

I settle in slowly. Enter one empty tent where the occupants sing together using a guitar. I took a black jacket with a hood; I thought this was enough to camouflage and blend in a little so as not to be seen.

I walked casually, looked around, and confirmed the hallway where Santi and Kayro were. However, something happened that didn't go according to plan. There was a fight in one of the tents; I don't know what it was, but this was my chance to hurry and get my friends.

The screams, screams, made me stop walking into the hallway. I saw it; they were infected and fighting the undead so stupidly. Hitting parts of the body is useless.

One of the people was bitten. He seemed to be squirming. Damn, my body seemed to move by itself; I looked for a knife, and when I found it. I immediately finished off those infected even though I had to wrestle and reveal my cover.

"Gang?" The woman who asked me earlier was standing right behind me, covered in blood. I dropped the knife I was holding.

"Sorry," I said.

"What are you doing?" asked someone from the many questions accusing me of being a murderer.

"I'm sorry, but you have to do that, or everything here is at risk."

"No," said the woman, she stretched out her right hand, "thank you for saving us."

"Huh? What does that mean? He killed my father! You are a murderer! You must die!" Someone got emotional; he took the knife I had used as a weapon and then intended to stab me, although his actions were immediately stopped by a man with scars on his face who had just arrived.

Some people who disagree choose to leave Monas. They are half of this underground group; from the looks on their faces, they hate me and the others.

The woman named Darsi explained that the people in the shelter had never faced living creatures directly. They admit their mistakes, that everyone should be taught how to survive.

It turns out that Bayu and Banyu have been receiving treatment since we were brought here. They are good; they hate the government too much and will be hostile to anything related to it. Including me, who previously had contact with the government.

Due to all that, Kayro, Santi, Bayu, Banyu, and Rianita were angry with me because of the lies I had been telling all this time. However, they finally accepted me back after my explanation and understandable reasons. Maybe I'm not completely honest, so it's better this way.

On Rianita's suggestion. We use several places around Monas as places to grow vegetables and fruit. As food supplies run low, we have to farm nowadays.

"So, your name is Gilang, huh?" Santi asked as I was descending the container. Well, we made a ladder to climb up as a lookout point.

I jumped, then smiled sadly. That's not nice. "Yes, that's it, my name is Gilang."


"Why change the name?"

"Yes, why?" Santi asked back.

"I don't know; the name Gilang reminds me too much of the past. However, I'm a little confused about this virus problem."

"Oh, I see."

"Hey! What do you two want to chat about?"

We both looked at Kayro, who was now watering the plants. The hot sun this morning is suitable for gardening.

According to some people, this risks inviting corpses or even greedy humans. Coming to the surface was very dangerous, but if you think about it, we had to eat, and food supplies for the future were very low.

My little sister knows I'm his big brother, but she doesn't remember; I don't understand why or because my hair is long. Maybe, but I'm grateful she's okay.

As for Cornelia, I somehow responded. She always sticks to me, makes me food, and gets along with my little brother. Bayu and Banyu teased me several times and told me to shoot Cornelia, saying we were compatible. But at times like this, thinking about things like that isn't that important.

The rainy season is coming this year. During that time, we became more and more able to adapt. Rianita herself gave birth several months ago, although she was a little worried about her condition. However, now everything is fine; we have great doctors ready to serve you with pleasure.

We have experienced all these events very hard. Living in fear and always moving places becomes a never-ending activity. We are tired of doing that again. Monas is not the green zone you expected, but this is more than enough.

I sat right on top of the container. It's my turn to be on guard; we would be wrong if we thought everything was still fine. From a distance, with binoculars we found in a shop, I saw several people approaching on foot.

We gathered atop the container, including the man with scars on his face. There were five of them, one little boy and the rest were girls.

They raised both hands.

"Who and what do you want?"

"We are starving; we have no evil intentions. Help us." The one who spoke was the one whose stomach was growing. Is she pregnant?

Rianita welcomed them well, even though some of us didn't agree, and in the end, we accepted the five of them.

He smiled, "The more people there are, the more help we will have to build our lives all over again, right?"

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