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When the main game was about to begin, Ethan and his team had already gathered the items they needed for the next mission. Oddly enough, not all players were given the same task. Ethan had to find a compass, Dane a double-sided coin, Chloe a hat, Garreth a rope, and Miriam a lighter.

"What kind of mission is this?" Chloe muttered, always eager to find answers to every riddle. Although she couldn't solve most of them, Chloe's theories were interesting enough to listen to.

"It will start soon, we just have to accept it and go with the flow," Garreth chuckled.

Garreth and Ethan lay on the grass in the shade of a tree. Dane was leaning against the trunk, busy examining the coin he had received from The Casual.

"Will this coin do? I'm afraid it won't meet the requirements," Dane muttered, half in panic.

Chloe and Miriam, sitting not far from Dane, just sighed. "It'll do, Dane," they both said at the same time.

Suddenly, Garreth's elbow nudged Ethan's arm. "You've been quiet, are you okay, Ethan?"

With his eyes closed, Ethan just nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. In fact, I'm craving some Cheese Habanero Balls right now."

"They're really good, huh?" Chloe interjected. "I'll bring some next time I visit."

"Do you meet up often?" Miriam suddenly looked at Chloe and then at Ethan.

"Well, I invited you, but you were busy," Chloe shrugged casually, trying to cover the fact that Ethan wasn't ready to meet Miriam yet, whether Dane or Garreth was around.

Miriam nodded. "Yes, you're right." Then the red-haired woman shifted her attention to Ethan. "See you another time, E. Maybe on my day off, this week."

Ethan opened his eyes and looked at Miriam. "Don't worry. Get your stuff together and don't think about me."

Hearing Ethan's answer, Miriam's uneasy feeling seemed to intensify. She stood up and walked back to The Medieval entrance gate.

"Where are you going, Miriam?" Chloe asked.

"It's time to gather at the city bell. The main game is about to begin."

And indeed, the sound of the horn echoed loudly throughout The Medieval. Players with missions below level 16 disappeared and entered the game. Meanwhile, players above that level casually strolled toward the city center.

"I hope the game isn't too hard this time," Dane complained.

"It will definitely be harder, Dane," Chloe patted the young man's shoulder. "So change your prayer to something like this: 'May we overcome every difficulty.'"

"That sounds comforting," Garreth commented, glancing briefly at the blonde. "Thank you, Chloe."

"We can definitely do this," Ethan nodded.


The faint sound of rushing water, accompanied by the constant tolling of bells, woke Ethan. He was lying face down on the damp wooden floor. When Ethan raised his head.


A bucket of cold water immediately drenched Ethan's body, startling him.

"Lazy bastard! Get up, you! Work quickly or I'll replace your hands with a broom handle!"

Wearing a tricorn hat adorned with black feathers, a black balloon-sleeved shirt, and tight pants, Ethan studied the figure in front of him for a moment. A long mustache and a braided beard, not to mention a parrot perched on his shoulder.

Ethan swallowed hard, "Pirates..."


[Name: Ethan Mannon]

[Age: 22 years old]

[Classification: Tank]

[Status: Novice +4]

[Gold: 237,400]

"Hurry up! We have to defeat the enemy ship! Let's prove to them that we are the rulers of the seas!" the captain shouted, accompanied by cheers and shouts from his crew.

Ethan looked around as he crawled away from the captain. The figures of his friends were nowhere to be seen. Where were Chloe, Dane, Garreth and Miriam?

After Ethan, the other players were drenched with water when they woke up. Ethan got up and walked around the main deck. It was a large pirate ship with three main masts. The Jolly Roger flag flew from the top of the middle mast.

Cannons were placed at the front near the crew quarters and at the rear near the captain's quarters. All crew members were busy preparing for battle, including loading cannonballs and gunpowder sacks.

The captain had already climbed onto the deck where the rudder was located. Then he raised the light sword, "Sail, ahoy!"

"Aye-aye, Captain!!" all crew members replied in unison.

Suddenly, a crew member threw a curved sword at Ethan's feet. "Your weapon, lad!"

Ethan blinked, then reflexively grabbed the sword. Then Ethan suddenly realized that his shield and Albert's sword were not attached to his body.

"What the hell," Ethan muttered in disbelief.

Ethan immediately pressed his temple and looked at the holographic screen to check his current status.

[Item disable and inactive]

[Armor: Shield Treachery's Iron Bulwark level 25]

[Item: Harpy's Wing, Wizard's Crystal, Blue Beacon Spark]

[Power: +400]

[Buff: Harpy's Inferno, Wizard's Lumen]

[Skill: Eternal Shield +5]

[Special Item: Skip Level +2, Time +2 hours. One role +1. Albert Inherit Sword’s level 2]

How could Ethan fight the enemies if he didn't have his secret weapons? Armed only with a curved sword, and a slightly rusty one at that? Ethan only had a compass in his pocket.

Suddenly, the door below the main deck opened and Garreth and Dane emerged. They both looked equally puzzled.

"Ethan!" Dane called out, his face looking relieved.

"Where are Chloe and Miriam?" Ethan asked.

A scream came from above. Ethan raised his head and saw Chloe clinging to the edge of the crow's nest up there. Ethan's mind suddenly went chaotic, why was Chloe up there? What happened to put her in the crow's nest?

"Ethan!! Help!!" Chloe screamed.

"Is that Chloe?" Garreth's mouth dropped open. "How did she get up there?"

Before Ethan could answer, the captain pointed his sword again at Chloe up there.

"How far ahead are the enemies, you idiot?! Do your job, not bleat like a goat!" the captain shouted angrily.

Once again, Chloe just screamed, howling in fear.

"We have to get Chloe down," Ethan decided.

Dane swallowed hard. "How?"

"I don't know, maybe climb the ropes." Even Ethan sounded unsure.

Suddenly, the ship tilted slightly as the captain turned the wheel. Ethan and his friends grabbed anything they could find. In the distance, they could hear the sound of trumpets.

Enemy ships were approaching.

The battle was about to begin.

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