Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Rafael POV

After feeding Valentina breakfast, I took her for another soak in the jacuzzi. Then I fucked her slow and sweet one last time before we left the apartment. I could not get enough of this woman. In fact, I considered keeping her in Roma for another day. But these wishes were foolish. Too much demanded my attention in Siderno and it was dangerous for me to be away for so long.

My life was not my own. It never had been. From the time I was born, my destiny was set just as Dimitri ’s had been. And his sons as well, and so on. It was the way our brotherhood worked. And I wouldn’t change it. Our traditions were how the ’Ndrangheta had grown and maintained a stronghold throughout the world. We were more fearsome and powerful than the Cosa Nostra or the Camorra, and my ’ndrina was near the top of the pyramid.

And despite the high probability that I would one day be murdered or arrested, I still loved my life. When we walked inside the castello, Marco was waiting in the entryway. I could tell by his face that I had annoyed him by staying away so long. But I didn’t answer my cousin.

“Buona sera, Valentina . Cugino,” he said tersely.

“Buona sera, Marco,” she greeted and tried to pull away from me.

“Fermati!” I held onto her hand, dragging her toward me. I didn’t care if Marco watched, I was not letting her scurry away like she was embarrassed. Valentina was a queen, my queen and she should never worry over anyone else’s perception of her. Other than mine, of course.

“Rafael ,” she snapped, her gaze filled with annoyance and the sight still managed to make my dick hard after coming so much today. “Let me


“Not yet.” I held her face and kissed her deeply, using my tongue to make a point, until she softened against me. “There,” I said when I pulled

back. “Now you may go.”

She tried to huff like she was angry, but I knew she wasn’t. She liked my bossy side. Even if I couldn’t read it on her face, her wet pussy told me every time. As she was hurrying up the stairs, I called after her, “Try to stay out of trouble.”

Lifting a hand, she gave me the middle finger. I shook my head and chuckled. Madonna, this girl. She was never boring, that was for certain.

Marco folded his arms over his chest. “Are you finished?”

“You act as if I have been on holiday for two weeks.” I started toward my office, where we could have privacy. “I was gone for only twenty-four hours.”

“Rav, this could be very bad.” I told him to be quiet, not wishing to discuss this where anyone might overhear. Once we were closed up in my office, I said, “You are worrying for nothing. I will handle Mancini.”

“He’s pissed. You didn’t hear his voice. He learned that you took Valentina as your mantenuta, that you have no intention of marrying her to your son.” It was inevitable that Mancini would hear of this information. I hadn’t tried to hide my relationship with Valentina and people talked. So I would not lie to him but I did not need his permission, either. If I wanted to keep Valentina tied to my bed forever, then there was nothing Mancini could do about it. “Get him on the phone.”

I slipped off my suit coat and rolled up my sleeves while Marco dialled Mancini on the secure line. I paid a fortune for the privilege of privacy here, and even then, it was risky. We tried not to use phones for our illegal operations, unless they were the disposable kind.

Mancini picked up on the first ring. “Yes?”

“Ciao, Roberto.” I heard shuffling on the other end, like he was moving to a place where he wouldn’t be overheard. “You stronzo,” he snarled into the phone. “You had no right to turn my daughter into a whore.”

“Your daughter was not innocent. We caught a man sneaking out of her bedroom window that morning in Toronto.”

“You lie. Valentina would never”

“His name was David and she had been fucking him for months. Have you no idea what goes on in your household at all?” This was an insult to a men such as us, that we are not the rulers of our homes. I could tell the news did not sit well with Mancini. He was thinking this over, probably trying to see if what I said was true and how he could work it to his advantage. I wasn’t about to give him the chance.

“Allora, I should be furious that you gave me damaged goods for my son, Roberto. I expected a pure bride, one to bear the Ravazzani heirs. Instead, I have taken Valentina to my bed and now she is well cared for and respected.”

“As your mantenuta,” he spat. “Hardly a position of respect.”

“It was the best she could hope for, considering. You are lucky I did not send her back to you and demand payment in full on our debt.” He couldn’t afford to pay me, not with money. “Or, I could have asked for one of your other daughters for my son.”

“They are only sixteen. Hardly ready for marriage.”

“That is not uncommon here,” I said, even though I would have waited, as I planned to do with D’Agostino’s sister. “I would never allow it.”

I laughed, but it was cruel and without humour. “There is not much you can prevent, if I wish for it. Do not forget who it is you are speaking with.”

“This is an insult to my family,” Mancini said. “My other daughters will have a hard time finding husbands because of the shame you have inflicted upon Valentina .”

“That is not my problem. If you had kept better control of your oldest daughter, then she would be marrying my son, as we originally discussed. The insult was against my family in that you gave her to me in the first place, knowing she was not innocent.”

“I want her to come home. Immediately.” Though Mancini couldn’t see it, I let my lips curve into a malevolent grin. “Absolutely not. I am keeping her. When I decide I am through, then I will let her go wherever she wishes.”

I could hear him breathing on the other end, the fury evident in every exhale. He was like a dragon, ready to spew fire. But he had no leverage over me. While he might be powerful in Toronto, I was a hundred times more powerful all around the globe. My name inspired fear in the hearts of hardened criminals from Berlin to Brazil, Colombia to New York. “Now, are we done? I have things to do.”

“For now, Ravazzani.” The line went dead. I wasn’t thrilled that he hung up on me, but I was in too good of a mood to care. Marco was frowning at me when I looked up.

“What is it?” I asked. “You were very calm during that call. Perhaps too calm?”

I threw up my hands. “You are normally chastising me for my temper. Which is it? Do you want me to be calm or angry?”

“I don’t know.” He shook his head. “But after that kiss in the entryway and now this call with Mancini, I have to wonder if Valentina is good for you.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? Good for me? She isn’t red meat, Marco.”

“You have been obsessed with her for weeks. Then you tear off to Roma to see her without any regard for proper security. And you walk in looking like a lovesick puppy.”

“You’d better take care,” I said softly, trying to hold onto my temper. “You are my cousin, but that does not mean you may treat me with disrespect. My relationship with Valentina is none of your concern.”

“It is when it affects the business, the brotherhood.”

“There is no reason to worry. You have merely forgotten what it is like to fuck a new woman.”

“I am very happy fucking my wife, Rav. I don’t need a new pussy to feel like a man.” My entire body went hot at the insult and I shot to my feet. I angled down and snarled, “Get out of my office before I do or say something I might regret.”

He held up his palms. “I am sorry. I didn't mean it as it came out. But I will leave.” Standing, he slipped his hands into his pockets. “Please, just be careful. She is not from here, Rav. She has different ideas of what her life looks like. We don’t know that she is entirely trustworthy.”

I did. I trusted Valentina down to the marrow of my bones. She had given me everything I’d asked of her, had put her life in my hands, and I would not allow her to regret it. As my mistress, she would be given the world at her feet. Anyone who didn’t like it would answer me.

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