Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Ethan went to his car parked outside the restaurant, got in, and told the driver to drive to the Anderson mansion. He needed to have a word with his dad.

It took them about an hour to reach the mansion, and as soon as the car came to a halt, Ethan got out and strode to the entrance but couldn't find his dad in the living room. He asked their old butler, Benjamin, where his dad was, and the butler told him he was in the garden. Ethan left for the garden and saw his dad, who seemed to be enjoying the scenery.

He greeted, "Good afternoon, Dad." He was angry at his dad but didn't forget to show some respect.

"Ethan, how was your lunch with Jasmine? Did you both talk about the marriage?" his dad, John asked many questions without taking a break.

"Dad, I have told you many times, I am never going to marry Jasmine," Ethan said sounding pissed.

"You bastard, what do you mean by you are not going to marry Jasmine? Ethan, you are almost 30, and I have never seen you with any woman except Jasmine?" John replied confused. Ever since Ethan was a kid, he never associated himself with many people, both same or opposite sex. The number of friends he has can be counted on one hand. "Ethan, please am growing old and I need a grandchild who will roam around the mansion, do you understand that?"

Ethan looked at his dad a little perplexed, "Dad, the truth is, I have a woman whom am trying to pursue, she has not agreed to me yet you see, so be a little more patient because once she agrees and we get married, you can have as many grandkids you want."

John thought Ethan was joking, so he didn't take him seriously but hoped that it will be true, "Listen here, if you really have a woman you already love, hurry up and win her over and bring her here so that we can all see her or do you need any help with that?" he said.

Ethan felt embarrassed, "Dad, I don't need any help okay? it's just that she went through a lot, so she is being careful." Ethan spoke as if he had introduced himself to Kamila already.

"Oh, I see, well, I still say you hurry up before another man snatches her from you. Also, I will stop sending Jasmine on a date with you so that you can finally win my future daughter-in-law's heart." The old man cheered happily like a kid who just got his favorite candy. His dad didn't need to be told twice that the woman must have had a heartbreak, so he simply said what he said and continued watching the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Ethan, on the other hand, pondered on what his dad just said, "before another man snatches her from you." He didn't like the sound of that at all. He greeted his dad goodbye so he could go think of a way to make them meet.

Kamila was in her office doing some paperwork when she heard a knock on her office door. It was her secretary Ava who knocked. Ava came in and said, "Good day, Miss Kamila, the CEO is requesting for you in his office now."

Kamila replied, "Okay, I will be there, thank you." She smiled at the secretary who blushed in return. Ava admired Kamila for her diligence in work and for her beauty as well. Kamila doesn't know it yet, but some male employees and females are starting to admire her now.

Kamila knocked the door also before entering. She saw her brother with a man who looked quite familiar but can't remember where she knew him from. She smiled at Felix who returned it too and greeted the young man.

Ethan couldn't believe it; she was standing right in front of him. Two days ago, after his talk with his dad, he was wondering how he would make them meet and then remembered that he was friends with her brother, Felix. He came over with the excuse of wanting the both of them to hang out, so Felix called Kamila to join them since it's almost time for working hours to end.

Kamila stared at the man who hasn't introduced himself and thought, "he looks really familiar." She couldn't ask herself and answer herself, so she voiced out her question.

"Excuse me, Mr...?" she trailed. "Anderson, Ethan Anderson," Ethan completed it for her.

"Right, am sorry, but have we met before? You see, you look like someone I have met before but I can't seem to remember where," she asked.

Ethan was jumping internally; he thought she wouldn't even remember him, but she did. Just can't recall where exactly.

"I remember you; you were the one my younger sister helped at the supermarket two years ago," he said.

Kamila gasped in shock, "Yes, I remember now, thank you so much for that day." She didn't get the chance to thank him that actual day, so she did it.

Felix saw the little interaction and asked, "So you both know each other?"

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