Chapter 6: Just My Type

Giselle did not know when she fell asleep. She was woken up when she felt cramps in her lower abdomen. Colton’s frequent visits kind of left her tired and the pain this time was a little more than her usual pain.

She instinctively knew that it was a sign of Aunt Flo’s monthly visit. Whenever Colton wanted to quench his physical needs, he would seek her out, so when Giselle wanted to be comforted, she tried to seek him out.

She stretched her hand out but found the bed empty ‘I am so stupid to think that breaking the rules stipulated in the contract made me special to him! How stupid!’ I mocked myself.

Giselle opened her eyes in a daze, only to realize that the bed was empty and cold around her, guessing by the coldness of the space beside her, Colton must have woken up a long time ago, and to her surprise, there was a note left on the bedside table “We need to talk tonight!”

Colton’s cursive writing was unlike the others, his strokes were neat and crisp, and the distance between each word was just perfect. Giselle held the note tightly in her arms, the note sounded like a bad premonition to her and before she knew it, tears flowed down her cheeks while her heart ached.

In the past two years and eight months, Giselle had spent countless days and nights by herself when Colton would come only once a week, but she had never felt such heart – piercing, and gut – wrenching pain as she does now.

** Colton’s PoV **

I don’t know when I started loving the way she curled up against my chest, but the sight of her relying on me brought me immeasurable joy. A few strands of hair were covering her face like a veil. My hand brushed those strands on their own accord.

Everything I do around her kind of seemed natural to me. She nuzzled her face on my chest as my fingertips brushed along her cheek. She placed her leg on mine and tightened her hand around that was draped over my waist. I could not fight my impulse of kissing the tip of her nose, so I managed to do just that without waking her up.

“Cute” I mumbled to myself when a contended sigh left her lips. The soft rays of the sun made her skin glow, the girl who once seemed ‘Not my type’ was looking more like ‘Just my type!’

Just when things are going fine the little devil inside me reared his ugly head “You think she loves you? She only married you coz your grandfather promised to help her criminal father! Women like her opportunists and should always be kept in their place or they will end up ruining our lives!”

What he said is not wrong, women like her will use any means on anyone if it means their work gets done! She has never made an effort to come to me or touch me, isn’t that proof enough that she is only tolerating my presence?

‘I should not be getting tangled with her!’ I got up from the bed and decided to give her a little surprise tonight. It will also serve as a sort of test for me to know what is going on in her mind.

I wrote a note and left her house. My phone rang just as I started my car “Yes, Benedict”.

Benedict: “Master Black wants you to join him for breakfast this morning and he was also adamant that he is not going to take any excuses from you, young master”.

Me: * Heave a sigh * “Please tell grandfather that I will be there in thirty minutes!”

It is not every day that my grandfather summons me this early in the morning and that too on a weekday when he knows very well how busy I would be ‘Has he found out about the contract between Giselle and me? Or has he got to know that I am spending my nights in bed with another woman that is not my wife?’

Well, whatever it was, I did not have time to sit and ponder on it nor did I have time to rectify the situation. I just have to face the music for the tunes that I wrote, after all, all actions come with either good or bad consequences.

It took me about twenty minutes to reach my family mansion. The staff greeted me, and Benedict was waiting as always, for my arrival “Good morning, young master”.

“How many times has it been already, Benedict? I told you not to address me so formally! Just call me, Colton” Benedict shook his head and closed the door behind me.

“You will always be ‘Young Master’ to me. Master Black is waiting for you in his study” he walked ahead of me up the stairs and opened the door to my grandfather’s study before disappearing down the hallway.

“Grandfather” although my grandfather is eighty – five years old, he still scares the hell out of me and intimidates the living daylights out of everyone else.

He took off his glasses “So… it has come to this now huh?” I was a little confused as to what he was referring to. “You forget all about your grandfather until I summon you here? Is this what I have been reduced to now?” he chuckled sarcastically grabbing his walking stick.

“Grandpa… it is…” there was nothing I could say in my defence coz I haven’t visited him in months and neither did I call him to check on him.

