Read with BonusRead with Bonus


They immediately left the site of the sinking ship and paddled toward the intermittently flashing golden light. The sky was beginning to darken behind them, and the other competitors had not yet caught up.

The location of the light still felt so far away, even though Ethan and his friends had been paddling for quite some time.

"I need a boat engine buff," Dane complained. The young man sighed softly. "My hands are so sore."

"Don't talk too much, stay focused," Chloe snapped. "You'll get thirsty if you keep complaining and babbling."

"There's plenty of water I can drink," Dane said irritably.

Garreth shook his head. "Salt water is not for consumption. You'll just get thirstier and die faster."

"Very inspiring words," Miriam commented.

Ethan just chuckled as his friends chatted for a moment. The young man felt much better, even though the next mission might not be any easier. At least continuing the game together gave Ethan a sense of security.

Who knew what would happen if he played alone.

"Can the storm catch us?" Chloe asked, glancing behind her.

"Don't make me panic any more!" Dane's face hardened.

Dane had bad memories of storms, so he was definitely very scared. Even though Dane was trying to overcome his fear, it still took time. Many people couldn't face their greatest fears for the rest of their lives.

"Come on, keep paddling! We're going to make it in time!" Ethan said.

The others nodded and kept paddling at the same pace. As Garreth had instructed, they didn't paddle too fast. But keep moving so they didn't run out of energy.

Gradually, the sun began to set, and the dark, stormy sky grew thicker far behind them. Who knows what happened to the other players if they were still at the site of the sinking ship.

As the sun disappeared and the sky was replaced by stars, the golden light that served as their guide grew closer and clearer.

"Look!" Chloe pointed out with her keen eyesight. "There's smoke coming from there!"

They continued to paddle in the direction Chloe had indicated. The currents began to rise and there were waves. Ethan and his friends made it to shore!

As they passed through the waves, a dark island with coconut trees came into view. Garreth and Ethan accelerated their paddling and finally reached the beach.

As soon as their feet touched the sand, a holographic screen appeared.


[Name: Ethan Mannon]

[Age: 22 years]

[Classification: Tank]

[Status: Novice +4]

[Gold: 187,400]

[Armor: Shield Treachery's Iron Bulwark level 25]

[Item: Harpy's Wing, Wizard's Crystal, Blue Beacon Spark]

[Power: +400]

[Buff: Harpy's Inferno, Wizard's Lumen]

[Skill: Eternal Shield +5]

[Special Item: Skip Level +1, Time +2 hours. One role +1. Albert Inherit Sword’s level 2]

"Wow! Strength increased!" Garreth exclaimed happily. He flexed his arm muscles while chuckling. "It wasn't for nothing that we rowed so long."

"My hands feel like they're going to fall off," Dane complained, immediately lying down on the sand. "I'm so glad to be on land."

"Miriam, what happens next?" Ethan asked.

But Miriam remained silent and stood still, looking puzzled. Her face showed confusion. "I don't remember anything about this island. Even my memories of being at sea are vague. I don't know..."

Chloe hugged Miriam's shoulder immediately. "It's okay. Don't force yourself."

"Shall we enter the island now?" Garreth asked.

The others shook their heads at the same time. They were still exhausted, and there was no illumination except for the moonlight. If they forced their way onto the island, they wouldn't be able to see anything.

Ethan's Wizard's Lumen was only a buff, and the time it stayed lit was limited. Besides, it would drain Ethan's energy as the owner of the shield.

"We should rest and gather our strength," Chloe suggested.

"What if other players catch up? It will be hard to stay in the top five," Garreth grumbled.

As a competitive person, Garreth didn't want to experience defeat. He had to learn to follow his team's pattern, even if his ego sometimes got the better of him.

"Let's sleep for an hour or two; I think that's fair, right?" Ethan looked at the others. Ethan looked at Dane, who was already fast asleep. "Dane is exhausted. I can't possibly force him to go to the island."

"Okay, an hour or two," Garreth nodded.

They lay down in a circle and closed their eyes.

It seemed like there was still a long way to go to level 16, so it was a must to recover as much energy as possible.


Ethan's body shook until he woke up. His eyes felt heavy, his body cold and wet; he needed more sleep even though his body was shivering.

Miriam's face appeared as Ethan opened his eyes and she nodded in recognition.

"It's time to move, Ethan. We heard sounds from inside the island," Miriam said carefully.

Ethan yawned, his throat dry and sore. "Sounds like what?"

"Music beats."

Ethan sat up and exhaled deeply. "Music?" he asked in a tone of disbelief.

The sky was still dark, but they had no choice but to venture deeper into the island. The others were already standing, waiting for Ethan to join them. Ethan stood up quickly and approached his friends.

"There's no light," Dane said.

"It looks like the place inside is not too far. Just follow the music," Chloe looked at her friends. "What do you think?"

"What if you accidentally step on a snake or scorpion and die instantly... you'd have to play the game again," Miriam scoffed. "We never know what traps there might be once we enter the inner part of the island."

"Are we going in or not? Do you need more time to debate?" Garreth began to sound impatient.

"We go in," Ethan decided.

Then Ethan pulled out his shield and held it.

[Activation: Wizard's Lumen]

The light from Ethan's shield flickered, making the view clearer.

"Let's go," Ethan urged.

They quickly entered the forest, which was lined with coconut trees at the edge. As they went deeper, there were taller trees of different species. The air was cooler and more humid.

The sound of drums became clearer; a combination of drums and traditional music rhythms. It was some kind of ethnic music, though Ethan didn't know where it originated.

However, the thick and unrelenting pressure of the music caused an adrenaline rush.

A few meters ahead they saw a bright glow. There were huts with brownish thatched roofs and people screaming. Ethan and his friends quickened their pace until they reached the boundary of the gate.

On the gate was an inscription that made their skin crawl:


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