Rare Virtues
Keira's Pov
Anxiety makes my intestines churn as the man unfolds the letter. The letter got the attention of the kings just as Princess Lyna wanted, but I will still be in trouble for what I wrote.
"Congratulations, Princess of Silverthorn. You're the second contestant to get the attention of our kings through a letter." The man announces and Princess Lyna literally jumps.
"Yes! I knew it!" She screams in exhilaration. "They must be impressed!"
The man nods his head. "Of course they are. A woman with combat skills and a gift of courage is a rare gem. You must be proud of your unique skills to challenge the angel kings to a duel. Not even the best of our knights has ever done that, believe me we are all intrigued." He says and Princess Lyna freezes.
She matches forward and snatches the letter from his hands. Her mouth falls open with shock as she quietly reads the contents of the letter.
I would not have suggested a test of combat skills and courage if she had not pressured me to write that letter on the first day of our arrival. I asked for a one on one duel with the angel kings as a way for Princess Lyna to prove her bravery and sword skills. Not that she has any, but the goal was to make the angel kings meet her.
She will meet them in the battlefield now that they have eagerly accepted the challenge.
"His majesty king Fenris, king Conrad and Long Garren are anxious to witness your fierceness, Princess Lyna. The duel has been set to take place on the day after tomorrow." The kings' assistant informs with an encouraging smile. "Ask for anything you need, our palace will be happy to provide."
Lyna appears too bewildered to reply as she stares at the parchment in her hands for a long time before looking up at the assistant and Lady Doria.
"I . . . .I -" She stammers but realises that confessing that she did not write the letter would cause more trouble.
"I am . . . looking forward to the duel." She stutters in a shaky voice.
"We wish you the best of luck." Our hosts smiles and excuses themselves as they leave the room.
I can feel three intense glares on me as our hosts shut the door and the sounds of their footsteps disappear. Lisa has got her hands gripping her waist in a posture of anger and suspicion, Helen is literally clenching her fists as if in readiness to hit me. The princess's eyes are glowing with rage as she strides forward purposefully. My body tenses as I see her wolf's claws emerging from the tips of her fingers.
"You pathetic human . . . who asked for a duel with the angel kings? Do you know just how powerful they are!" Her anger explodes.
"I figured that they will be too stunned by your beauty to want to harm you, your highness." I explain and she halts, her features relaxing with realisation.
"And they will just call off the match?" She questions in heavy skepticism.
"Off course no one expects you to win a fight match against the angel kings. But you have already proved your courage by asking for a duel with them, something no one has ever done before. They will not want to harm you after witnessing your beauty, so you will be safe during the match." I expound.
She mulls over the idea for a brief moment before nodding her head. "You do have a point, human. All I have to do is show up dressed in my most exquisite dress and they will all desire to kiss me rather than fight me." She says with a thrilled smile and I nod.
I am aware that things may turn out different and she may end up dead. But she has faith in the lure of her beauty so I won't be completely to blame if the angel kings decide that they want more.
This will also be my chance to see all the three of them. The idea of them being enticed by Princess Lyna's beauty and royal status still fills me with envy. I need to find something for my mind to focus before I get myself in trouble.
"I must save my most enchanting dress for that day, stay here and help me pick the one that best complements my curves." Princess Lyna says, pointing at Lisa and Helen who immediately hurry to open the big closet.
I am assuming that I am no longer needed so I leave in search of Margret. I can find out more about the characters of the angel kings from her.
What happens if they find their mate after they are already married to their chosen bride?