Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I heard my uncle Richard getting up I was hoping to move as I barely got any sleep I was in so much pain I don't even know how I was still alive I had done nothing but think and I decided I was going to run away but first I need to heal hopefully it won't take too long I need my strength back then I'm gone as I'm still sat handcuff to the chair I heard Richard coming in, he came straight over undoing the handcuffs looking me straight in the eyes "you can move now but if you do anything I don't agree with then it's will be a worse beating I've made my mind up"

As he walked around the back of me to take the handcuffs off the chair I didn't reply to him I just got up and went straight to my mattress laying down I did think I was going to die and because Khloe still hadn't come back I know I'm going to get a beating

as Richard went back upstairs he shouted down "I'm going away for a day I want you to stay in and not go to school don't leave the house at all I want this house cleaned from top to bottom as a few mates will be staying here with you also you will be doing whatever they ask you will do as your told do you understand? can you hear me? you bitch"

"Yes I understand and I will do but I seriously can't at the minute I feel like I'm dying"


Richard didn't say anything else and I'm not replying I've had enough of his hands hitting me all the time but one day I will return the favour.........

I let myself slip into darkness letting it take over me...

The worst thing was being unguarded as I woke up to shouting it was the ones and only Jayden, Logan and Asher my life just turned for the worse........

As Asher was shaking me to wake up all three of them were shouting at me


Asher came over grabbed me by my hair dragging me out of my mattress all the way upstairs my ribs my back and my arm was burning I was already in a lot of pain still as he got upstairs he threw me to the floor as I was crying I tried to move but it made them worse Jayden came over picking me up by my collar of my shirt saying

"Get to work we got shit to do and Richard said your to do the cleaning and get this house in order he also told us how you're being a defilement little bitch and asked us to have a word so here's how it is going to work you will do what we tell you to without any questions or we will give you a lesson"

"I understand" I replied

Logan looked at me and said "Make sure you do cause ill show you remember what happened in school that time I know you do"

I paled in the face I know what that meant and let me tell you this a few weeks ago logan battered me I mean he beat me up I couldn't move Richard had to ring a doctor it was that bad but he didn't do anything so after I did all the cleaning I when to my room hopefully they will leave me alone I just need a few more hours to sleep and then I'm out of this shit hole of a house I just need my side to stop hurting then I'm off if I go now I won't get away as I can't run........

As I'm lying down on my mattress I can hear the alphas talking and saying that they hate Richard what I don't get is if that's the case then surely they wouldn't be here as I fell asleep for a few hours, I woke up it was dark outside, it was the perfect night to run away......

I couldn't hear anyone or hear any movement so I got up feeling a little sore but a lot better apart from the bruises and scars that were healing I quickly got dressed throwing on the same clothes as I didn't have many I was only allowed second hand that people gave me I walked out of my room up the steps tiptoeing around the kitchen I stopped for a drink of water then I opened the back door closing it quietly so the alphas couldn't hear me as I went to the gate opening it I started jogging to the forest as I was jogging through the forest deeper and deeper I needed to stop for a few minutes as I was leaning on a tree I came across a couple at first I thought it was Richard with someone else but it's wasn't as the couple got closer they stopped and shouted out


I came out from where I was so they could see me properly and the oldish man came a bit closer "Are you alright you shouldn't be here how old are you ?"

"I'm 15 and please I can't go back I will leave"

Maggie took a step towards me saying "Sweetheart you're not going anywhere you can come home with us"

John said"We can't leave you out here we got children your age you're going to love and they will love you don't worry come let's go"

I was doubting whether to go or not as I didn't know anything about them but they do seem very nice...

"I don't want to be a burden"

"Come my darling let's meet your new home"

Walking through the forest I was behind Maggie and John I felt like we were being followed but no one was around, as we came to an open clear forest with a few trees and a big house I was amazed it was bigger than the pack house there was magically stars hanging from the roof at the front door opening the door I was stunt there's hanging stars and moons hanging from the ceiling making the sliver white walls shine, Maggie took my hand leading me to the kitchen...

"Are you hungry? there are sandwich fillers in the fridge help yourself this is your home now as well"

I replied "I'm serving if I'm honest I wasn't allowed to help myself to food I only ate once a day"

John came in and said "Well that's about to change your life will be better our kids will be here soon"

"Are you sure they will be alright with me staying?" I asked

"Of course you are"

One thing we will tell you is that,

"I'm a half-witch and half wolf I sense magic and I can feel it off you have power darling you just don't know how to use it yet John here is also a retired beta wolf he got injured in an attack and had to retire"

"I don't have the magic I'm a nobody my uncle took me away as my real family wanted to kill me he told me my family used to live in the diamond pack but it could be lies I don't know"

"Listen darling I can tell you now you got magic see as I'm a hybrid I can sense a lot more than a wolf or even an alpha we just need to learn you my darling"

"You would help me could I even do magic as I'm not 18 yet"

"Of course darling we are family this is your home you are not alone"

"Thank you so much both of you I don't know how to repay you"

"Don't be silly you don't need to do anything"

The next minute the front door opened and two people came walking though I couldn't believe it one was Emily I had only met her once the minute she made eye contact with me "Oh I'm so glad you're alright" as she came running to hug me "I've been so worried about you this is my brother Sean when mum said someone was moving in I didn't think it was you I'm so excited we are sisters"

Sean came forward and said"It's nice to meet you don't forget I'm your brother wow another sister to piss me off"

As Emily led me out of the kitchen showing me my room I loved it I had a double bed new clothes even makeup how my luck had changed I'm so glad I met these people...

I got into new pjs getting in my bed as soon as I touched the pillow I fell asleep straight away,

The next morning I jumped up as I heard someone coming into my room I looked up and Emily was running to get me up "Come on we have school"

I shit myself and my face went paled "I can't go to school Richard will find me and drag me home Maggie is going to home school me teaching me English, math, pack laws, training and magic do you have magic Emily"

"No, I don't have magic because mum was kidnapped and injected with wolf bane and Sliver it did something to me as she was carrying me I've never been able to do magic but Sean can he's strong like mum well I have to go when I come back were having a family night with a movie"

"Can't wait to see you later have a good day"

I got up had a shower put new clothes on all nice and clean going downstairs to the dining room where Maggie was waiting for me"Come sweetheart I want to ask you something"

"Of course"

when Emily and Sean come back from school I want to do a spell that links us together if any of us get hurt we will know through the link we will be bonded by blood what do you think darling? it's just in case Richard finds you we will be able to track you"

"I would love to do it and I also want to say thank you for everything for hiding me away from my crazy uncle"

"Oh darling the pleasure is ours"

As I was doing English and learning about pack rights Maggie decided I should stop and go chill so I did...

As it came to the end of the day it started to get dark John, Sean and Emily came through the door Maggie shouted to them"


As everyone sat at the table Maggie spoke up and said I want us all to do a linking spell we will be bonded by blood it will tell us if any of us ends up in danger but if one of us does get hurt then the spell must be broken using their blood all we will need to do is keep each of our blood just a little in this it's called an invisible blood chain"

We all agreed to do the spell,

We got up going to the back garden Maggie pulled a salt pot out drawing a circle telling us where to stand Maggie started chanting


Maggie pulled a knife out cutting her palm and letting her blood drop in the circle we all did the same as the wind was blowing trees were rattling leaves were flying we were bonded by lighting, we are a family......

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