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When they reached the cabin, they could see the situation from the window, and it wasn't a pleasant sight. All they could see was the depth of the water, with debris sinking to the bottom of the sea. The water continued to rise, slowly impeding the progress of Ethan and his friends.

Other players seemed to be arriving from various other corridors, equally tired, panicked, and pale. Without much talking, all the players seemed to understand that they had to get out of there together.

"We're almost at the top," Ethan said, panting.

Water continued to flood every corner of the corridors they passed through. The sounds of creaking, of metal breaking, echoed. The sound of cracking echoed, as if death was closing in on the OFF LIMIT players.

The ship began to tilt, causing some players to fall and be pushed by the rushing water. At that moment, Ethan and his friends managed to grab onto the railing and hold on. They couldn't stand upright and had to continue with the tipping of the ship.

"Come on! Let's go!" Garreth shouted to encourage them.

Eventually they reached the area that had been the ship's shopping mall, a large hall with two-story shops on either side. At the top was a glass dome, now covered by water.

It was a nightmare as items from each shop were swept away by the current.

Miriam pulled her friends to lean against the covered wall, the redhead shaking her head.

"Stay here..." Miriam said breathlessly.

The water had reached their necks and they couldn't go any further. Others rushed blindly through the path between the shops, trying to get off the ship. They aimed for the stern.

But debris and objects kept coming, hitting the attendees, who were eventually swept away by the current.

Ethan noticed that some of the participants had stopped there, looking for shelter, just as they were doing now.

"We have to get out of here, Miriam!" Dane yelled in a panic.

"No!" Miriam replied sharply. "Stay here!!"

Then there was a loud groan, and the ship began to tip again, sinking deeper into the water. In the middle of the hall, debris collided. It seemed impossible that they would survive.

The glass above them began to crack. Miriam immediately signaled for them to brace themselves.

Then, "crash!" the sound of shattering glass deafened them, followed by the rush of water entering, causing the ship to shake violently.

Within minutes, everything was under water.

Garreth's hand signaled for them to swim up and follow his lead. Grabbing Dane's arm, Garreth pushed the young man forward to the surface.

Ethan felt cold, his body stiff; he could feel Chloe's hand holding him tightly.

They continued to swim upward, passing debris, even the bodies of the dead or unconscious contestants floating in the water.

Ethan felt his chest grow heavy, as if it would burst. He struggled to get oxygen through his mouth, and water filled his throat. Ethan's body jerked, trying to free itself from Chloe's grip.

Water entered and made Ethan cough. But more and more water entered Ethan's mouth.

Garreth quickly swam to Ethan and quickly put the device back in Ethan's mouth. In panic, Ethan could see Garreth's eyes and the sign language he was giving.

Garreth's hands opened as if to say, 'Calm down! Calm down!

Ethan nodded.

The excruciating pain made Ethan momentarily lose control of his body.

They swam back to the surface and Ethan began to get used to the swimming rhythm Garreth was demonstrating.

By the time light entered the water, they were almost at the surface.

There was a lot of floating debris at the surface. Garreth pushed Ethan's body onto a floating door. The others looked for debris to grab onto.

Dane removed the scuba from his mouth. "We made it," he said hoarsely.

Then Garreth patted Ethan's arm and chuckled. "Good job, Ethan. You're doing great."

"Thanks, man," Ethan nodded, then coughed softly.

The scene around them was nothing but water and debris. There were other players who had also managed to surface. However, they didn't know what to do next.

Holographic screens appeared as soon as all the participants who had successfully surfaced appeared.


[Name: Ethan Mannon]

[Age: 22 years]

[Classification: Tank]

[Status: Novice +4]

[Gold: 177,400]

[Armor: Shield Treachery's Iron Bulwark level 25]

[Item: Harpy's Wing, Wizard's Crystal, Blue Beacon Spark]

[Power: +200]

[Buff: Harpy's Inferno, Wizard's Lumen]

[Skill: Eternal Shield +5]

[Special Item: Skip Level +1, Time +2 hours. One role +1. Albert Inherit Sword’s level 2]

"Only ten thousand coins for a mission that could get us killed," Chloe complained as she pressed her fingers to her temples, then the holographic screen disappeared.

"They were supposed to give us a buff like a mermaid's tail," Miriam replied.

"So where do we go now?" Dane looked around. "Where's the island?"

"Swim and find an island. I think we should swim to find land," Ethan suggested.

Garreth, who had climbed onto a thick board, looked up at the sky. "We'll run out of power if we swim. I think we should find a paddle to keep us afloat."

"Or a raft," Dane pointed to the west. "Like that."

They watched as other players rushed to the raft boat. So desperately, some even fought in the water, pushing and drowning each other.

"That was sick!" Chloe couldn't believe what she saw.

"Look again, maybe we can find one!" Garreth urged.

"We'd better look for a paddle," Miriam said, looking at the players struggling. "There's only one raft. We should get out of here soon, the debris will be sucked into the water soon."

Ethan blinked. "What?"

"The raft boat is just a diversion because a big storm is coming. We need to find this island quickly," Miriam explained casually.

"So where do we go? Which way?" Chloe started to panic.

Miriam pointed to the sky. If you looked closely, there was a golden glow sinking, like a clue. It wasn't very clear in the daytime.

"That's our destination," Miriam said.

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