Chapter 9
It had been a few weeks since Alexander had received the phone call from his uncle and was starting to get impatient as he waited. His uncle was supposed to be showing up after the cloaking was done to make sure that it worked. Alexander was starting to become very annoyed, and it was starting to be noticed by Symphony. He just wanted her to be safe and protected.
Just as Alexander was getting ready to call his uncle and ream him out for taking so long, there was a knock at the door. He opened the door and there was his uncle with a big smile on his face.
“Took you long enough” Alexander said to him trying to hide his anger.
“I am sorry about that, but it took a little bit to gather all of the things that were needed” Damion told him “But it worked. I wasn’t able to smell Symphony’s scent at all on my way here, from the border to the house it was as if it just disappeared.”
Alexander was relieved to hear that but was still getting over his frustration of it taking so long.
“I am very glad to hear that. Hopefully it will protect her for a while and things can start returning to somewhat normal for her.”
Alexander couldn’t wait to tell her that she was able to go outside and go for runs with her wolf and maybe go back to school. She would be over the moon by the news.
Damion stood in the doorway watching Alexander as thoughts ran through his head. “Who was this girl to Alexander? Surely, he has some feelings for her if he wants to protect her so badly. I know she’s powerful but what kind of power does this little wolf hold for her to be attacked?” Damion knew little about Symphony besides what Alexander had told him, he had a feeling that some important parts were left out but also knew that his nephew must have a good reason for not telling him everything.
Damion was pulled out of his thoughts by Alexander clearing his throat.
“Is something troubling you, Uncle.”
“No, it is nothing.”
Alexander didn’t look convinced but let it go. He led Damion down to his office to go over somethings regarding the other problem they had. He wanted to know if Damion had found anything out about the people that attack Symphony’s school and how to defeat them. Alexander also knew it was time to tell his uncle everything if Alexander wanted his help. He called Gavin to meet them in his office so he could be filled in as well. The last time Damion was here he had purposely left Gavin out of the meeting, as it was about Symphony’s cloaking. Gavin met them outside of Alexander’s office and the three of them went in to talk. Little did they know there was another set of ears lurking in the shadows that wanted to know what was going on as well.
Symphony watched as the three men went into the office. She hadn’t moved from her hiding spot until she was sure they weren’t coming out anytime soon. She wasn’t one who normally listened in on private conversations, but she wanted answers. Every time she asked Alexander about anything she was shut down or the subject was changed, and she was tired of it. It was her life that was at risk, and she wanted to know why.
She crept up to the door and put her ear on it, letting Starlett’s ears take over, as she could hear better than Symphony could in situations like this. Symphony was not prepared for what she heard coming from inside the room.
She heard Alexander’s voice first.
“I appreciate you helping with all of this regarding Symphony. I also know that the information that I have given you hasn’t been much to go on as to who may be behind the attacks. What I am going to tell you does not leave this room. Is that clear. It could cause a lot of trouble for all of us.”
Symphony heard the second voice, but she didn’t recognize it. It sounded angry.
“Well, it surly can’t be that bad, can it Alexander? I have known you a long time and I know you wouldn’t do anything stupid to put people’s lives at risk. What did you do boy and why is this girl so important?”
She was shocked by this second voices words. What had Alexander done that was so bad, she wondered?
“When I first came into the throne, I wanted respect and the power that my father never had, as you know, I was young and stupid, Hell I was only 10 years old when I was crowned. I knew the kingdom would never respect someone of my age, the queen tried to poison me at my coronation. I was smarter than the people gave me credit for, and I had come up with a plan after I heard that there was a Kolana/Mattra wolf going to be born, a girl no less, I knew that was my ticket to power. I came up with a plan to kidnap the child and when she came of age, I was going to marry her and use her power to become the most powerful king in the world. There was a hiccup in the plan though and I killed the Alpha and Luna when I took the baby. As that baby grew up I distanced myself from her by working all the time. But as misfortune has it when she turned 16 that is when the threats and attacks happened. I wasn’t sure at first if it was her old pack looking for her or something else and that leads us to where we are now.”
“Where is this child now? What does this have to do with Symphony?” Damion asked.
Symphony wanted to know that answer too. She never thought Alexander could do something like this.
Alexander took a long breath.
“This has everything to do with Symphony. She is the Kolana/Mattra hybrid baby.”
Symphony couldn’t believe what she had just heard. She always knew that her parents were killed, and Alexander found her but know she knew the truth. She didn’t want to hear anymore and ran to her room. She grabbed her backpack and started filling it with clothes. She didn’t know where she was going to go but she couldn’t stay here. All Alexander wanted was her power and to use her, he never cared about her to him she was just a pawn. She trusted him to protect her, and this is what she got. As she was packing tears started streaming down her face. She quickly wiped them away and headed towards her window. She knew if she went out the front door Alexander would hear her, and she didn’t want that.
As soon as she hit the ground, she took off running, Starlett burst through to go even faster. They ran toward the woods that surrounded the property. They didn’t know where they were going to go but they knew they wanted to get as far away for Alexander as possible. They ran for what seemed like hours before they stopped. Symphony shifted back and sat against a tree with her eyes closed trying to process what she just found out. She was hurt and angry all at the same time. She knew she had to get moving again before Alexander realized that she was gone. She didn’t want to shift at the moment, so she started walking to the sound of rushing water.
Little did she know there were more scary things in these woods that wanted to hurt her more that she thought Alexander did.