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66. Q AND A

"One level skip each, granted as a reward," the Colonial nodded diplomatically in the middle. The faces of Ethan's team immediately lit up with joy; it was a rare gift.

"However, your friend will lose a chance, although she will be allowed to continue the game," the Colonial continued.

"But Miriam is on our team," Dane protested.

The three Colonials shook their heads in unison.

"She has already received a skip level and is allowed to move on to the next round. That's a fair bet," the Colonial on the left grinned. "Didn't you all get skip levels?"

Ethan, half-conscious, did not listen to the explanation and immediately passed out. The last thing he heard was Chloe's reluctant scream.


[Name: Ethan Mannon]

[Age: 22 years]

[Classification: Tank]

[Status: Novice +4]

[Gold: 237,400]

[Armor: Shield Treachery's Iron Bulwark level 25]

[Item: Harpy's Wing, Wizard's Crystal, Blue Beacon Spark]

[Power: +400]

[Buff: Harpy's Inferno, Wizard's Lumen]

[Skill: Eternal Shield +5]

[Special Item: Skip Level +2, Time +2 hours. One role +1. Albert Inherit Sword’s level 2]

Text appears on the screen as Ethan opens his eyes. The terrible battle had come to an end. As Ethan scanned his surroundings, he found himself in a cottage, lying on a thin mattress. His friends were lying on similar beds not far from where Ethan was.

"What place is this?" Ethan groaned in a hoarse voice.

"Some kind of clinic," Miriam's voice startled Ethan, and her face appeared behind the connecting door frame.

For some reason, seeing Miriam unharmed made Ethan's emotions erupt instantly. Earlier, Ethan had seen Miriam lying lifeless on the floor. It was truly frightening.

Ethan jumped out of bed and hugged Miriam. "I'm sorry," Ethan said regretfully.

Miriam patted Ethan's back. "It's okay, E. It's not your fault."

Ethan released his hug. "I'm just glad you're alive."

"And I'm thankful that I was able to pass this level, thanks to you and the others."

"About level 16..."

Another pat on the shoulder came from Miriam. "I know, E. At least I still have a chance to survive until the last level."

From level 16 to level 99, whether it's possible or not. And in every game, it gets harder as the levels go up. But Ethan and his friends had to stay optimistic. They could do it together.

Defeat OFF LIMIT and emerge victorious.

The moans of Chloe, Dane and Garreth diverted their attention. Apparently, the other friends had regained consciousness as well.

Just like Ethan, Chloe immediately rushed to hug Miriam. Chloe even cried uncontrollably, still in shock. The blonde-haired woman was so frightened when she saw Miriam killed right before her eyes.

"I'm sorry for my carelessness, Miriam," Garreth shook his fist at Miriam.

Miriam casually bumped fists with him. "Don't think about it. You guys are amazing," she replied. Miriam turned to Dane, who was choking back tears. "You're getting stronger, Dane."

"I'm getting stronger and trying to protect you," Dane replied.

"Oh gosh, I'm fine, really. Let's get out of here," Miriam interjected with a soft chuckle.

They left the building, which seemed to be a replica of a clinic, and entered the lobby of The Medieval. Many players came and went in the streets; some seemed to have finished the game, others had not.

On the way to the entrance portal, Ethan and his friends once again discussed what had happened in level 16 of the game.

Of course, the most enthusiastic storyteller was Dane, who was truly amazed by Garreth's skill and speed in dispatching enemies.

"Without him, I'd be nothing," Garreth told Ethan. "A tank is the life force. Although it's a little hard for a tank to deal damage compared to other classes. No offense, Ethan."

Ethan nodded. "That's true. That's why I need a solid team."

"Actually, we still need a fighter," Chloe said.

A fighter was the first line after the tank, which also had a pretty high combat power. If the opponent was still at full strength, the Fighter could compensate.

A finisher, on the other hand, was capable of killing several opponents at once, but usually faced opponents with half their strength or less. It would be difficult for a finisher to be surrounded.

Fighters and tanks could still withstand siege attacks.

"Yes, but the game only allows the top five players, right?" Garreth asked.

They were already five; how could they add another person to the team?

"I thought the top five positions were just to determine the main winner. Maybe as long as a player can complete the mission, they're still eligible," Dane interjected.

Garreth fell silent. "Is that so?"

"That rule is a bit ambiguous. Don't you think?" Chloe began to think. "In my opinion, it's unfair if a player qualifies but is not in the top five and fails. Unless they were eliminated in the game."

"So, shall we ask the mayor about this?" Miriam chuckled. "I don't think it's necessary."

Chloe immediately shook her head and stared at Miriam. "It is necessary. We need to know the rules more clearly," Chloe insisted.

"So, are we going to see the mayor?" Dane asked.

Miriam sighed quietly. "You guys go ahead; I have to get back soon. Let me know when you have the answer."

Garreth nodded. "Yeah, me too. I don't know how long I've been away from reality. It's my nephew's birthday today and I have to go to his party."

"Well then. See you both," Dane waved his hand.

After saying goodbye, Miriam and Garreth walked together to the portal. Since Ethan, Dane and Chloe had more time, the three of them decided to meet The Mayor.

It wasn't long, only a five-minute walk to the Mayor's manor. When they reached the courtyard, the atmosphere changed drastically.

The previously barren courtyard was now decorated with as many plants as possible. Even the building where the mayor resided was more magnificent, with additional ornaments on the walls.

Once inside, the interior was even more lavishly decorated. Even more impressive, the Mayor was now sitting on a throne.

"Greetings and welcome. How may I help you?" the Mayor asked.

Chloe stepped forward. "I would like to ask something."

"Is it player cheating, a suggestion, a bug, a problem with your account?"

"No," Chloe replied.

"Can you describe your problem?" The Mayor asked again.

"It's not a problem, it's a statement about the rules of the game."

The Mayor just nodded diplomatically. "You can see the Q and A on the bulletin board in the middle of town. You won't miss it. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Sensing that the mayor wasn't going to give an answer, Chloe ended the conversation. "No, thank you."

As the three of them turned away, the mayor suddenly cleared his throat quietly. "Ethan Mannon, congratulations on conquering level 16. Ahoy."

Ethan jumped, then turned back suspiciously. Why did the Mayor congratulate only Ethan?

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