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Chapter 1 Saves a Mysterious Man

"Nora Smith, I never laid a hand on you. That child in your belly isn't mine! We're getting a divorce! Get out of my house immediately with that bastard you're carrying!"

Lucas Gordon tossed her belongings all over the floor, his face twisted in disgust.

Nora was completely dumbfounded.

"Lucas, are you joking? On our wedding night at the hotel, we were together!"

"That man with you that night wasn't me. I was with Becky the whole time."


On their wedding night, Lucas had abandoned her to be with Becky Smith, her stepsister!

Nora turned pale, "Lucas, are you cheating on me?"

Lucas looked her up and down with disdain.

"Nora, just look at yourself. Do you really think you're worthy of me? I'm now a scion of an esteemed Houston family. Only someone as charming and vivacious as Becky is a match for me!"

Nausea gripped Nora as she stared at Lucas before her.

Lucas, due to a mix-up by the nurses, had been returned to his biological parents just three months ago.

The Lucas family was a prestigious clan in Houston.

Though Lucas's parents were from a lesser branch of the family, it didn't stop him from being elevated from an unknown commoner to a young master overnight.

And her, with a plain appearance not as polished as Becky's, and a mother who'd been in prison, Nora hadn't been a favorite in her father's eyes.

So now Lucas thought she wasn't worthy of him?

But when he pursued her before, he'd claimed he loved her simplicity!

It turns out that people truly change with their social status!

Tears filled Nora's eyes, "Lucas, you bastard! You want a divorce? Fine, just you wait!"

Four years later.

In a cozy two-story house on the outskirts of Houston, Nora had just finished gathering the herbs she'd dried in the garden and gave her lower back a gentle rub.

"Mommy, Mommy, come quick! Alex and Billy found a big animal!" chirped a sweet little girl with pigtail braids, marching over with her little legs and pulling Nora towards the door.

"Samantha, where did you and your brothers find an animal this time?" Nora asked, her eyes crinkling with a smile as she held Samantha's pudgy little hand.

Years ago, Nora had been pregnant with triplets.

This was Samantha, one of the triplets.

After a falling out with Lucas, Nora had moved out of the Lucas home and seized the opportunity her medical professor had secured for her – to study abroad as an exchange student.

She hadn't wanted the baby at first.

But the doctor warned her about her naturally thin uterine lining and said terminating the pregnancy might mean she'd never conceive again.

So, she chose to keep the baby.

Despite the challenges of pregnancy, these four years with her three adorable munchkins had brought her an unprecedented sense of joy and fulfillment.

"Mommy, Mommy, come see!"

Samantha led Nora to an overgrown patch of land where two identical little boys were staring intently at the ground.

"Alex, Billy, what kind of critter did you guys discover this time?" Nora had expected, like many times before, that they had found a wounded animal.

What she hadn't expected was to find a man, bloodied and motionless on the ground.

"Mommy, he's hurt," said Alex, with delicate features and a faintly cool demeanor. There was a born elegance about him and a maturity beyond his years.

"Mommy, he's still breathing. Let's help him! If we save him, we'll earn a lot of money!" Billy beamed, sharing Alex's face but not his reserve.

Nora knelt down with a serious expression and carefully examined the man. He was alive, albeit barely.

He wouldn't last much longer without help.

Nora eyed the nearby cliff and furrowed her brow – he must have fallen from there. Who could he be?

She checked his pockets for any identification but found nothing. Governed by the compassionate heart of a healer, she mustered all her strength and dragged the man back to her home, setting him down in a room on the first floor.

"I'll grab your medical bag, Mommy."

"I'll fetch some water, Mommy."

"I'll just watch over here, Mommy."

Listening to the sweet babble of her three little ones, warmth filled Nora's heart.

She was in the house her grandmother had left her before passing away.

Since returning to the states not long ago, she and her three children had taken up residence here.

The return was twofold: the kids had reached school age and she needed to investigate a certain matter.

Soon, Alex dragged the first aid kit over to her.

Nora opened it and pulled out a cloth bundle.

Samantha, huddled next to Alex, was torn between curiosity and fear.

Alex wrapped an arm around her small shoulders, playing the protective big brother role.

"Okay, guys, head on out. Mommy's got to play the hero now!"

"Okay," the trio chimed in unison.

Once they left, Nora undressed the man until he was down to his underpants.

Tall and muscular, his eight-pack abs were a testament to masculine allure.

Her gaze traveled up and settled on his right shoulder.

There, a faint bite mark!

Nora's breath caught, her mind flashing back to that night four years ago in the hotel – his labored breathing, her pain, the instinctive bite she left on his shoulder...

Flustered, she grabbed a damp towel to clean his face and get a clear look at him.

She wiped away the grime bit by bit, revealing his true features – a broad forehead, a prominent nose, and sharp, handsome features not diminished by the wounds.

Such a good-looking man! And eerily familiar.

Nora stared at him, the images of her two sons flickering in her mind.

Why did her boys bear such a striking resemblance to him?

Could he be the man from four years ago?

Her chest rose and fell with restrained emotion. After tending to his wounds, she took a blood sample for testing.

Once Nora was out of sight, the three kids sneakily crept back into the room.

"Wow, what a handsome man," Samantha marveled, her big, dark eyes sparkling with girlish fantasies.

"Billy, you're not allowed to daydream about boys!" She scolded her sister.

Billy shot her an annoyed look, then glanced between the man and Alex.

"Hey, bro, doesn't he kind of look like us?"

Alex squinted his obsidian eyes, keeping silent.

The resemblance was uncanny!

"Yeah, he does look a lot like us! Could he be our Daddy?" Samantha's face lit up with excitement.

"Little sis, lots of people look alike. And that bad man looks like us too," Alex stated with unexpected maturity for his age.

"That's true. The bad man who abandoned Mommy isn't our Daddy for sure."

Samantha pouted, her eyes fixed on the man lying in bed. In her childlike voice, she said, "Brother, I really wanna know who our Daddy is."

He wanted to know too.

Alex's eyes lit up with curiosity as he scurried toward the makeshift lab Nora had set up.

Ever since he could remember, he'd pieced together his origins from overheard conversations between Mommy and his grandmother.

Their biological father was a mystery.

The man who looked so much like them, could he be their father?

Inside the lab, Nora anxiously awaited the test results.

Thirty minutes later, the data rolled in.

The man was in stable condition, with no apparent underlying health issues.

Except he had taken a nasty fall off a cliff, breaking both legs.

He would need continued medical care to recover.

Nora had an inkling as she glanced over the man's blood type report...

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