

I left the school as the sun had begun to set, grumbling to myself as I grabbed my car keys from my backpack. I fetched a cig from my back pocket, lighting it before I turned on the engine.

With my window down and the music blasting, I began the drive home. There was one thing, one person that occupied my mind as I drove.


She was so goddam tiny. With those large brown eyes, thin lips and straight nose. I fisted the steering wheel, remembering the first time I had seen her almost two years ago. She took my breath away then, and now she only seemed to turn my body angry, and hot.

I had kept my distance, refusing to entangle her in the mess that I call life. Refusing to deal with that grade-A asshole of a boyfriend. Micah. I snarled thinking of him grabbing her against her will.

It was the tears in her face that finally made me approach her. They bothered me, and I wanted to make them go away, though I loved the shade of pink her cheeks turned to.

I turned into my driveway, growling when I noticed Kevin’s car there already. I turned the knob, pushing the door open and instantly grimacing at the smell of alcohol and sex.

After I dropped my keys on the table I made my way to the kitchen, making myself a sandwich. I ignored the moans and wall banging that came from Kevin’s room, reaching into my pockets for my headphones.

I blasted music, drowning out the uncomfortable sounds. I leaned against the counter, taking bite after bite, mindlessly. Suddenly, my phone vibrated against my thigh, and I frowned deeply when I saw the number that popped up on the screen.


It had taken him longer than usual to find my new number. With a scowl, I muted the call, placing my phone back in my pocket. I guess it was time for me to get another number. Again.

I flinched, almost jumping into the air when I turned to face Kevin in the kitchen opening. He was standing in his boxers, his hair a wild mess a sheepish smile on his face.

He was covered in tattoos, his fingernails painted black and a cig hanging from his lips. I pulled the headphones from my ears just in time to hear the click clack of a woman’s footsteps.

A blonde appeared beside him, placing her hands against this chest. Her lips pouted and she placed a kiss on his cheek, “I had a good time, Kev.” She spoke, her voice dancing as if she was trying to sound sexy.

I could only flinch at the sound. Her eyes turned toward me and she smiled. She was wearing a small black dress that did nothing to hide her cleavage and stopped just short of her ass. Her face was covered in last nights make up and her knees were covered in bruises.

“Maybe you could join us next time?” She raised an eyebrow.

I scowled, taking a bite from my sandwich as Kevin laughed and shoved her toward the door, “Not gonna happen, baby.” He placed his hand on her ass, pushing her out the door, closing it behind her.

He yawned, stretching as he made his way back to the kitchen, “Why the fuck you come home so late, Kian?” He scratched his chest, opening the fridge to look for food.

I shrugged, “Detention,” I muttered.

He threw his head back to laugh as he popped open a beer, “Fuck. You serious?”

I nodded, stuffing the last of the sandwich into my mouth.

“Just fucking drop out. I don’t see the need of having to repeat your senior year,” He took a loud sip, “You got the street smarts.”

I nodded. Being a 19 year old in high school was not ideal, and there were many reasons for me to quit, to leave, to not care, but-

“Wait. Is this about that girl you were obsessed with? What was her name? Nessa?”

I scoffed, pushing him away from me as I made my way to my room, slamming the door shut behind me. Kevin was the only one to stick by me through all the shit I went through. He was loyal and understanding when he wanted to be, but an annoying asshole the other half of the time.

I sat at the desk in my room, looking at the useless work the teachers had sent me home with. An angry bubble began build up in my chest and I threw the papers aside. It was driving me crazy, insane to be stuck in that building for 8 hours a day. Which was now more, no thanks to Micah.

It was practically humorous that after the fucking year I had, I had to return to mundane every day activities. I looked at the picture that I had thrown on the floor alongside my homework, chewing my lip when I eyed Kento’s smile.

He would have wanted me to graduate.

I groaned, entering the bathroom and stripping myself naked. The water hitting my back took me away from my dull life for a moment. I let my thoughts return to Inesa. She occupied them half the time, my mind more familiar with her than my eyes were.

She asked for my fucking name. I smiled to myself, shaking my head. We had one class together last year, and I watched her obsessively. Noticing the way she flipped her hair and moved her eyebrows when she laughed.

She however, had never even looked my way. She was in love with Micah. Her doe eyes always looking at him as if he was her entire world. I rolled my neck, forcing myself to forget about him and instead remember the way she looked at me, the way she held my wrist.

What was I hoping would come from this? I was no where near the type of person she would want in her life. And yet, she was like a magnet, drawing me in.

I grunted, looking down to my hand wrapped around my cock, and my seed spilled on the shower floor.

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