Chapter Seven: Isabelle
Noise is the first thing to slowly start drifting in, dragging me back to the land of the living. But really its just like my head is underwater so nothing makes sense. My body and brain are aware someone is with me, trying to talk to ruse me from unconsciousness, and that I am in fact not actually underwater even tho my lungs scream that I am. The noise gets louder and slightly more urgent, until I can tell someone is speaking.
“She isn’t waking up. Grandpa what do we do? Is she okay?” the girl sounds a little panicked but honestly I still cant really breathe and well I don’t care.
“She is, she breathing, not in a way id like to though.” At that I think I huff a laugh.
“ma’am!” The girl says way to loud. Now that I’m coming back, my head is splitting. The feeling of the rest of my body coming back at the force of a freight train, I slowly peel my eyes open. I see a girl around my age looking at me, her hand hovering over me reaching toward me. My heart picks up its rate as I try to shoot back away from her but cant get anywhere. All I manage to do is jolt my arm. I refuse to give them any thing so I bite my lip only to reopen it from the last time.
“Addy back up give her space.” The girl looks a bit defeated but slowly rises from her crouch and backs up slowly. I try to slow my breath that has picked back up with the inability to breathe mixed with the pain and panic. Once she is standing I can see the older man behind her. He looks mid sixties but he looks a little rough. Not like the kind of men that my husband and his men kind of rough. No more like he has seen some shit that would ruin your life, that he has worked long hours. What’s that saying? Rode hard and put up wet? Yea I think that’s it.
He lets his eye drift down my body, not leering but very much clinical. He stops at my chest where my arm still resting in the sling. And the rapid fall of my chest. Shakes his head.
“I’m Dr. Carson this is my granddaughter Addy. Mr. O’Gallagher sent me to you to check you over and provide care.” I say nothing. But now I know who has taken me. The Irish mafia. So I know that it is connected to Alessandro. When he sees I have nothing for him he continues. “ I am going to assume part of the reason your breathing looks like that is what’s under the dress?”
Still I say nothing. Just stare at him. He exhales.
“I am truly hoping it’s the under garments and not something more that that?” he raises one his eye brows. When I give him nothing he exhales. “Okay I’m going to turn around and Addy can help you undress so that I can take a look. He reaches in his bag and hands Addy a pair of what looks like joggers and a t-shirt, along with scissors I guess to help cut the dress off. Little do they know they aren’t going to touch me. I don’t trust this. I don’t trust them, and I am not going to let them near me. When Addy tries to smile and approach me, I surprise myself as much as her when I smack her hands away from me, and kick out my legs to keep her away. All the while having no control over the jostling of my arm. But the darkness is creeping in again from being touched by them so while it hurts like hell its going numb again. She quickly jumps back.
“I just want to help.” I eminently shake my head now and point to the door with earnest. She tries again and this time my foot connects with her chest. This causes the good doctor to turn around and see his granddaughter grabbing her chest trying to catch her wind. He rushes to her.
“Addy!” She looks up at him with a sad smile.
“I don’t think she is going to let us help her.” You think right girlie. He looks back at me and shakes his head.
“I think your right.” He digs into his bag and pulls out a bottle of water and some kind of pill. He opens the water and sits it on the ground then takes two pills out and placed them in the cap placing them next to the water.
“This is pain medication called vicidon. Ill make sure someone brings more every few hours.”
Not going to happen I think to myself. I would rather sit here in pain. That’s if those are even what he said they are. He must see that on my face because he shakes his head at me again before placing his hand on Addy shoulders leading her out of the room. The door shuts and the lock are engaged with a resounding click. My body relaxes the tiniest bit before I hear the doctor talking to someone.
“She isn’t going to let us go anywhere near her. I don’t know how but she managed to sling herself.” A brief pause. “She also isn’t breathing very well, I can’t discern if that from injury pain or panic.” Another pause. “Of course, I offered her something for pain, though I highly doubt she will take them. I’m leaving more with your men here to give every four hours if she does take what I left. I would be better with food.”
I think they have left when it goes silent for a few minutes and start trying to make my way to the water. I saw and heard the crack of the bottle, so I am going to assume its safe, even if that makes me an ass. But before I can get my hands on it I hear one last thing.
“I think based off what I’ve seen that your feeling may be correct. Yes, well shall see. Come one Abby lets go.”
I manage to get to the water with minimal movement and bring it back to my spot against the wall. I replay the events of the night and even though I should be more worried about what exactly I’ve been put in the middle of, all my brain seems to want to focus on who he was talking to? And what the hell are their feelings?