Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Jasmine has been following Ethan for a while now. Since the time of their last lunch, Jasmine has texted and called Ethan, but he is never responding, so she had no choice but to follow him around and know his whereabouts.

Ethan has been visiting the Morrison Corporations almost every day. She knows that the Morrison brothers are friends with Ethan, but for him to be frequently going there, she was suspicious.

Weeks passed after that day. Kamila was in the mansion that she has been living in with her brothers relaxing and casually watching TV with Daniel and Felix as it was Sunday. Michael is a doctor, so he has to be at the hospital even on weekends since an emergency could come up any time. Felix and Daniel were dragging the remote like little babies, one wanted to watch business news while the other one wanted to watch entertainment news. Kamila just shook her head as she was helpless in front of these two.

"Listen here, I am older so put the channel back to business news," Felix said feeling frustrated.

"But who is holding the remote? I am, so I am putting entertainment news. You can't be using your seniority card all the time," Daniel said swinging the remote proudly. He didn't waste any time and switched the channel back to entertainment news.

Felix tried snatching the remote again but failed. He could only sit and watch the entertainment news and glare at Daniel who smiled sheepishly at him from time to time. They were watching normal headlines until a new headline popped up. It was the wedding party of Adrian and Sofia.

"Finally," Kamila said out loud. She had been waiting for months for them to get married, and it took longer than she thought it would. She expected them to get married at least a month after she left their mansion but no, it took months. She didn't want to dwell on that right now.

"So what is our first move?" Felix asked.

"We will first start by eating them up slowly until we give them the big blow; right now, the Hart's Corporations is very strong and stable with the help of the Evans Corporations, so we have to first get rid of their backer," She said with an evil smirk. "I have a few videos that can help in creating a problem for them." When she and Arnoldo were still married, whenever he was out with Sofia, she would send Kamila voice notes of all their intimate moments and videos and pics that would make her heart ache. Kamila was thankful that she didn't delete them back then as it was very useful now.

"Send me the videos; I will ask my team to upload them, and I can promise you this, it's never going to get deleted," Daniel said. He would make those people who made his sister suffer to suffer even more than she has.

Kamila, on the other hand, was very glad that she had brothers who are into careers that could help her get her revenge. It was great. Kamila nodded and quickly sent the videos to Daniel, and the next day his team uploaded the videos and pictures.

Sofia and Arnoldo were in their own mansion. They moved out of their parents' mansion and moved into their own since they were a married couple now.

Sofia woke up due to the loud ringing phone in the drawer near her. She grumbled and checked her phone, but it wasn't it. She woke Arnoldo up to pick up his call.

"Hello," Arnoldo didn't check the caller.

"You bastard, where are you? I want you in the company in half an hour, do you hear me?" the caller didn't wait for Adrian to reply as he hung up.

Arnoldo could only hear the beeping sound of the other line. He recognized that voice, it was Adam's.

He looked at Sofia who looked back at him. Adam's yelling was loud enough for her to hear.

Arnoldo got ready quickly; it was obvious from his dad's tone that there was an emergency. He got to the company and directly went to his dad's office. The whole place was a mess. Documents scattered everywhere and broken glasses everywhere too. Adam was in his chair making a call so he didn't notice Arnoldo walk in.

He turned, and when he saw Adrian, he immediately hung up the call he was on. "You idiot, do you know what you have done?" he asked fuming.

Arnoldo was confused, "what are you talking about?"

Adam threw a tablet at him; he caught it and watched the video. In the video, he was making love to Sofia. Their joined bodies were covered by the blankets leaving only their upper halves as they moaned.

The angle of the video showed their faces very clearly, and anyone who watched the video would see that it was taken a year or two years ago because the hair that Sofia had in the video was the same hair that she had two years ago when she had a shoot once and the date of when the video was taken was also written.

Arnoldo stared shockingly at the screen; he remembered that day. But who could have taken the video, it wasn't him so it could only mean that Sofia took the video.

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