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The sound of drums being struck like a gong signaled the beginning of the game. Then other musical instruments joined in rapid succession, increasing the adrenaline level of Ethan and his friends. The five native figures were ready, each holding a spear.

Meanwhile, Ethan was positioned at the front, aiming his shield at any enemy ready to attack. However, the enemy wasn't just any enemy; they didn't attack immediately, but instead kept thrusting their spears forward. Whether it was to intimidate or to measure the distance, Ethan couldn't tell.

Three of the enemy blocked Ethan, standing side by side, only maintaining a defensive posture. Ethan was confused; did the enemy want them to attack first? But Ethan didn't want to be provoked.

"Stay in position. Make sure you can get a shot on one of them," Garreth ordered.

Chloe stood upright with her bow ready to release an arrow, one eye squinting. With a quick breath, the blonde released an arrow that soared through the air.

The whizzing sound of the arrow reached Ethan's ears, causing him to reflexively duck.

"Crack!" Chloe's arrow was caught effortlessly, then snapped in half.

Ethan and his teammates were in shock. What kind of person could dodge arrows at such close range? Even though they were probably NPCs designed to do so, shouldn't logic dictate otherwise?

"What the hell?" Dane muttered in disbelief.

Before Ethan and the others could recover from their surprise, the enemy launched a sudden attack. The three natives at the front immediately closed ranks.

A spear rested against the figure in the middle, then another wilderness person quickly climbed on top of it behind them. One of the natives leaped high enough to catch the spear thrown at them. With a loud scream, he thrust the spear into Miriam's chest, who couldn't avoid it.

Garreth immediately drew a hidden blade from his back and sliced through the native's neck, striking the vital spot.

Miriam fell to the ground, as did the native.

"Miriaaam!!!" Chloe screamed.

"Focus!" Garreth snapped, shoving Chloe back into position.

Ethan's head spun as he watched Miriam fall motionless. Several emotions surged through Ethan: anger, sadness, fear, and despair! Because their team wasn't built for close combat.

"Interesting, 4 against 4!" commented one of the Colonial men, sitting casually in a chair.

"One more game and it's all over," replied another.

Garreth was startled to hear this. He moved closer to Ethan, his eyes wary as he looked ahead. Then Garreth whispered in Ethan's ear.

"Why another match?" Garreth asked.

"I made a deal," Ethan moved to the left, following the pattern of the enemy in front of him, "if two of them die first, we win. And vice versa."

"Stupid! They'll kill us first and we'll definitely lose!" Garreth looked panicked. "You should have asked for whoever's left standing to be the loser!"

A spear thrust at Ethan, and the young man quickly blocked it. "There's no time to think!"

"Chloe, Dane! Behind Ethan!" Garreth shouted.

When the spear came at Ethan again, the young man couldn't dodge and only managed to block it with his shield. The tip of the spear grazed Ethan's cheek and reached his eye.

Pain shot through Ethan. He moaned in agony, his body nearly collapsing to the ground.

"Ughhh! It hurts!!" Ethan's scream echoed through the Death Match area.

Previously confident in completing each level of the game, Ethan began to feel insecure again. Uncertain if they could survive.

For the main game was incredibly difficult.

OFF LIMITS was a crazy game that made everything feel so real. Especially the pain, the exhaustion, and the negative aspects that trapped humans. Ethan wondered what problems the game developer had to create such a cruel game.

Ethan knelt down, holding the painful area around his eye as his vision began to blur.

From the front, the enemy immediately rushed forward, their spears aimed at Ethan. Garreth would have no time to block the attack because of his position at the back.

The sound of a sword being drawn from behind Ethan deflected the spear attack and sent it flying backwards.

Chloe held her father's sword, breathing heavily.

"Now, Dane!"

From behind Chloe's back, Dane fired several shots from his pistol, hitting his opponent in the shoulder and thigh. Of course, this annoyed Garreth because Dane's shots didn't hit any vital areas.

"Shoot properly!" Garreth yelled in annoyance.

"That Colonial's going to think we're cheating because we're using long-range weapons!" Chloe replied. "Dane and I can only slow down their movements!"

"Is that so?"

"They'll do anything to make us lose!"

Ethan leaned on his shield, gathering strength as he endured the pain. However, Ethan was determined that they wouldn't lose. Because Ethan was careless, Miriam was disabled.

And maybe Miriam could escape level 16, caused by a teammate's carelessness.

"Garreth, you're the finisher! You do it!" Ethan said.

"What?!" Garreth's eyes widened.

"I'm moving forward! Chloe, Dane, shoot and wound them." Ethan tried to get up. "Finish them all, Garreth! Don't let anyone live! Just do it!"

Although Garreth wasn't sure if he could do it, the man immediately nodded in agreement. Ethan rushed forward, toward the front lines of the natives, who held their spears.

[Activation Mode: Harpy's Inferno]

As the flames flared, the natives lost their concentration. Dane and Chloe fired from Ethan's left and right, hitting the bodies of the natives. From behind, Garreth ran, using Dane's shoulder as a foothold before leaping high.

'Crash!!' Garreth's hidden blade slash dealt deadly damage, sending a jungle man to the ground with his head severed.

"Advance!!" Ethan yelled.

Ignoring his pain, Ethan continued to chase after the fleeing natives. Meanwhile, Garreth was running behind the natives, who were focused on Ethan and his shield.

Ethan parried the spear thrust with his shield, and once again Dane and Chloe tried to break their concentration. From behind, Garreth lunged forward and then plunged the hidden blade into the necks of the two opponents.

Only one opponent remained, running around the arena trying to escape.

Then all the Colonials stood up at once.

"The death match is over!" they said in unison.

Ethan's body swayed and he collapsed to the ground, feeling extremely tired and almost unconscious.

"You won the wager," the voice echoed in Ethan's ears.

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