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Chapter 1 Her Child was Gone, and She was Owed Reparation

In an elegant, classical mansion, a woman's voice echoed through the halls, shrill with agony and sorrow.

"Darian! Why? Why would you kill your own child?"

The woman was curled up on the floor; waves of excruciating pain were radiating from her abdomen, threatening to cause her to black out, as a warm fluid incessantly trickled from beneath her.

Moments before, her husband, Darian Fitzgerald, forced an abortion-inducing drug down her throat.

And now, this man sat at the edge of her bed, his icy fingers gripping her chin, reveling in the spectacle of her misery.

"Cecily, you had it coming! When you schemed to marry me, you should've foreseen this day! What's the matter, upset because I ignore you? Is that why you schemed to harm that child?”

“How does it feel to lose a child slowly? Does it hurt?”

His voice was merciless, his tone chilling like a slow dagger to Cecily’s heart.

She wanted to scream that it wasn’t true, but the man’s strong hand around her throat stifled any sound.

“No, it’s not like that!”

Flailing against Darian’s grasp, Cecily’s voice was fierce as she tried to explain, “I never harmed her child. I never intended to end up in your bed; I was set up, too. How many times do I have to tell you?”

“No?” His cold fingertips tightened suddenly; his grip so forceful as if intending to shatter her jaw.

“The suspect has confessed that everything was orchestrated by you, and yet you stand here arguing? Ophelia’s child was eight months along, and now she’s dead in her womb. How could you do such a thing?"

Cecily's pale lips trembled, her heartache far surpassing the physical pain.

She had explained this to Darian time and again, but no matter how much she tried, he refused to believe her.

Then, a brutal divorce agreement was thrust in her face, "Sign it."

Abortion! Divorce!

Ever since he was convinced that she had interfered with his engagement and harmed Ophelia Flores, Cecily knew this day would come.

She had envisioned countless ways Darian might seek revenge.

Yet, she never imagined he'd go as far as taking the life of her child – his own child as well.

Cecily's complexion was deathly pale. Clutching her eight-month swollen belly, she steadied herself on the nightstand and unsteadily rose to her feet.

Grasping the divorce papers tightly, her eyes, red with determination, locked onto Darian, "I'll grant you the divorce! You don't trust me?! You want vengeance for Ophelia?! Fine!”

‘After all, you're dumber than a box of rocks, and to that, I have nothing left to say.’ Cecily thought to herself.

"But this child also carries the Fitzgerald blood. Did you think you could make this decision without running it by me, by Mother, by Grandpa? Darian, even beasts don't harm their young. To think you'd kill your own child... you're worse than a beast!"


Upon hearing this, Darian's piercing black eyes bore into her, and the air around them seemed to crystallize into frost.

He glanced at her prominently swollen belly and sneered with biting irony, "What if I told you that child isn't mine at all?"

Cecily's heart skipped a beat, and after two silent seconds passed, she retorted with a cold laugh, "What kind of joke is this?"

"The night of the old man’s birthday bash, Ophelia spiked your drink and had someone else sleep with you. It was another man, not me."

"So, you see, by the timeline, it's simply not possible that you're carrying my child. There's no need to explain anything to Dad or Grandpa!"

Hearing this, Cecily’s eyes flashed with panic as she reached forward and clutched Darian’s collar in disbelief.

"No! Impossible! You're lying to me! That night, it was clearly you, and you've always acknowledged this child as your own."

During three years of marriage, Darian rarely touched her, but that night, the man's build and the scent of his being left her unquestionably sure that it was Darian. He had to be lying!

"It's because Ophelia made a mistake, and I felt a sense of guilt towards you, that I acknowledged the child."

Cecily's pupils dilated sharply. As she listened to Darian, a ludicrous thought crossed her mind.

"So, you've known all along that she drugged me, but to cover for her, you claimed that this child was yours before everyone?"

Darian's brow tightened. He learned of the incident afterward. He was outraged; he even reprimanded Ophelia, who knew she was at fault.

It was also on that fateful night, in a drunken stupor, that he had erred, ending up in a liaison with Ophelia, resulting in her pregnancy.

Remorse flickered in Darian’s eyes, yet he offered no explanation. "Yes."


The crisp, resounding slap echoed in his ear, and Darian stood in stunned silence for a moment. The next second, searing pain radiated across his face.

Cecily, enduring the heart-wrenching pain in her belly, had mustered all her strength for that one slap.

How cruel!

She was his wife, yet after learning about what happened, he did nothing.

Ophelia, was she that important? So important that he was willing to toss away his own pride as a man?

"Darian, do you believe in karma? Ophelia losing her child is her karma! And you'll get yours!" Cecily bellowed.

Rage flared in Darian's eyes as he closed the distance in a few strides, pinning Cecily against the wall, his hand tightening around her throat. "Karma?!"

"Say that again!? If it weren't for you taking advantage of my car accident to drive Ophelia away with your schemes, so you could become my wife, why would she have had to do what she did? This is all your fault from start to finish, isn't it?!"

Her fault?

How laughable. His ex-girlfriend, Ophelia Flores, fled the country to hide away as soon as she heard he might become a vegetable.

And her? She quietly stood by this man out of a secret love for all these years, even going as far as to donate a kidney for his illness. And now, all she received in return was an accusation, "It's all my fault?!"

That's right, to prevent any suspicion that she approached the Fitzgerald family with an agenda, they had made a deal that she must never reveal that she had donated a kidney to him.

In exchange, they helped her marry Darian, fulfilling her longstanding wish to be his wife.

"I—" Cecily started to say something, but her water had just broken, and the intolerable pain suggested that the baby was on its way.

She needed to get to the hospital, now.

"Where do you think you're going?"

His chilling voice was terrifying. Hearing the commotion, a servant rushed to the agonized Cecily and held onto her, "Ma'am?"

Cecily, drained of strength, leaned on the servant, "Please... take me to the hospital."

Seeing her condition, it was clear she was about to give birth, so the servant immediately agreed to help.

Darian narrowed his eyes at the trembling woman, "Ophelia lost her child. What makes you think I would spare yours?"

A thunderous boom of thunder sounded outside, causing Cecily's heart to jolt violently once more.

She clenched her teeth and, gathering her strength, asked, "If you think the baby isn't yours, what right do you think you have to make any decisions about it?"

Nobody knew which word had pricked Darian, but a chill surged through him, causing the servants beside him to shudder.

No man would take lightly the public humiliation of his bride's infidelity.

After a moment of silence, Mr. Darian Fitzgerald's thin lips curled into a cold smile.

"Very well—" he paused and then continued, "since that's the case, we're getting a divorce. You have no right to order the staff around here. If you want to go to the hospital, get yourself there..."

Cecily's eyes were filled with a deep despair. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Just what kind of man had she fallen? Were her ten years of unrequited love for nothing?

Before he could say another word, Cecily bit down on her lip and, with resolve, pushed the servant’s hand away and walked out alone.

Darian’s dark eyes narrowed slightly.

Outside, the downpour was relentless, and the icy rain lashed against Cecily, chilling her to the bone.

She pressed on, enduring waves of pain in her abdomen, moving towards the darkness that seemed without end.

Suddenly, her foot slipped, and she quickly braced herself with her hands to avoid falling on her stomach. As she tried to stand, her heavy body failed her, and she fell heavily to the ground, her vision blurring until darkness consumed her entirely.

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