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Some pirates climbed on ropes, shouting and brandishing swords. Cannonballs were quickly loaded into cannons. They showed no fear. Meanwhile, Ethan, Dane, and Garreth stood on the main deck, unsure of what to do.

"Matches! Matches!" shouted a confused crewman, trying to light a torch.

The door to the captain's quarters suddenly burst open, and a woman with red hair emerged, carrying a long-barreled rifle. Miriam looked imposing as she approached Ethan and his crew.

"Who needs matches?" Miriam asked.

Ethan, Garreth and Dane could only stare at Miriam's appearance. She looked like a female pirate with her hair blowing in the wind. Whatever had happened to Miriam, she looked incredibly cool.

"Miriam?" Ethan shouted in disbelief.

Miriam quickly tossed matches to the crew member and then hurried over to Ethan and his teammates.

"We need to play along," Miriam whispered.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Dane asked, panicked to see his friend turned into a pirate, even though Dane was a crew member himself. "What do you mean, play along?" he asked, confused.

"First we have to get Chloe down from up there," Garreth pointed to the crow's nest.

Miriam just nodded, then grabbed one of the pirate crew members by the shoulder. "Hey, Buck! Get that woman down from there! You take her place!" she ordered.

"But my name is Henry, milady."

"I don't care what it is!"

"Aye-aye, milady."

Once again, witnessing Miriam's drastic change in behavior left Ethan and his team speechless. Miriam just grinned at Ethan, Dane and Garreth.

"I'm playing the role of Brownbeard's daughter," Miriam said, pointing her chin at the captain. "The pirate captain's daughter."

"What?" Ethan and his friends could hardly believe what they were hearing.

"That part of the story is in the 'Level Theme', didn't you check it?" Miriam asked.

All three men shook their heads in unison.

What is strange, though, is why there is a level theme in the main game now, since when? Ethan wondered.

In short, Miriam explained that they were on a famous pirate ship named Brownbeard. The pirate captain had a daughter who joined him on his adventures. They had to defeat the law enforcement ships that were chasing them.

Brownbeard's main mission was to find the treasure of Gold Beacon, a legendary figure in the pirate world. In this mission, Brownbeard's daughter had to stay alive. Otherwise, the mission would fail.

"So we have to protect you until the end of the game," Garreth muttered.

"I ask for your cooperation," Miriam nodded gracefully and chuckled softly.

"Well, fair enough. Let's save Chloe first," Ethan replied.

Up above, Chloe struggled to descend the rope from the top of the mast. Her blonde hair flew as she slid down, screaming as her body fell rapidly. Chloe collapsed on the deck, gasping for air.

"Chloe!" Ethan quickly helped her up and away from the busy main deck.

"I almost wet my pants," Chloe whimpered.

"Where's your hat?" Garreth asked.

Chloe held her head and looked confused. "What hat?"

"The hat for your current mission," Garreth pointed out.

"Oh, that hat..." Chloe looked around, then jumped in surprise when she saw Brownbeard. "That's my hat! He's wearing it!"

"But how is that possible?" Miriam looked confused. "Check your 'Level Theme', each of you."

Everyone read their respective 'Level Theme' on the hologram screen after tapping their temples. Ethan was confused because his mission was to find the location of the treasure and he could not lose the compass as it was the most important clue.

Garreth and Dane immediately told their 'level theme', which was also different from Miriam and Ethan's.

Garreth's mission was to use the ropes wisely, exactly when they were needed most. Meanwhile, Dane would be making important decisions with a two-sided coin in his hand.

"So what's your mission, Chloe?" Miriam asked.

"What about you?" Chloe asked back.

"I am Brownbeard's daughter, and I must be protected until the end of the game. If not, the game will be over, for me and perhaps for my followers." Miriam looked at her three other friends. "Isn't that right, boys?"

"Aye-aye, milady!"

Chloe just nodded. "Yes, me too. I just have to give the hat to Brownbeard."

The entire team's attention was distracted by the enemy ship coming into range. None of them noticed, except for Chloe, whose face looked grim.

Still clear in Chloe's mind was her mission: "Terminate Brownbeard, retrieve the hat. Find the treasure, sacrifice Brownbeard's daughter as an offering."

How could the mission be so divided? What should Chloe do?

Suddenly, three players approached Chloe, their faces looking suspicious. Chloe was slightly confused when one of them whispered softly.

"Can we talk to you?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure." Chloe nodded.

When Chloe separated from her friends, Ethan turned around and looked a bit curious. What was Chloe doing with the three players who approached her?

"We have the coin, the rope and the compass," the player with the short black hair said to Chloe.

"Then what?"

"We have to kill Brownbeard and his daughter." The man, whose age wasn't much different from Chloe's, glanced at Miriam. "She's supposed to be Brownbeard's daughter, right?"

"You can't decide something just because it has to fit the 'level theme,'" Chloe insisted.

"In our mission, we're supposed to help Gold Beacon's daughter get revenge on Brownbeard and get the treasure back." The player said. "You're just another woman on this ship. You should be Gold Beacon's daughter."


A cannon shot was fired, interrupting their conversation.

"We'll talk later," Chloe finished.

Chloe hurried back to Ethan and her friends, the woman immediately grabbing a curved sword from the weapon rack.


The enemy ship launched a counterattack. Cannonballs flew and hit the edge of the main deck. Wood splinters flew, causing some of the crew to stumble.

The ship continued to fire a barrage of cannonballs, ‘Boom! Boom! Boom!’. The shots tore into the hull of the enemy ship in front of it. However, two more ships followed behind the Law Enforcement ship.

"Forward! Forward!" Brownbeard shouted bravely.

The ship's helm was quickly turned, causing the ship to turn suddenly. Brownbeard's ship charged the enemy, ignoring the cannon attacks that fired retaliatory cannonballs.

The pirate ship, twice the size of the enemy ships, plowed through the waves without slowing down. Ethan realized that Brownbeard wasn't going to stop the ship; instead, he was aiming for a massive collision!

"Hang on!" Ethan yelled.

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