Chapter Two
"Together with their families,
Madilyn Keyes and Kevin Aston,
joyfully invite you to join them in celebrating their marriage on Saturday, August 25th 2012, at the Golf Saint Rafael. The ceremony will take place promptly at 4pm with cocktails and a reception to follow."
Drake stared at the wedding invitation hanging from his refrigerator with discontentment. It wasn't that he wasn't happy for his brother. He was overjoyed. Madilyn was a seemingly nice girl, and his brother had been in love with her since grade school. Drake just wasn't looking forward to having to socialize with the elite crowd that would be in attendance. He wasn't looking forward to having his mother parade him around as the heir to the Aston fortune, trying to set him up with every one of her friends' daughters. Unbeknownst to Diane, Drake's mother, he'd already slept with every women in his mother's circle, her friends included. Drake just wasn't keen on settling down. He was enjoying his luxury playboy lifestyle.
Drake's phone started vibrating in his pocket, pulling his attention from the shiny invitation. It was his brother, Kevin.
"Hey bro."
"Hey, Drake. I was calling to see if you were bringing a plus one to the wedding? Since it's a destination wedding, we're booking the flight and cruise tickets now."
"Err..." Drake mumbled, quickly pulling out his laptop and typing in the address for a website his friend had given him last night, scrolling through thousands of beautiful women until one particular face caught his eye, causing him to pause, "Actually, yeah. Yeah, I am bringing someone. My girlfriend, Lydia. I'll text you her deats."
"Oh, wow!" Kevin exclaimed, sounding shocked, "Mother will be surprised when she finds out. I didn't even know you were seeing anyone."
"There are parts of my life the tabloids don't report on, Kev." Drake replied, using his brother's nickname. "We've been keeping our relationship status on the down-low. We wanted to figure out where we were going with this before we announced it to the world."
"We wouldn't have to get all our news from the tabloids, Dray, if you'd come home more often." Kevin retorted, sounding a little annoyed with his older brother.
Drake felt a slight tugging in his heart. He was really close with Kevin when they were growing up, but when he'd gone away to college, Drake had sworn he wouldn't be returning to the family estate. There'd been too much pain and anger within that house. Drake had graduated with honors and became a successful real estate mongrel, making his first billion, by the time he'd turned twenty-five. It'd been almost ten years since he'd stepped foot in his childhood home.
"You know why I can't, Kev." Drake murmured, swallowing down his guilt at having left his baby brother behind.
"It's been close to ten years, Dray. No one remembers what happened that day."
"But I do." Drake stated, pinching the bridge of his nose, feeling an oncoming migraine. "Hey, Kevin, listen. I've got to go. I have a really important business meeting that I can't be late to. I'll send you Lydia's info tonight, if that's alright?"
"Sure thing, Drake. Oh and hey, before you go, Will you be attending the rehearsal breakfast on Saturday?" " You are my best man, after all. " Kevin chuckled nervously, waiting for his brother's response.
"Yeah. Of course I'll be there." Drake replied, and quickly ended the call, before Kevin could keep him on the line any longer.
Drake strode across the room to his hutch, his eyes immediately drawn to the glimmering scotch decanter. Without a second thought, he grabbed it and poured a generous amount into a crystal glass. He didn't bother with ice at first, wanting to savor the raw intensity of the drink. He brought the glass to his lips, taking a long swig that burned pleasantly down his throat. Placing the decanter back in its spot, he walked into the kitchen to add some ice to his glass before refilling it with scotch. This time, he took slow sips, allowing the rich flavors to linger on his tongue before swallowing.
He placed the glass on the counter and reached for his phone, dialing the number for Mia Novella's Escort Services. The receptionist picked up on the first ring.
"Thank you for calling Mia Novella's Dating Services. This is Mindy; how can I help you?"
"Hello," Drake purred, lowering his voice to a more seductive pitch, "I would like to speak with the owner of this establishment."
"Sorry," Mindy squeaked, "uhhh... Mia's not in right now, sir. Ca..can I take a message?"
"Please do. Tell her Drake called. Drake Alston."
"Will do Mr. Alston." Mindy responded hanging up the phone.
Not even a minute later Drake's phone started to ring. Smiling to himself he answered the call. He knew that dropping his full name would get the establishment's madame to call him back. "Hello."
"Hello, Mr. Alston; this is Mia Novella. How can I help you today?"
"I'd like to rent on your girls on a monthly basis. As of right now, I'll only need her for a month, but that of course, could change."
"Hmm," was Mia's only response, as she waited for him to continue on, hoping he would give her an offer that she would either be willing to accept or at least counter.
"I'm willing to pay $100,000 a week for her. All of her expenses would be paid for as well. She just needs to show up. I will take care of everything else."
"And do you have a girl in mind, Mr. Alston?" Mia questioned, her voice humming with satisfaction at his offer.
"Yes. I do. I want Lydia."
"Are you sure about that, Mr. Alston? Lydia is one of our newer girls. She's not as experienced as the girls listed on the platinum level. I'd hate for you to be...err...disappointed in your investment."
That would explain the look of innocence in Lydia's mind. She hadn't been with the service long enough for it to fully corrupt her yet. That innocence is what captured Drake's attention to begin with. "I'm not looking for someone experienced. Lydia would be perfect for this job."
"Well then you have a deal, Mr. Alston," Madame Novella crooned, "I'll draw up a contract and email it to you. When should I have Lydia ready by?"
"Thursday night. She'll be staying with me. Oh, and she'll need a passport too. We will be traveling overseas."
"Perfect. She will he there. And she has all the required documentation. Please send me the signed contract back as soon as possible, and also a health form from your doctor stating your STD free. The doctor's note must be dated after this phone call. I don't need my girls contracting anything and we all know how you men like to fuck," Mia chortled pausing for a second before continuing, "With no rubber."
Mia promptly ended the call leaving Drake with his thoughts. His phone pinged and when he looked at it, he noticed he'd received the email documentation that Madame Novella had stated she'd be sending him. Opening the email, Drake quickly looked over the contract before signing it. In his reply email he attached a copy of the contract as well as an NDA for all the workers at Mia Novella's to sign. Drake gulped down the last bit of his scotch and signaled for his chauffeur to meet him at the entrance. "Shit." He muttered under his breath as he checked his watch and realized he was going to be late for his board meeting.