"I lay on the bed; my eyes were open, but my mind was in a faraway land, embarking on a perilous journey.
Children passed through the room, their faces filled with fear. Some even burst into tears, their cries attracting their parents.
Heat coursed through my body, akin to the fires of hell. The murmurs and chants I heard felt surreal. "Where am I? What am I doing here?" These questions echoed in my mind. I longed to feel alive, yet my soul remained dormant, lost in a desolate landscape, craving someone to awaken it.
The sound of cries reached my ears. A woman wept, and I concentrated, recognizing the voice as my mother's. But why was she crying? Who had harmed her? What was happening?
"Mother! Mother, what's going on?" A voice questioned her, but she remained silent, as if oblivious to the voice.
The bewildering reality confounded me. Initially, my eyes were open, but my vision was blurred, leaving me in a state of confusion. I pondered the mystery: if I couldn't see anything, how could I see my mother?
The atmosphere grew tense, and I observed it all, thinking it was a prank. Little did I know that my own life was the cruellest joke of all.
After some hours, the cries ceased, and the room emptied, leaving me to grapple with my bewildering thoughts. I sat on the bed, longing for my mother's comforting presence. She was all I had; no sisters, no father. My mother had raised me single-handedly, a fact that filled me with pride.
Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I felt abandoned. "How could my mother do this to me? Why would she leave me alone in this room?" I cried out, but my shouts fell on deaf ears.
After venting my frustration and tears, I calmed down and wiped my eyes, intending to rest. As soon as I closed my eyes, a short, ominous dwarf materialized before me. Clothed in rags with rotten, grimy teeth, he grinned mischievously.
The dwarf's frightening appearance sent me into a fit of screams. He promptly vanished from the room.
"Yes, it is done!" I heard voices and approaching footsteps, accompanied by suppressed laughter. I feigned sleep, maintaining silence.
Two imposing men entered, one in shorts and the other in tight trousers. They surveyed the room to ensure no one was watching. The man in trousers pulled out his phone and dialled a number.
The phone rang, and after a few seconds, the call was answered. Ruthlessly, he inquired, "The deal is done. Why should we expect our payment?" His eyes gleamed with greed.
The voice on the other end responded, and he acknowledged it before ending the call. The other man, curious, questioned the situation.
"The big boss will send our balance today," he replied, laughing manically. They exchanged handshakes, cast another glance at me, and left the room.
Confusion overwhelmed me as I looked around, realizing I was the only one present. I pondered, "Who were they talking about? Who died?"
The short dwarf reappeared, and with a chuckle, he taunted, "You're dead! Can't you see the signs?"
I hesitated to accept his words. How could one joke about death? I argued, "I can't be dead. You don't exist; you're just a character my mind created."
My family entered the room, oblivious to my presence. I called out to my grandma, repeatedly asking, "Grandma, what's happening? Who died?" She ignored my pleas.
The dwarf sat on the floor, his malevolent grin intact. Aunty Sam, crying profusely, wondered aloud, "Is it a crime to be an omega? Why did they have to kill her? Why did they kill my baby Ariana?"
Overwhelmed, I asked the dwarf, because there was no one else I could talk to. "Arianna? Isn't that me?"
"How am I supposed to know your name? Am I you?" He asked with his cunning smile.
Two men entered with my grandpa. My mother clung to me, tears of anguish streaming down her face. My aunties and uncles coaxed her into letting go of my lifeless body. Despite her initial reluctance, she eventually released me.
To my astonishment, I remained in the room, accompanied by the short dwarf.
"How is this possible? Am I a twin?" I pondered aloud.
The dwarf quipped, "Who knows, perhaps you are twins," and erupted into laughter.
Frightened by what he said, I implored, "Sir, what is happening?"
He inquired, "Are you prepared to know the answer to that question?" I nodded in agreement, and he continued, "The truth is your body has been taken away, and your present self is your soul. In conclusion, you are dead, and your body will soon be buried."
Perplexed, I protested, "Dead? Buried? But I can't remember dying."
The dwarf chuckled, posing a question, "Tell me, can a human recall their death?"
I opted for silence, finding his questions senseless. In my unease, I nervously asked, "Please, who killed me?" My hands were getting cold, and I was scared for myself.
In response, he offered a parable message, "The ones closest to you are often the ones who stab you in the back."
Bewildered, I inquired, "What do you mean...?"
"The one who killed you, was your boyfriend." He finally revealed.
The revelation left me speechless, and I wept for hours. I really loved my boyfriend, in fact, I gave him my all, so why do I deserve death in return?
"Look here child, it is not the time to cry, you should be plotting your revenge!" He advised me, and I found his words quite funny.
"Do ghosts plan revenge?" I asked him, my voice was filled with sarcasm.
"I can resurrect you," he claimed, "but in return, I want your most precious treasure."
Without a second thought, I struck a deal with the devil