Read with BonusRead with Bonus



She nibbled on her lip and I could almost see her brain thinking it over. Despite her hesitation, her nipples puckered again, betraying her. Whereas most women would feel fear, Valentina was different. She was attracted to me despite the fear though she probably hated herself for it.

I would change that. Soon she would beg me to fuck her and lick her pussy. To suck my cock and swallow my come. There would be no shame between us, no limits to the depravity I would show her. And she would love every minute.

She threw her shoulders back and strode toward me, unafraid. Her breasts bounced with every step, her hips swayed, and I could hardly breathe. When she reached me, she arched a brow in challenge, and my hand itched with the desire to throw her over my lap and spank her insolent ass.

But that would come. For now, I had to play this carefully. She watched me with big round eyes, her chest rising and falling with the force of her breaths. A droplet of water rolled down her temple, and I used my thumb to gently brush the moisture from her soft skin. “Do you like my boat, dolcezza?”

Her throat worked as she swallowed. “I want to say I hate it, but I’d be lying.” I liked to think she was also talking about me. “Good. You’ll be spending a lot of time here.”

“You still don’t understand, Ravazzani. I won’t be staying.” I stepped forward, closing the distance between us, and she began backing away. I continued until her spine connected with the oak panelling, then I braced my hands on either side of her head. “Rafael .”

Her brows dipped low as she searched my face. “What?”

“When we are alone, I want you to call me Rafael.”

“I shouldn’t. You’re…well, it wouldn’t be….” She huffed. “We shouldn’t be alone.”

I flustered her. Excellent. “We will be, though Often.”

“No, we won’t. We shouldn’t even be alone now. They’ll be wondering where we are.”

“I don’t care.” I dragged my eyes over her stunning features, down to her lips. They were plump and wet with her saliva, begging to be tasted. I had to resist for just a little while longer.

“I’m sure Katarzyna would love to hear that,” she whispered. That was the reminder I needed. I was a heartless bastard, but I was also fair. “I plan to handle that problem in just a few minutes.”

“You’re going to kill her?” Valentina hissed. I shook my head, disappointed in her opinion of me. Granted, I hadn’t shown her much else, but that would soon change. “No, but I’ve decided I no longer want her.”

I watched as she tried to make sense of what I’d said, confusion and trepidation etched in her features. “Why?”

Now she was asking the right questions. “Because I want someone else.” I dipped my head closer and put my lips by her ear. “And one thing you should know, Valentina , is that I always get what I want.”

Her breath hitched as I pushed away from the wall. “Buona sera, monella.”

Leaving her there, I strode out to the pool area. Dimitri and Katarzyna were looking at something on her phone and laughing. “Katarzyna, andiamo. We must go.”

They both glanced up and Dimitri ’s gaze darted behind me. I assumed Valentina had now reappeared on deck and Dimitri was noticing we’d been inside together. I would need to have a talk with my son back home.

Katarzyna gathered her things and kissed Dimitri ’s cheeks. “Don’t forget to tag me,” she said and then came toward me. “Everything all right?”

“I need to get back.”

“Bye, Tina ,” Katarzyna said to the woman standing behind me. I kept my eyes on my son. “My office when you return.” He nodded once, probably aware of what I wanted to tell him.

Would he warn Valentina ? I hoped so. It would make it even harder to win her over...and I relished a challenge when it came to this woman.

Soon we were in the helicopter headed back to my estate. Katarzyna was suspiciously quiet. I had learned the best way to do these things was directly, with no ambiguity. “This between us? It is over.”

Katarzyna didn’t appear all that surprised. “It’s her, isn’t it?”

That was none of her business and she knew me well enough not to expect an answer. “I’ll get you that property in Portofino you wanted.”

“And a diamond bracelet.” I nodded. “I wish you the best, Katarzyna. If you need help, you only I need to ask.”

“Thank you, Rafael .” She played with the ties on her cover up. “Want me to suck your cock one last time?”

The idea didn’t tempt me in the least. “No, that’s not necessary.” She sighed. “God, I will miss you. Well, I will miss your big dick.”

My lips twitched, but I said nothing. I wouldn’t miss her and we both knew it. “I hope she is ready. You are not a man most women can handle.”

Valentina was strong, perhaps stronger than she even realised. She would be able to handle me. And it would be fun to teach her how....

Valentina POV

Dimitri and I watched the sun set as the yacht cruised back toward Siderno. We were both quiet, lost in our thoughts. And one thing you should know, Valentina , is that I always get what I want. Was Rafael telling me he wanted me? That had certainly been implied as he cornered me against the wall and caged me in with his body. I hadn’t felt fear at that moment. Well, perhaps a little, but not because I thought he’d hurt me.

I was afraid of my reaction to him, of how excitement pulsed between my legs with just one look from him. My nipples beaded every time he was within fifty feet, like they were issuing some kind of a warning.

Except I didn’t want to run away from him. Far from it. I thought of his hand on my throat, the warmth and strength of his body as he surrounded me, and I wanted more. I wanted to drown in his darkness...and that terrified me.

I was a strong woman; Independent. I had plans for my future, like going to college and finding a normal, safe man to marry. One who didn’t run drugs and extort money from others.

One who wouldn’t get gunned down in the street by his enemies. For God’s sake, Rafael ’s first wife Dimitri ’s mother had been shot dead on a beach.

I didn’t want that life. I didn’t want to be associated with these people. I was a good person, someone who believed in right and wrong. My father was a criminal, yes, but my sisters and I weren’t. We deserved better.

I’m not entirely good, though, am I? True. By day, I had taken on a more parental role with my twin sisters, watching over them. At night, though, I snuck out of the house to find fun. To find a boyfriend and lose my virginity.

Apparently I was a rebel at heart which was why I could not be caged here in Italy, like a meek and docile prisoner. I had to find a way out. “He’s going to try to seduce you.”

Dimitri ’s words startled me. “What?”

“My father. He is going to try to seduce you.” Tingles raced up the backs of my thighs. “How do you know that? Did he say something?”

Dimitri lifted a shoulder. “No, but I can tell.”

“That’s crazy. I’m supposed to marry you.”

“Not anymore. That's why he wants to talk to me as soon as we return.” Oh, God. I was having a hard enough time resisting Rafael as an engaged woman. What happened when the engagement was off? “You have to tell him no.”

Dimitri grunted and folded his hands behind his head, closing his eyes. “No one tells my father no.”

“I do and you need to stand up to him. Tell him you want to marry me.” He cracked a lid at me. “Why would I do that? I don’t want to marry you.”

“Dimitri , please. You have to help me. I cannot get involved with your father. That would be worse than marrying you no offence.”

“None taken, but you are crazy if you think I can stop him.”

“Can’t you convince him we are madly in love?”

“He’d never believe it and I don’t like lying to my father.” I pulled my sunglasses down and gave him a pointed look, to which he nodded. “Exactly. One lie is enough, believe me.”

“Then help me escape.” Dimitri sat up and turned to face me, his expression curious. “Why? You could do a lot worse than my father. You like the estate and the castello...and he would treat you with respect.”

Yes, but he would also consume me. I would lose to Rafael Ravazzani. “I can’t. Please, Dimitri .”

“You will have to deal with him yourself. If you don’t want him, then tell him. He’ll accept it. He’s a reasonable man.” I thought about the man who had drugged me, had locked me in a dungeon.

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