He got up from his chair walked to the bookshelf and grabbed a book as he scoffed “Are you going to say that ‘It is nothing like that'? I was born before your father so don’t think I don’t know what you are up to!”

‘It is better that I come clean with him than wait for him to unleash his wrath upon me!’ “Giselle and I…” he didn’t let me finish.

“Ahh Giselle… now that’s a gem of a girl, that girl checks up on your grandfather more than you do! I sometimes wonder if you are my grandkid or she!” talking about Giselle brought a gentle smile to my grandfather’s lips.

** Giselle’s PoV **

My period pain could not manage to divert my attention from the fact that my husband ran away before I could wake up, like a coward! I started feeling a little cold but chose to ignore it and went about with my morning chores.

Once I freshened up, my body started aching and, in that instant, I knew what my bad premonition was, I was coming down with a cold, but I still chose to brave it. I was pouring a cup of lemon tea for myself when I got a dizzy spell and had to brace my hands on the countertop.

I knew that I am in no condition to go to the office today. I managed to go to the sofa in the living room and called the company to ask for leave. Once I was granted leave, I turned my phone off and fell asleep on the couch.

When I opened my eyes next the sky outside was dark and the time on the clock was seven thirty. My body ached even a greater deal than this morning and both my nostrils were blocked, if I had any doubts before they were all out the window now!

I ordered some chicken soup and managed to get to my bed after taking some medicine for my cold and fever. I cursed my husband for not being here when I needed him! It took two days for my cold to go down, and I finally felt a lot better.

On the third day, I got up and took a bath, feeling a lot like my usual healthy self, and dialed my best friend Karen, “K, I have something to ask you for”.

Karen sounded worried “What is wrong?” She knew well what I have been going through and even offered to help me when needed. Since she is not from a rich and wealthy family, so I never thought of asking her.

“Is it possible for you to lend little cash?” I knew that Karen’s both parents are working, and their monthly salary is not that high, but she was really my last resort.

“Is this to help with your father’s case?” I could hear the wheels turning in her head already. She has always been a worrywart and she would do everything in her power to help me.

When my father was arrested the news was all over national TV that the District Court Judge was dismissed. The news was so overwhelming and blown out that it would be a wonder if there was anyone who didn’t know of my dad.

“Sure Gi, you know that I am always there for you, right? I have about 90,000 dollars that I can transfer to you right now. Although it is not much, I only have that at present. I will think of other ways”.

“Don’t worry, I will figure out the rest. You will be helping me plenty with that amount, thank you, K” I did not know what to say as I felt a little overwhelmed. I know 2 million is a really huge amount but that 90,000 is the first step “Thank you very much, K, you helped me a lot”.

“Stop thanking me, it is not like I am meeting you for the first time or anything. Oh, there is a requirement, temporary of course, my brother’s client is Italian, and they need a translator. I remember you learned Italian and Spanish in college. They are offering Two hundred thousand a night. Would you like to give it a try?”

“Two hundred thousand? You can get two hundred thousand for a negotiation?” This is like a golden opportunity for me. “Definitely! Give your brother my contact information and let him know that I am interested in the job”.

Karen was quiet for a few seconds and seemed to be pondering something “Just a fair warning though, those guys drink like a sailor, do you think you can handle it?”

“I think I can manage. Remember how we used to drink back in college? Have a little faith in me, K, just coz I am married doesn’t mean I forgot everything!” though we are talking over the phone, I can imagine her rolling her eyes at me.

‘I know I am not the same woman that I was four years ago, and I am not entirely sure if I can still manage to drink with those men but if I didn’t assure Karen, she would be worrying about me’.

“Are you SURE that it is not a problem with you? I need you to be 100% sure that you can do this, Gi!” Karen the worrywart!

“I wouldn’t be saying ‘yes’ if I wasn’t sure of myself, K” I just hope that my words can manage to reassure her.

“Ok, I believe you. I am going to text you my brother’s number and will pass your details to him” and with that, I disconnected the call.

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