Read with BonusRead with Bonus


It's been 2 years since I managed to run from Richard and I love it I finally got a family that loves me for me sadly I didn't get to go back to school or college Maggie home-schools me as well as teaches me my powers so far I can move items with my mind I can portal myself everywhere I can change my clothes the best parts are healing as well as being invisible and I love it I feel my self getting strong and Maggie said when I get my wolf I will become stronger.....

I love the walks in the forest, especially when we go to the cabin. It has a mini waterfall with a lake going right through the parklands,

I'm looking for the day I get my revenge. See, I've not told the others but knew the day I'm going to get Richard and Khloe back and give them a taste of what's to come...

Maggie always said that I shouldn't tell people just how powerful I am as I will get treated differently. Like I explained, I've been through it, and sadly, the worst of it,

It gives me a boost every day to get Richard back for everything he's done the way I lived the scars all over my body that will never leave craving his name onto my back Khloe carving letters on my arms using her magic I kill them both one day

I also need to find out how I trigger my vampire side then I'm untouchable Richard and Khloe won't know what hit them but how I trigger it I don't know Maggie did a spell and she said that I'm the only one to exist that my kind was hunted and killed because of how powerful they are,

Richard didn't tell me anything just kept saying I was nothing and I would always be nothing to him its like a few days after I ran away Richard was about to ask people if they had seen me and he approached John and Maggie coming out of a supermarket showing my pictures 'have you seen this girl'

'No, sorry, I haven't. I've never seen her before,' Maggie answered

'John said show me the picture again' Richard showed him again then John decided to say 'I have seen her and I'll tell you she crossed over the border cutting ties with the alphas she left the pack I saw her I also informed the alphas as well'

John also informed me Richard was swearing, kicking off as he was walking away,

I'm very grateful to John for telling him I left the pack and moved away. I hope Richard will never find me until the day I find him,

Today is my 17th bday, and Maggie and John insisted that we have a party .....

"I don't want a party no one will come anyway I don't have any friends," I replied

"Don't you worry my dear, it will just be us and that's all we need as long as we are all together," said Maggie. I think she knew I was starting to get nervous

"Let's do it then,"

Maggie and John have been keeping me up to date with everything happening in the pack she also told me that the alphas Jayden, Logan and Asher became the full alphas of the pack I'm so glad I'm away from them they will probably make me a slave in the pack house...

It was getting closer to the time we're Sean and Emily would be home soon I love it when they come back I've always dreamt of having a happy family I can gladly say I got my wish as Emily and Sean came through the door Emily ran up to me jumping in my arms giving me a hug singing


I took the box she gave me and opened it

Emily said, "I hope you like it."

I replied "I love it" It was a blue-gold chain with a diamond teardrop I had tears in my eyes Emily helped me to put it on I said "I won't ever take this chain off I love it thank you so much it means a lot"

Sean walked up to me saying "It's my turn here, you go, sister."

I took a similar box opened it and got a gold locket one side had a picture of John and Maggie and the other side had me, Sean and Emily now that did make me cry

"Thank you so much, both of you. fact all of you. I've had a special day today, and I will never forget it. I don't know how to ever pay any of you back,"

"Don't be silly. You made our day by being here and being yourself, and that's more than enough."

"Now come on, let's eat and get the party started. Here is your first glass of wine," said john

as we were having a good time, there was a loud knock at the door. I froze and said, "Who's that?"

John replied, "Go to the kitchen, it's the alphas I can smell them,"

I ran to the kitchen with Emily and Sean along with Maggie behind me,

John opened the door and said "Hello alphas how can I help? Is everything alright?"

Jayden replied, "We got wind that an attack will be happening on the pack. we don't know when, but we're opening. You will all come and stay at the pack house, Uncle John."

John replied, " I can't do that, boys. Maggie and the kids won't move, but I'll get Maggie to put a barrier around our house and land."

"Please, Uncle John, come with us, our family, and we won't leave you unprotected," said Logan

"Boys, we can't leave Maggie, won't you know what happened years ago, the pack won't agree because she's different she's a hybrid, and I don't need them getting treated differently, boys"

"Alright Uncle John but promise me be safe be on alert and watch over your backs we will pop in from time to time to make sure everyone is alright if you also hear anything please let us know Uncle"

"Of course, boys, and you be careful and watch yourselves Thanks for the warning alphas."

I, Sean, Maggie and Emily were in the kitchen. I was shitting myself. What if they come into the kitchen and see me? I'm doomed. They will drag me back to Richard

After we heard John saying goodbye to the alphas, I was nervous. I told the others, " What if they find me? I'm going for a walk in the forest."

Emily said, "Let me come with you. I don't want you alone in the dark."

"No, it's alright. I'll be fine. You go and chill out. I love going to the forest it's relaxing listening to the wild,"

As I left the front door starting to walk deeper into the forest I came to my place which is the lake it's an amazing place to come and relax I can't believe I've never known about this place before but then again I weren't allowed to go out only to school and back how my life changed I feel light in my life and not just darkness anymore...

The next minute I heard footsteps and I turned around never guessing who I was looking at I couldn't believe there were standing the alphas...

Alpha jayden said


Truth be told I was kinda glad they did recognise me but I knew the minute I replied and took fully around they would know who I was

"Oh alphas can't you remember me let's not play games"

Logan looked shocked and said, "How are you here everyone said they saw you leaving the pack borders?"

"What does it matter I'm not letting you take me back to that monster of an uncle of mine called Richard," I said

Asher then spoke up" He has been looking for you day and night going out of his mind"

"Oh really my heart bleeds for him he's good at acting he didn't give a shit about me all he's good at is being evil"

Jayden took a step towards me I told him


"We are not going to hurt you Gemma but we did try and find you what we did to you wasn't right and we're sorry for that I know it doesn't make it any better for please we were young and stupid we've grown up a lot we're alphas we changed our way of living"

said, Logan

"I will never trust you any of you" I said with sadness in my voice

Jayden didn't believe I'd hurt him and tried coming closer so I flipped my wrist a sliver and red light around my hands my eyes glowing sliver and a spot of red I shouted to them


Jayden still didn't listen so I FLIPPED MY wrist sending them flying back when they landed on their backs getting up looking at me in shock they didn't think I would do it so I did

After they got up Jayden stepped a little forward saying

"We don't and want to hurt you were only here because of the amazing smell and when we saw you our wolves told us you are our MATE you should feel it like we do we feel the connection and I'm sure you do too"

So I scream at him


"listen Gemma I know you don't trust us and I get that after everything I've done we've done but one thing you should know is the night you ran away 2 years ago we let you if we wanted to we could have stopped you and deep down you know that we was watching you from the other room we did try and find out so we could tell you just how sorry we are but we didn't manage to find you till now we didn't know the pain and suffering you was in and I get we made it worse but we will make up for it all" logan said

"We also told Richard that you crossed over and we felt the bond being served as you left the borders don't that tell you something Gemma," said Asher

"Richard wasn't happy he smashed up the whole house because we lost you," said Jayden

"Just think about it with us Gemma you will feel the mate bond closer to your birthday and we won't let you reject us without giving us a chance we know we've done wrong and we want to make it up to you," said Logan

I just rolled my eyes as if I'd give them a chance I don't think so at all I need to warn Maggie there's got to be a way to break the bond I could never be with her never give them a chance.........

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