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Edwin stood at the entrance to the hotel where the event was being held, waiting for his mother who never appeared. Edwin wondered if he had come too early or if his mother was a little late.

People who received exciting invitations have started to arrive. Edwin stood at a distance, trying not to be recognized by other people, but Edwin had come to the event often so he couldn't help but greet the guests who came first.

Not long after, the car the mother was riding in stopped in front. Edwin rushed over. The hotel guard opened the door for Kira who came with Alendra.

"You're earlier than usual?" Kira greeted Edwin.

"I don't know. This time our are different," replied Edwin, whose arm was held by Kira.

The woman chuckled. But Edwin glanced behind him as if looking for something. Alendra, who saw this, was shocked, but Edwin looked indifferent.

"You won't find Aneska because the girl didn't come," said Kira as if he knew what Edwin was looking for.


Edwin's short question did not deny that he was looking for Aneska.

"You have to be nice to Aneska, Edwin!" Kira reminded him firmly.

Suddenly Edwin remembered what he had done to Aneska.

"Mianca came to visit to meet Aneska, that's why she didn't come with me. I've offered, but Aneska refused because she was tired, and chose to stay at home with Mianca," explained Kira later.

Edwin was silent for a moment, but his footsteps stopped making Kira automatically stop and turn to his son who was directing his gaze forward.

Kira glanced at Alendra who was standing opposite him, then followed Edwin's gaze.

It turned out that, at the very front, among the quite large number of guests, there was a woman they knew. Not only Edwin or Alendra, but also Kira whose expression suddenly became flat, her eyes full of hatred and anger. But the next minute, Kira changed her facial expression again to become soft, motherly, and friendly.

A young man about Edwin's age approached them and greeted them in a friendly manner.

"Hello Aunt Kira," said the man.

Kira answered with a friendly smile.

“Zean, lucky you are here. Bring Edwin, I want to go for a walk," Kira said to the man.

"Of course. Auntie, don't worry, I will look after him as usual," said Zean.

Once again, Kira smiled and nodded, but before leaving, Kira told Zean his whereabouts, which might trigger Edwin's anger, so Kira asked Zean, who already knew Edwin inside and out, to look after him.

After saying that, Kira went with Alendra and took her husband's arm affectionately and then mingled with the others, greeted them in a friendly manner, exchanged news, took a glass of wine brought by the waiter and then greeted the host who was holding the event.

Meanwhile, Edwin was still in his place with his hands clenched tightly.

"Let's go, Edwin," said Zean, pulling the man's arm slightly away from that place.

Edwin followed where Zean took him while holding back his growing anger.

The dinner hosted by Mrs. Lee from Lensa Technology not only invited old business colleagues but was also attended by young business people or other young people. Not a few children come there with their parents. The banquet was held at the hotel so there were lots of places to go. But unfortunately, Edwin couldn't go far before greeting his host.

“However, you have to behave yourself, Ed. I'm sure that woman did it on purpose," said Zean when Edwin refused to leave.

There was no response from Edwin, who remained cold.

"Enough. Come on, quickly take care of your business, let's get out of here, I'm fed up with the situation here," said Zean impatiently.

This handsome-looking man often complains that too much attention is given to him. Zean is the same as Edwin who took over the family company because of similar fate and struggles. Edwin and Zean finally developed a close relationship. Of course, Zean knows a lot about Edwin's life story, especially the tragic love conflict.

Edwin ignored Zean and approached his mother who was talking to the dinner host. As long as his mother is around, it would be good for Edwin to say goodbye on the grounds that there is a need. Edwin felt uncomfortable, so he agreed to Zean's departure.

While Edwin greeted Mrs. Lee, Zean watched Jessica. It seemed like the woman was having a bit of trouble. Understandably, there are many people who want to have a relationship with this beautiful, successful woman. Whether work relationships, business, or even romance. However, Zean, like Edwin, looked at Jessica with hatred in his eyes.

After successfully removing the barrier, Jessica was about to approach Edwin but Zean blocked the woman's steps with a casual look.

"Move. "I have nothing to do with you," Jessica said curtly when she saw who was standing in front of her.

“Me neither. But if you ruin the mood, that's my problem. So, stop bothering Edwin. You are truly shameless," replied Zean sarcastically.

Jessica looked at Zean sharply.

"Who are you? His father? His mother? His girlfriend? What do I care about you? All I want is Edwin!" Jessica emphasized.

Zean, not wanting to lose, returned the woman's sharp gaze.

“What my position is, you don't need to care. What you should know is, whatever happens to Edwin because of you, I will not remain silent. One more thing, don't forget, I was the one who brought them together. However, you destroyed it.”

After saying that, Zean just left, leaving Jessica silent where she was. Zean was on good terms with Edwin, but was not directly involved in the tragedy. But Zean found out about it from Edwin.

"Did you know that Edwin is married?" Jessica's voice wasn't very loud when she said that, but it was enough for Zean to hear.

Zean's footsteps stopped, he looked back at Jessica, who immediately smiled broadly. Zean's reaction indicated he didn't know.

“You don't know, right? You said you were quite close to him, but you weren't," Jessica said.

Zean just glanced at her then continued walking away from Jessica.

However, because of Zean, Jessica lost the opportunity to greet Edwin directly, and this made Jessica angry, but because there were so many people, she restrained herself. But Jessica believes there will be another opportunity.

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