1- God Bless
From outside an elven palace, a young and desperate woman is about to give birth to her child, she runs desperately as blood drips down her leg, searching for help. All the elves were at an annual kingdom celebration, leaving her alone, screaming for help everywhere. An elderly gardener heard her and quickly dropped what she was doing, washed her hands and approached the young woman to assist her. The child was about to be born, and without much commotion, the elderly woman lays her down on a nearby stone table, telling her to breathe and push with strength, thus assisting and mentally preparing her for childbirth. After several screams of pain and great despair, the elderly woman manages to see the head of the little elf and slowly his pointed ears begin to emerge. Through a great effort by both of them, the elderly woman successfully gives birth to the beautiful elven being, dazzling in the sunset. The elderly woman efficiently takes the child out of its mother's womb and lifts it high with both hands. The elf, its mother, watches it with tears, very happy. A drop from the heavens falls on the head of the little one, immediately the elderly woman lowers him and hands him to his mother, while helping her to get up and avoid getting soaked in the approaching storm. Both of them walk to the palace, one of the guards opens it, seeing the situation and allows their entry to lay the woman in one of the nearby gardener's rooms close to the palace entrance. Once in the room, the elderly woman helps the young woman lie down while cleaning and trying to stop her bleeding.
"Where is the father of this beautiful creature?" she asks.
"He is in the outskirts of the Niffein forest, looking for herbs to ease the pains of childbirth, but we did not expect this moment to come so quickly," the young woman responds.
"Give me a description of him so I can find him and deliver the good news."
"Do not worry, kind lady, he will return in a couple of hours, and I can tell him myself. Our home is nearby."
"No, that's not necessary. You must rest. It was a somewhat turbulent birth, the gods helped us and everything went well, but we must not strain your body, and today you should rest here."
"I don't think it's necessary, but I do need to rest, my body requires it. My beautiful husband is named Pelfsen, he wears somewhat worn-out clothes and must carry equipment for harvesting. He has a fair hair like the morning dew on Dersis Hills."
"Very well, my lady. Once I am finished here, I will search for some water from the city springs and your husband Pelfsen, so he can come and see his beautiful son."
"I will be eternally grateful for all of this, ma'am…"
"Flosies. My name is Flosies," the elderly woman responds with a warm smile. "And it is my honor and duty to help those in need."
With that, Flosies finishes attending to the young woman, ensuring she is comfortable and safe. She then sets out on her mission to find Pelfsen. The storm has begun to intensify, with thunder rumbling and rain pouring heavily from the darkened sky. Flosies tightly wraps herself in a cloak and sets out towards the Niffein forest.
Navigating through the thick forest, Flosies calls out for Pelfsen, her voice struggling to be heard over the roaring wind. She spots a faint light amidst the trees and makes her way towards it. As she approaches, she sees Pelfsen huddled under a large tree, seeking shelter from the storm.
"Pelfsen!" Flosies shouts, trying to catch his attention. Pelfsen turns around, surprised to see a stranger calling his name. "Your wife has given birth to a beautiful son," Flosies declares, her voice filled with joy. "Both mother and child are resting safely in the palace grounds."
Relief and happiness wash over Pelfsen's face as Flosies delivers the news. He thanks her profusely and expresses his eagerness to see his wife and meet his newborn child. Flosies offers him her cloak to shield him from the rain and guides him back towards the palace.
As they walk through the forest, Pelfsen shares his gratitude for Flosies' help and tells her of his journey to gather herbs to help with his wife's childbirth pains. Flosies listens attentively, offering words of encouragement and admiration for his dedication as a husband and father. The bond between them grows stronger with each step.
Upon reaching the palace, Flosies leads Pelfsen to the room where his wife rests. The young woman's face lights up with sheer happiness upon seeing her beloved husband. Pelfsen rushes to her side, embracing her gently and showering her with affectionate words.
With tears streaming down their faces, they gaze upon their tiny elven son, who looks back at them with curiosity and innocence. Flosies takes a step back, giving the young family a moment of privacy and bonding. She closes the door softly, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment in her heart.
In the following days, Flosies continues to support the growing family. She offers guidance on caring for the newborn, provides herbal remedies for the mother's recovery, and assists them with any need that arises. The bond between Flosies and the young couple deepens, and they become a close-knit family unit, supporting each other through life's challenges and celebrating its joys.
As time passes, the elven child grows strong and fills the palace halls with laughter and joy. Flosies becomes not just a helper but a cherished grandmother figure to the young elf, imparting wisdom and love at every opportunity. The elven palace thrives with the presence of the new family, and their story becomes an inspiration to all who hear it.
And so, amidst the storm, a beautiful bond was formed—a bond that would stand the test of time. Flosies' act of kindness on that fateful night changed the lives of the young elven couple and their child forever. It serves as a reminder that amidst the darkness, there is always light, and that even in the most desperate moments, kindness can shine through like a beacon of hope.