Chapter 3
I didn't want to stand there talking to him, he was a man with money and power and that's usually a dangerous combination from what I've experienced. .As soon as I turned the corner I ran into someone, when I looked up he was standing there larger than Life, Sean.
“ Hello Beautiful ”
"No ,How did you find me?"
"Your Calls to faithful little Riley ,are you ready to go home Athena?".
" I'm not going anywhere with you Sean, that was never a home it was a prison"
" why don't you understand I love you Athena and I cannot leave you. if I can't have you then no one can,so what is it going to be?"
" Please Sean why are you doing this to me , please leave me alone ”
“Leave you alone?, baby girl, you're my obsession. So choose "Do you want to die here or are you going to come with me quietly?”.
“ I'd rather die here. I'm not going with you Sean"
It all happened so fast he pulled a gun out of nowhere and he shot Zeus .That's when I started screaming .
"You're a monster"
"You made me the monster Athena, I just wanted to love you and cherish you and treat you right ,but you didn't want that"
" Then go ahead, kill me I'd rather be dead than be with you ever again ”
" very well"
He shot me when I pressed my hands to my stomach I saw the blood, everything was fading out ,I tired to run but started seeing blurry,The last words I heard before I passed out were ,
"you couldn't follow the rules, you couldn't love me it was me or death and you chose death ".
I just accepted it. I just let the darkness consume me. It was finally over. I would finally be free. When I opened my eyes I realised what happened.
He saved me , I don't know if the universe was playing a cruel joke on me or this was my Fate,to be sent to the brink of death and return multiple times.
I looked at him
"Zeus ? ,where's my dog"
"I'm sorry, but he didn't make it"
I cried silently. Zeus was my only companion Riley had gotten him for me because she knew I was lonely.
"Why should i have let you die Athena"
" It's better to be dead than just existing, when your only reason to live is so you could hide"
"Who hurt you, Athena?"
I didn't look at him
"What does it matter? when he learns that I'm still alive he'll make sure he finishes it. What happened to me?"
"He shot you in the stomach and the back of your head" he said
He did it again. Every single time he hurt me it was always the same trying to kill me.
“ How long have I been here ?"
"You've been here for almost a month Athena, I tried locating your family but had no success".
" I have no one ,you ?wait , you've been here all this time ?"
"Since I brought you here I haven't left you Athena"
"But, you don't know me",
"My heart knows you, Athena. I won't hurt you , tell me who did this to you I'll help you"
Getting anyone else involved in this fucked up situation that's my life isn't good, I ran to protect Riley and I'll keep running until Fate decides I've had enough and my life ends.
" Why stay here ?"
"Because I want to, and I care"
"Thank you Daniel, but it doesn't matter. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for staying here with me but I need to leave"
" Let me call the doctor to check you "
"No that's not necessary"
She was adamant she tried sitting up but winced when she did.
"Go where Athena? where do you want to go ?"
"Anywhere but here"
"Let me take you away"
"No" ,"You realise they won't let you leave alone, they think I'm your husband"
"That was their assumption"
"And you didn't correct them?"she asked me
"No i didn't"
Someone pushed the door open, the minute he stepped into the room, she jumped off the bed pulling the IV and everything else onto the floor with her.I saw the fear in her eyes ,she was fucking terrified of him
"Let's go Athena"
"No , please , don't do this ”.
"Athena don't make me use force Now get the Fuck up and let's go " he said walking towards her.
I walked over and stood in front of her, blocking his path. I saw the way she looked at me. Greg rushed into the room .
" It's fine Greg, he was just about to leave", i sad looking at him
"I'm not going anywhere without what belongs to me"
I looked at her, she shook her head, her eyes pleading with me. I turned to look at him .
"I don't see a ring ,what is your name?"
" She doesn't like to wear her ring, my name doesn't concern you so back the fuck off and give her to me".
"No ",
"Who the fuck do you think you are huh?"
"Daniel chase"
I saw the recognition in his eyes.
"So that's what you're doing now Athena huh?, fucking billionaires. You can have her besides she's a lousy fuck anyways"
Greg saw the murder in my eyes . This asshole had the nerves to smirk at me.
“Very soon chase you'll find out what a lousy fuck she is ,how much of an disgusting whore she is and..”.
That was the last word that came out of his mouth ,I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the wall .
“ Say another word and your pathetic and miserable fucking life will end in this room. Now leave and don't ever let me see your fucking face ever again”.
I let go of him as he fell to the floor coughing and clutching his neck. He stood looking at her .
"Athena you're mine don't forget that i will have you one way or the other".
She sank down to the floor and started crying. I picked her up."Athena ,I know you don't know me and you'll find it hard to believe or trust me with this but If you Come with me , trust me That I'll keep you safe",
She looked at me, Looked me in the eyes , after what felt like forever She nodded. I placed her on the bed. The bandage had fresh blood on it. I pulled out my phone.
"Greg ,get the doctor in here and get the jet we're going home, call ahead and have Mrs Mendez prepare the guest room"
"Yes sir"
"Athena, are you married?"
"No I'm not ".
"I just want his name"
"Why Daniel ?it won't matter .He has money, power and status"
"So do Athena"
"He's Senator Johnson's son” .
"Where were you staying?"
"I was staying at the Key west inn room 9"
"Okay I'll let Greg get your stuff "
"Why don't you relax and close your eyes"
"Thank you, for staying but he would have hurt you", she asid quietly
"Athena, I'm not worried about him, get some rest. We'll leave soon"
I looked at her and smiled. I left her and stepped out of the room.
"Sorry sir, i just stepped away for a few minutes "
"Find everything you can on him. He's Senator Johnson's son, she was staying at the key west inn room 9 get her stuff for me"
"Yes sir"
I hoped to god I was doing the right thing.