When love comes late

When love comes late


136.2k Words / Ongoing


"Joshua asked me to give this to you. The divorce papers. You have to sign them today." Evelyn elegantly tucked her hair behind her ear, took out a document from her handbag, and tossed it onto the hospital bed.
"Does Joshua know that I am sick?" Samantha asked weakly, her lips pale.
"He knows, he knows. In fact, he said you are a burden and it's best for you to just die," Evelyn replied without hesitation.
Victoria's heart went numb, she was certain that Joshua had indeed said those words.
"Alright. I will sign it." Samantha's hand, connected to an IV drip, trembled as she picked up the pen and signed her name on the divorce papers.
In her past life, Samantha entered into a loveless marriage with Joshua. Unbeknownst to her, Joshua embarked on a wicked revenge plan against her. Samantha's life fell apart, her family shattered, the loss of loved ones unbearable, and she ended her own life on a sickbed.
Unexpectedly, fate granted Samantha a second chance at life. Determined to break free from Joshua, her goal was to leave the Martin family behind and build a life of her own.
Just when she thought her path was clear, the terrifying figure from her past approached her. He whispered softly, "Samantha, didn't you love me the most?"

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