Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Alex's POV

Alex's POV

I was right in my premonition that things were going to be annoyingly distasteful

Julienne scoff as stood beside me with a frustrated sigh,proved that this was going to be a pain in my ass.

She pulled away from me and Tammy who had a death grip in my arm going ahead of either of us, the sun was too hot and really the faster we were on that plane the better for us all.

" If I asked you to go back him would you" I muttered to Tammy and she hissed, I sighed– of course I couldn't be that lucky.

Julienne was collapsed into a seat and tugging on the seat belt as I got in. Tammy left my arm and I crossed the path and sat by her side.

Tammy took a seat opposite me,her feet running along my calf.

" You really should have sat anywhere else but here " Julienne hissed to me in a soft tone. I huffed and looked away from her, I was not going to do this with either one of them. It was likely my fault but I wanted to feign ignorance as long as I could.

" So how is the happy couple" Tammy asked and Julienne shrugged pulling out her reader.

" Personally I'd be happier if you were not in my face but I'll take what I can get I guess" Julienne muttered, Tammy laughed and I sighed.

" That's a lot of talk from someone who stole another woman's man" she replied and Julienne sighed in annoyance dropping her pad onto her lap.

" Is this how this is going to be" Julienne asked her face twisted in a scowl

" Is this flight going to be about you bothering me about him and me sitting here listening to you" Julienne asked wryly looking out of the window , I felt a little bit awkward.

Julienne looked out of the window like she would rather be anywhere but here, I would have too but alas we were stuck with each other.

Julienne looked to me and then to her as well, as if wondering if what she wanted to say would be offensive but then she decided to just say it.

" How long have you been dating him" she asked pointing to the both of us that seemed to be a weird line of questioning. Tammy looked to me and I arched a brow at her– I had been just fine with sitting in the silence it was her who wanted this conversation.

" Two years " she replied

" That's wonderful," Julienne retorted

" I dated my boyfriend for almost the same period but here I am, married to him" Julienne said pointing to me, her tone dry and uninterested as if our marriage was an inconvenience and I knew it likely was but I didn't like hearing it.

" Did he at any point tell you he was going to marry you" Julienne asked and she scowled , I hissed

" Julienne" but she ignored me and carried on

" I don't believe he did, in fact even if he did. He has a right to change his mind she mumbled and Tammy hissed looking mad as hell.

" Shut up" she grumbled and Julienne pulled back from them both

" I don't really care what you think, I'm married to him and I intend to make the best of it. If you think you can take him away, I welcome you to try but I won't sit there while you do so may the best woman win" she mumbled and leaned into her seat.

Tammy scowled deeply, and I shook my head at her and she settled into her seat.

Julienne ignored us both and looked down to her reader, I pulled out my laptop and got to work, ignoring the drag of Tammy's feet against my leg.

The flight would take around two hours, to one of the many family homes on the Stanton coast so I just had to last till then. The plane landed and we got off the plane, Tammy entwining her arms with mine as we walked down the ramp–Julienne followed behind.

A car was waiting for us and the rest of the trip continued with the same sequence, Tammy hugged me,pressing against me and Julienne kept staring at her phone, feigning interest on whatever was in there, I knew she was pretending because her brow seemed to be bunched in a slight frown.

" I need to get supplies" she muttered.

" How can I get them to our place " she finished and I looked up at her.

" What supplies do you need" I asked and she stilled

" Art supplies, " she stated simply inviting no further questions and I respected her wishes, because we all had secrets.

" We can get them here for you as soon as you'd like." I replied and she shrugged.

" thank you," I nodded and Tammy gripped my arm tightly

" I've heard so much about your family's home here. Is it as beautiful" she asked and Julienne went back to her novel and I listened to Tammy's questions struggling not to zone out when I inevitably stared at julienne.

I really needed to take care of this especially since I was seventy percent sure that I wanted Julienne Campry.

We arrived at the home, Julienne looked around the place,then walked up the stairs and climbed up looking impressed which for some stupid reason made me happy.

" I'm taking a room to the right of the house, you guys should pick one on the left " she muttered.

Tammy pulled my hand leading me to a room across the hall

" Separate rooms" I muttered and she paused

" Why" I sighed

" Do I have to explain to you that I'm married " I asked her and she scoffed

" It's not a real marriage"

" It doesn't matter what you think. I am married and I plan to honour that"

The room I chose was simple one that I used every time I stayed here , it had curtains and beautiful furniture as well as a bed so I was fine with it , I dropped my bag on the bed and looked away from wardrobe and walked to the balcony door that gave me a perfect view of the beach.

I looked to miles of golden sand, framing a beautiful clear blue water, no one was around for a long stretch one of the reasons I liked this place , I looked to the side where a single lone window was open, Julienne's room, she had picked the blue room a space my mother had decorated before her passing.

I strode our of my room, and walked down the corridor, Tammy had chosen a room two doors down, I walked into the room after a slight knock

" What the hell" Julienne grimaced , grabbed a towel that she shrugged over herself,

"you should knock"she hissed and I grinned my eyes roving over the exposed skin, she had in a single piece swimsuit and she looked gorgeous her hair falling in waves.

" You're my wife. I like to think that doesn't apply to me" I muttered and she huffed

" You'd be mistaken, and I don't think your girlfriend feels the same way" she muttered going out to the balcony, I followed.

" I'm sorry about that. I'll have Tammy sorted out soon" I mumbled drawing closer like a moth to the flame.

She sighed turned to me and stilled at his her face so close to mine, she swallowed I did too.

She was so close, her cheeks heating flushing so beautifully, I remember our kisses her lips against mine as I tasted and sampled her. She seemed to be remembering the same thing cause she gulped and looked into my eyes–which did nothing to quell my arousal.

" It's not really a problem,I have a clingy lover and so do you. We're equal" she said drawing back. I resisted the urge to smile

" You are going downstairs" I asked and she nodded

" I felt like seeing the water" she muttered and I smiled

" You paint " I asked finally able to ask the questions on my mind for days.

" I do, it's a hobby" she replied, I sensed it wasn't but I couldn't prove it.

" I'll get you supplies at the end of the day tomorrow" I offered and she smiled

" Thank you" I gulped, my hands raised to her hair and I took a clump of it in his fingers and passed them through it wanting to feel the texture, drawing closer so I was on her almost my hands on her waist the tips of my fingers playing with the little exposed skin

" You're gorgeous like this" I breathed on her cheek, Julienne flushed my face reddening like she was on fire as she looked to me and away.

" You shouldn't be doing this"she whispered against my lips,

" Why not" I asked and she gulped, all silent.

I pressed a kiss against her lips, a small soft one, that had her fingers clenching tightly at the towel in her waist, I bite my lips, used my tongue to run over the wound and then started to do the same over the seam of her lips

" Alex, where are you" Tammy's voice rang along the halls and likely to the rest of the island. I groaned deep in my throat when, Julienne pulled back breathing heavily, blinking rapidly. She was flushed and breathing hard like she had just run a marathon, She turned away from me immediately

" You should leave" she mumbled walking to the stairs that led down to the beach.

Tammy called my name again, taking a deep breath I walked out of the room, she bumped into me, her eyes narrowed

" What were you doing here"

" Is none of your business" I replied and she scoffed,

" you kisses her " she hissed. I sighed running a hand through my hair

" Tammy, I am married us is over you can be my friend or you can ignore it but the fact that I am not yours will not change"

I.strode off away from her ignoring her, I felt her staring at me,a burning gaze that I couldn't get rid of one that likely spelled trouble.

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