Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

####WARNING This story will contain: Strong Sexual Content, Strong Language and Scenes that may be triggering, Viewer discretion is advised.####

Harper Sackler lay on the bed in a sexy nightgown, the garment perfectly showcasing her model-like slender figure.

Any man who saw this scene would find it hard to resist.

However, at this moment, Harper seemed preoccupied.

A tall, handsome man approached the bed.

The man was named Francis Getty. He looked at Harper lying on the bed, her sexy back in view, and a surge of desire rose within him.

The next moment, Francis suddenly climbed onto the bed, pressing Harper beneath him, and began kissing her neck.

Francis was Harper's husband. They had been married for two years, and nobody knew about it. He was also the CEO of Getty Corporation, her boss.

Their union began with heavy drinking; she woke up beside him the next morning, shortly after starting her job. Then, with his grandfather ill, Francis proposed marriage to fulfill the old man's last wish to see him settled. The couple signed a prenuptial agreement that kept the marriage secret and could be terminated at any time.

Harper had felt she was lucky. Despite Francis's schedule keeping him absent for twenty-five days a month and his strict moral standards, there were no other women around him, no scandals at all. He was a perfect, albeit apathy, husband.

In response to Francis's kisses, Harper began to kiss him back passionately.

Harper began to kiss Francis and used her slender fingers to caress his body...

Francis soon felt the arousal; his cock in his pants was as hard as a rod of iron.

Francis couldn't wait; he removed his pants, stripped Harper, and thrust his rock-hard cock into Harper's pussy.

Harper furrowed her brows tightly, a hint of pain showing on her beautiful face.

Even though they had made love before, every time Harper felt her pussy being filled to the brim.

Francis's cock was just too big!

Being his wife was truly hard...

But after the brief pain came the pleasure and ecstasy that sex brought.

Sex was wonderful!

Francis had a great physique, and he and Harper made love for a full hour.

Both immersed in the ecstasy of sex, they both reached climax...

Afterward, Francis went to the bathroom to take a shower, while Harper lay on the bed, both satisfied and weak.

A moment later, Harper's gaze turned to the drawer beside her.

She opened the drawer and took out a pregnancy test report.

Harper was pregnant!

That afternoon, she had gone to the hospital because she wasn't feeling well, and the doctor told her she was already five weeks pregnant!

Harper looked at the pregnancy test report in her hand, feeling both sweet and apprehensive.

She decided to tell Francis about her pregnancy!

She also wanted to tell Francis that two years ago was not the first time they had met.

In fact, they had met ten years ago, and she had loved Francis for a full ten years...

As the water turned off in the bathroom, Harper felt unease when Francis received a phone call past midnight, stepping out onto the balcony with just a towel around his waist. Who could be calling at this hour?

After hanging up, Francis returned, casually dropping his towel. Even now, Harper blushed at the sight of his chiseled abs, the defined muscles, and the sculpted body that was all too attractive.

Francis swiftly dressed himself in a shirt and tailored trousers, knotting his tie with slender fingers. His handsome face was s was distractingly charming.

"Get some rest," he said.

Was he going out at this time?

Disappointment flickered in Harper’s face, yet she couldn't stop herself from saying, "Where are you going so late?

Francis stopped adjusting his tie, took her earlobe, "Not in the mood to sleep tonight?"

Harper flushed, her heart beat uncontrollably.

"Be good, I've got things to do. Don't wait for me.

With that, he headed towards the door.


"What's up?"

"Do you have time to come see Grandma with me tomorrow?"

Her grandmother was in poor health, and she wanted to bring Francis to put her at ease.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow," Francis neither confirmed nor declined and then walked away.

Restless and wide awake after her bath, Harper got out of bed to heat herself a glass of milk.

A news popped up on her cellphone.

#Famed EV designer Chloe Musk returns home, spotted at the airport with a mystery man#

Upon zooming in on the photo, hat man was Francis! She was so familiar with him and figure it out immediately.

