Kimberly’s POV

It definitely felt like this sorrow would overwhelm me, a bitter laugh escaped my throat. How perfect, just when I thought I was safe out of the lion’s den, away from the hawk’s preying eye, he captured me again. My heart twisted with deep anguish, I would cry, but that’s what I’d been doing for the past two hours. He had taken my child, my only hope, the one thing that gave me joy.

This was what I'd dreaded for the past 3 years. I was so sure that I’d escaped, sure that that falling to the background and avoiding everyone else to focus on Jason will make it impossible for Craig to find me. One thing I forgot was that Craig was the most determined bastard I had ever seen, he would use all the resources at his fingertips to get anything he wanted, I forgot how cruel the monster I was falling for was.

“Kim, Kim, what happened?” Agatha soft voice filled with emotions as though on the brink of tears wafted into my subconscious.

She cradled my head on her laps and started to coo as she would usually do with Jason. I stopped holding back my tears and cried with shaking sobs racking my whole body. I didn’t know what I was more scared of, how intense my emotions for Craig were or the torment I would face seeing Cheryl and Rhonda treat my son the way they treated me before I fled the mansion years ago.

“I’m here now, it’s ok Kim, I’m here with you, nothing is going to happen to you, I promise i'll protect you with everything i have” Agatha continued. Oh bless her heart, God must have seen how lonely i would have been in life when he sent Ags to me.

I sat up and hugged her tightly , rubbed away my tears, willed myself to stop crying and proceeded to give Agatha a breakdown of everything that happened.

“ I was literally in the middle of a conversation about which baby bath was superior to which at the store when I got a call from the manager at Jason’s crèche that Craig had come with the authorities and a paternity test result. He was demanding to take Jason and they had no reason to stop him. I’ll tell you , i was raving mad and so damn scared when she called” I stopped for a while and reached for the glass of water on my bedside, not much had changed around here. The room decor was exactly the same as I had left years ago when I fled, as though Craig left it as I liked hoping I would come back one day, i heaved a large sigh and continued.

“When I got to the school premise, I spoke with the manager and without further ado rushed down here to meet the mess that is Cherryl and Craig literally waiting for me”. I almost started crying again but after seconds of sniffling, I put myself together and continued filling her in with the details of the event. “ I was so angry when I saw Cheryl but not as angry as I was about Craig taking my baby away. When I confronted Craig, he said we were still legally married and so i belonged to him and had absolutely no choice about where I stayed with Jason. Right now, I have no idea what to do with my thoughts or how to proceed”

I wrapped up the story, I didn’t want to further traumatize my sister , I just needed everyone to rest for now.

The next day, I heard a soft rap on my door which was immediately followed by Craig’s hulk of a body carrying Jason. I woke with a start, further surprised at how easily Jason was latching onto his Father as though he had known him all his life. I feel a small twinge of jealousy in my stomach which I immediately masked with a faint smile as I stretched out my hand to receive Jason. Craig was wearing a dress shirt and a two piece suit that was hugging all the right muscles. I felt my stomach do a small flip as I took his appearance in, I had forgotten how drop dead handsome this devil was. He hadn't lost a single ability ability to make me intensely crave him , he still had the same power over me like all those times I was in this house.

“I’m heading out, wanted you to see Jason, I think he misses you “ of course he does! I retorted in my mind. I honestly didn’t want to start a drama right now in my son’s presence and so I kept the hostile retort to my self.

“ Of course I’ll see you when you get back” I answered in the most evil saccharine voice that I could muster. He eyed me with a level of indifference that made me ache and want him all the more. In one second he was gone as quietly as he came. Jason had school but the events of yesterday made me want to shield him and keep him with me for ad long as I could.

Towards lunch, i called Jason’s nanny to come take him back so I could rest and strategize on the best way to get away from the dreadful place that reminded me of all the ways that I had been hurt in the past. I thought about calling Nicholas to come and take me away but how could he, Craig was ten times more influential and had way more affluence than he did. I bemoaned my inability to come up with a plan quick as I reminisced on how difficult it was to escape the last time I was trapped in here. What exactly could I do, who would I call to rescue me , I truly had no one who could go against Craig and win. I was still sitting with my thoughts when I fell asleep.

The loud ring of my phone on the dresser woke me up, and for a full twenty seconds I was disoriented. I wondered where I was and what I was doing there and then I remember that I was Craig’s prisoner again. The caller ID on my phone showed Jane calling. I picked up and the pure warmth that was Jane’s voice brought me back to earth.

“Hey darling!, how are you doing now?” I’d never been so grateful to get a call as I was in that moment. Jane was my one pillar and had a way about her that was so comforting and genuinely warm.

“I’m doing as good as a prisoner who had no way of escaping could be doing,” I replied with light tart in my voice, I was really over crying plus I know Jane and she really didn't think Craig kidnapping me was the end of the world.

“I wish I could get my hands on that bastard , I would totally snuff the life out of him” Jane growled.

I laughed out of genuine surprise. “I really thought you’d be glad that I finally got the support you felt I needed from Craig” I retorted.

“No mama, not this way, I wanted it to be on your terms not Craig’s cruel terms. I’m really so sorry it happened this way but we’ll find a way to get you out of there, I promise. “I really wished in that moment that I could hug her. She really did know how to solve everything. We said our goodbyes and promise to talk at another time.


I honestly didn’t know who was worse in both of Kim’s love interests. Her billionaire baby daddy who she had been hiding away from for the past three years or the sugar boy Nicholas who had been all over Kim in the last year. It was a definitely struggle picking who’s worse because both of them gave me the heebie-jeebies.

With Craig, he flaunted his intentions undaunted because he had the security that being a billionaire can buy but with Nicholas, I couldn’t wrap my fingers around it but I honestly didn’t like that man.

I remembered when Nicholas had first met Kim at the store, he had fallen heads over heels in love with her but who wouldn’t? Kim was totally loveable and drew assorted attention. She could totally make a blind man fall for her, Kim! I chuckled to myself and continued trying to dissect Nicholas.

Of course he was handsome, cheeky, nerdy and absolutely the type of guy that drew the women in. He had fallen for Kim, the first time they met and he clearly didn’t want to let go even after he found out Kim was still married and had a child. I honestly loved his resilience and determination in pursuit of my best friend but I don’t know I had the gut feeling that I couldn’t trust him from the first day Kim introduced us. Somehow I trusted Craig more than I did him.

I hoped with all my heart that Kim was going to be just fine. I knew Craig wasn’t going to hurt her, that was far from my fears but I worried for her heart. Imagine falling for someone that could hurt you that much and still take away your child if he wanted. That was a double kill. I said a silent prayer for her and hoped with all my heart that she’ll be well.

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