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[Name: Ethan Mannon]

[Age: 22 years]

[Classification: Tank]

[Status: Novice +4]

[Gold: 187,400]

[Armor: Shield Treachery's Iron Bulwark level 25]

[Item: Harpy's Wing, Wizard's Crystal, Blue Beacon Spark]

[Power: +400]

[Buff: Harpy's Inferno, Wizard's Lumen]

[Skill: Eternal Shield +5]

[Special Item: Skip Level +1, Time +2 hours. One role +1. Albert Inherit Sword’s level 2]

The music continued to play, and the people there paid no attention to the arrival of Ethan and his friends. It was like a small complex area, with seven huts arranged in a circle, and in the middle was a rather large arena, lit by torches and surrounding it.

There were people sitting on chairs, and their clothes looked old-fashioned. Tricorn hats, cravats, coats, waistcoats, breeches, and stockings clung to their bodies. It resembled colonial clothing.

The musicians were Native Americans with brown skin, wearing only loincloths on the lower part of their bodies.

What surprised Ethan the most was that there were other participants in the arena fighting against one of the natives. The player appeared to be covered in blood and extremely exhausted.

"What is this place?" Dane whispered in disbelief.

Ethan and his friends stood frozen, watching the battle that might soon end.

With agile movements, the native quickly thrust his spear forward. The OFF LIMIT player managed to dodge, but the spear suddenly moved again, aiming for the lower part. The sound of tearing flesh could be heard along with the player's agonized scream.

Blood gushed from the gaping wound on his thigh.

"Shit!" Chloe exclaimed in fear.

Losing control of his body, the gamer knelt half-heartedly, clutching his wound. Then, without wasting any time, the native immediately thrust the spear at the player's neck.

The game was over.

Ethan watched as the player writhed and his body stopped moving within seconds. After that, he just disappeared. It was confirmed that the man had failed to pass level 16.

"I can't fight," Miriam said, staring at the arena in horror.

Three shooters, a tank, and a finisher.

It was likely that only Garreth would successfully complete level 16.

Somehow, Ethan and his three other friends would have to defeat their opponents with such force. Even surviving would be extremely difficult.

"Oh, someone's here!" One of the men dressed in colonial clothing shouted.

Whether they liked it or not, Ethan and the others had to move ahead because they couldn't possibly avoid this game mission.

Ethan stepped forward and approached a group of men sitting comfortably in chairs.

"Do you like to gamble?" one of them asked.

Ethan hesitantly shook his head. "Never have."

"Here we like to gamble, gold, gems, silk, everything... for fights to the death," he explained casually.

"And what do we get if we win the bet?" Ethan asked.

"That depends. What will you bet?" the one sitting in the middle replied with a chuckle.

"If you bet gold, we'll take your gold if you lose the fight." The man at the right end of the bench grinned.

"But do we have to keep fighting?" Ethan asked cautiously.

The Colonial in the middle nodded diplomatically. "Of course, but you will not be killed. As soon as you're declared defeated, you'll surrender your gold."

"Everything, until only your life is at stake," the Colonial on the far left bench added.

Ethan was silent for a moment, then gave a brief nod. "Can I discuss this with my friends first?"

The one on the right smiled mischievously. "Sure, but we don't have all night to wait."

Ethan approached his friends, who looked dejected and desperate, except for Garreth, who seemed confident enough to fight.

"We are allowed to wager gold or anything else if we fight," Ethan said. He looked a bit confused. "Should we bet gold? We won't be wiped out if we still have something to bet."

"Then the fight will last even longer and we will clearly lose," Garreth replied.

Ethan remembered what had happened to Miriam. She lost everything - gold, levels, even her memory of level 16, which she had passed. Suddenly, Ethan suspected that Miriam had bet her memory.

But if Miriam had done that, why could she not remember level 16?

"So what are we going to do?" Chloe's question interrupted Ethan's reverie.

Ethan's memory briefly recalled the writing on the gate just before they entered: BET YOUR LIFE ON THIS.

From the beginning, it had been a clue as to what was at stake at both the beginning and the end of the battle...

"Betting our lives," Ethan blurted out.

"You're crazy!" Chloe exclaimed angrily. "I'm sure to lose because I can't fight! Not only me, but Miriam and Dane too!"

"Just trust me. I have an idea," Ethan replied.

Then Ethan hurried back to the group of Colonials.

"What are the terms of the fight?" Ethan asked.

"There are none, just fight and win," one of the Colonials replied.

Ethan nodded. "If I wanted to fight five against five, would you accept?"

The Colonial men stroked their beards as if thinking. "Sure," all three replied simultaneously.

"As soon as three of us win, you admit defeat. Even if it's the other way around. Do you agree?" Ethan offered.

The one sitting in the middle nodded again. "Sure."

"And what do you bet?" the one sitting on the left asked.

Ethan took a long breath. "Our lives."

"Excellent!!" The Colonial men applauded.

"No one dares to bet their life first," the Colonial on the right chuckled. "You seem to understand the game."

"We'll get ready," Ethan said.

As Ethan approached his friends, five people from the jungle entered the arena. They all had the same weapon, only spears. At least that could be an advantage for Ethan's team to face only one type of weapon.

"Stay behind me and Garreth," Ethan said to Miriam, Dane and Chloe.

"What kind of idea do you have, Ethan?" Miriam was on the verge of tears.

"We're going to fight them together. This is a five-on-five game," Ethan replied. "Their weapon is a spear, it's close range. You three are shooters, shoot them from a distance and your position will be safer."

Garreth nodded in understanding. "So you'll be the one to defend and distract the opponents?"

"Yes, more or less, and you, Garreth, do your best to protect Miriam, Chloe and Dane," Ethan replied.

"Are you ready?!" shouted one of the Colonials.

Ethan entered the arena, followed by his friends.

"We're ready," Ethan said.

The Colonial sitting in the middle dropped his handkerchief and said, "Let the Death Match begin!"

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