So, the sudden cancellation of his afternoon meeting was to pick up his ex-girlfriend Chloe

With a pair of trembling hands, she dialed Francis's number.


It was a woman’s voice.

Harper hung up the phone.

She suddenly felt sick and wanted to vomit

in the next morning, Harper went to work at the office as usual.

She worked by his side as a junior assistant.

The core business matters, he entrusted to his special assistant, Victor Whitney.

In the company, Victor was the only one who knew Harper is Francis’s wife true identity. To add to the whispers, The company had a tradition of exclusively hiring male assistant, and Harper was the first woman to work as as the assistants. Rumors were circulating, speculating whether Harper was entangled in an affair with the CEO.

But as time went on and the CEO treated Harper with no special favors, people began to look down upon her.

Then, one of her colleagues handed Harper a document to deliver to the CEO's office.

The previous night, Francis hadn't come home, leaving Harper to toss and turn, restless. Her mind was consumed with questions: Who was that woman on the phone? Did they spend the entire night together?

She stepped into the elevator with composure, heart steady. Before exiting, she straightened her hair, making sure she looked impeccable.

Approaching the CEO's office, she heard a conversation.

"Do you even like Harper?" The voice belonged to Francis's childhood friend, Wesley.

"What do you mean?" Francis replied with a chilly clarity.

Wesley clicked his tongue, "I think Harper's pretty great. Is she not your type?"

"Since you like her, how about I give her to you?" The Francis's response was indifferent.

"Forget it." Wesley's scornful laugh echoed from within, grating on her ears.

They were talking about her as though she was an object...

Wesley's voice broke through the silence once more.

"Chloe, the girl in the news last night, he guy stand by her side is you, right?"

"Yeah." Francis's voice remained even.

"You'd do anything just to make her happy, wouldn't you?" Wesley's tone was laced with mockery as he continued, "So, spending the whole night with Chloe after being apart for so long, did you guys make love...?"

Making love... After such a long separation...

Each word felt like a knife stabbing into her heart. she felt dizzy, unable to see clearly or hear distinctly.

Just when she thought about fleeing, the door open.


"Hey Wesley."

Harper stepped past him.

Before the opulent desk, a man in suit stood before the desk. But Harper noticed—it wasn't the outfit he wore yesterday.

"Mr. Getty, here's the marketing report for your signature, please," Harper said, looking down to avoid his gaze.

Francis signed the document and handed it back.

Alone in the elevator, Harper cried a lot. She had thought two years were enough her love and effort to be seen... But that was just a wishful thinking.

Harper shuffled into the break room, hoping a cup of tea would revive her spirits.

The staff were all talking about the news last night.

"Did you see the news? Chloe's back in the country."

"Who's that?"

"You don't know? She's a Musk Group heiress and a great designer. Plus, she's the only girlfriend our CEO has ever acknowledged publicly—apparently, she's his first love too!"

"But I heard rumors about the CEO and his assistant..."

"Her? She probably slept with her boss a few times.” !"

"Has you woken from your daydream?" A mocking voice came from behind; it was Amelia Brin, who always clashed with her.

She must have heard every word of the small talk in break room. Harper didn't want to cause a scene at work, Harper turned to leave, but Amelia blocked the way. Amelia, with freshly brewed coffee in hand, her voice dripping with scorn, " "Do you think Francis will have sex with you now that Chloe is back?"

Amelia taunted further, "Maybe I should introduce you to some older men; after all, you're quite skilled—in bed, right?"

Harper said, "This is the office, not a place for your pimping business, Amelia. Maybe take it somewhere else."

Suddenly, Amelia hurled her hot coffee at Harper.

Harper had not anticipated such madness. The hot liquid splashed her arm, the skin instantly reddening.

Clutching her arm in pain, Harper retorted, "Are you out of your mind?!"

She jeered, "Always strutting around like you're something special. Don't you we don't know you're nothing but an orphan, a bastard..."

Her taunt was cut short by the crisp sound of a slap across her face!

Harper struck out and slapped Amelia across the face!

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