Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1


This was going to hell. I was sitting at home with Mel and the others, drinking wine. "Let's go clubbing, Tia."

"I can't. I start my new job on Monday, and I seriously don't need to have a hangover, Mel." I really didn't want to go anywhere. Two days ago, I had the perfect life, or thought I did. I had just gotten my dream job as the marketing and project director at Chase Organization. I've worked hard for the last two years to get here. What I didn't cater for was Jason, my now ex-boyfriend, cheating on me.

He wasn't expecting to be caught either. I came home early from work as it was my last day, and I found him in bed with his secretary. Needless to say, I kicked him out, and when Mel and the others showed up, they ran him off. "Come on, Tia, please."  "Okay, fine, we'll go clubbing.". I could use a bit of fun and relaxation if it's just for one night. We got dressed and headed out. They had to debate where they wanted to party. "Oh, there's a new club,"

"Where?" "I'll give you the directions.". I looked at Cassie. "Cassie, this better not be any weird ass club because we know you like freaky shit.".

"Oh, come on.".

It was almost ten in the evening, and we were already prolonging the process of deciding which club we wanted to go to. We started drinking, which was always normal with us whenever we were together. We always had fun. I lost track of time. I don't know how many hours later. We were on the dance floor in Club Sky when I felt him behind me. I didn't know who it was, but I just felt the presence of someone behind me. When I spun around, I was standing face-to-face with him. All he did was look at me and smile, then lean in and whisper to me, "I want you."

"Yes,"  I replied without even thinking about it.

I didn't really care. He just grabbed my hand and led me further into the club. "What is your name, Princess?"

"Mira, what is yours?". There was no way I was giving my real name to him.


"Where are we going?"

"To my office.". I just went with it. The minute we were in his office and the door closed, his hands were on me. I couldn't put into words the way he made me feel; he had me bent over the desk as he pleasured me. The sounds that filled the room were a pleasure. I wasn't completely drunk, but I was drunk enough to give him the slip. I found Mel, Cassie, and Leah at the bar.

"Where the hell were you?"  I just smiled.

"We thought handsome dude kidnapped you or something.".

"Nope, I just gave him the slip; what time is it?".

"It's two in the morning, plus Leah is drunk.".

"Okay, let's go. I'm beaten, too. I gotta work on Monday."

After we left, we all headed home, making sure to drop Leah home first because she was completely wasted. After I got home, I grabbed a shower and went straight to bed. And I was out in a few minutes.

Monday morning, I was up at seven to start preparing for work. At eight AM, I pulled into the underground parking lot of the company and headed up to the ninth floor, where my office was situated. I had already come in on Friday and met one of the other directors, who introduced me to everyone, showed me my office, and got my credentials. The messed-up thing is that the Chase Organization is or was run by Marcus Chase, 54 years old, who a week ago passed the company down to his son. Dominic Chase and no one knew what he looked like.

I wanted to know who I was working for, so Mel and the girls helped me search social media for him, but there was nothing. Dominic Chase didn't attend social events; all he did was work. His name was mentioned in some business deal or other, but apparently, he didn't like being in the spotlight. It doesn't bother me; besides, I'm here to work, and that's what I'll do. When I stepped out of the elevator, I saw Tatiana, my assistant.

"Good morning, Miss Sommers, happy to have you onboard. Here, I have a coffee for you.".

"Good morning, Tatiana, and thank you. Why don't you come with me to my office? Let's talk about something, seeing as you'll be helping me.".

After we got to my office, I just looked around for a minute. It felt unbelievable that I was actually here, so I took a moment to let it settle in.

"Miss Sommers, do you want to talk to me?"

"Oh yes, sorry, have a seat.".

I waited until she sat down, then I took a seat in my chair.

"First thing, please call me Miss Tia, not Sommers. You don't need to get me coffee; I'm capable of doing that myself. I'm not being rude or unkind. But you have a job to do, and I don't expect you to be running errands for me or anyone else unless it's a manager, director, or CEO, and it's absolutely necessary."  She just looked at me with a weird look.

"Wow, um, umm, thank you. It's just the last. Well,  our last boss had us running her errands, taking care of her personal life, all of us in the office."

"Well, you can assure the others that I only want them to work and be productive, and I'm sure we'll all work great together.".

"I think so too, Miss Tia. Have you heard the news?".

"I just got here, and I'm banking on you to keep me in the loop with all the gossip and rumors.".

"On Friday, Senior Chase announced that as of today, Dominic Chase will start at the office, and he'll be introducing himself to all the department heads.".

"Well, we better tighten our seatbelts and hope for the best."

"Okay then, I'll get the files for you, and  you can let your team know what they're doing."

"Thank you, Tatiana."  At nine, I had the entire marketing team in my office, which was twelve of us, including myself.

After they all introduced themselves, we dug into our work: "So the first project is an ad for Vodka."

"They want blueberry vodka? Who drinks that crap?" I just laughed.

"Well, I think everyone would drink it if it wasn't blue.". That started a laugh.

"Okay, Jane and Chris, you two are working on the design; Mark and Steve are doing the taste test; I'll find a way to sell that crap. Let's get to it, everyone.".

I was sitting alone in my office, going over the requirements, when Tatiana knocked on the door. "Yes, Tatiana?"

"Mr. Chase is here to introduce himself.". Crap, I forgot about that. "Okay, let's see what the billionaire wants.".

I closed my flies and headed out of the office, following Tatiana. My head was down, and I wasn't paying attention. I only looked up when I heard Tatiana, and I almost fell through the floor.

I found myself staring into the face of the mystery man from the club.

"Miss Sommers, Mr. Dominic Chase, our CEO, Mr. Chase This is Miss Tia Sommers, our new marketing and development director.". He just stood there, smiling at me. I cursed silently under my breath. But nevertheless, I shook his hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Chase. I hope my team and I will provide work that's up to your standards.".

"Well, from what I see, I think you'll be perfect.".

After a few more words with the others, I headed back to my office. Once there, I closed the blinds and started to berate myself. What the fuck? Oh god, I'm so screwed. Wait, I didn't know who he was, nor did he. That night was just a one-off. I was drunk. And I don't think he recognized me. The main thing is that it can't happen again, and it won't. I won't let that happen. I stopped thinking about it.  It just made my head hurt. I worked through lunch, but I had lost my appetite.  Around four, Tatiana came into my office. "Miss Tia, Mr. Chase wishes to see you in his office."

"Thank you, I'll be there.".

Lovely, what did he want now? His office was on the fifteenth floor. When I stepped out of the elevator, his secretary just looked at me. I knew that look; I've gotten that look many times before. She was a redhead; what the hell was she wearing? It looked like a skin-tight dress.

"I'm here to see Mr. Chase.". She plastered a fake smile on it.

"Mr. Chase is waiting for you.".

I wouldn't waste a thank you on her. When I walked into his office, he was standing there leaning against his desk, looking handsome and hot as hell.

"You wish to see me, Mr. Chase?"

"Yes, you look quite different.". I was praying like hell that he wasn't talking about what I was trying to avoid.

"How so, Mr. Chase?"

"Well, the last time I saw you, you were bent over the desk in my office, being pleased. I did try to find you.".

God damnit, and here I was hoping he didn't remember that.

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