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Julienne POV

Julienne POV

Alex had been moody ever since my decision to get closer to Corey. He had stormed across the beach angrily slamming the door behind him as he got into the house, I sighed raising my head to the sky in exasperation and then strode to the door and pulled it open and walked in.

Tammy was seated on the couch her brows arched and I hissed

" He's your boyfriend, ask him yourself " I muttered as I walked up the stairs myself. I was tired and I needed to sleep and in sleeping maybe I could think.

I got to my room but he was already there waiting for me

" I'm not having this argument with you " I mumbled lowly and he scoffed

" Of course you aren't because you know it's a fucking foolish plan"

" And you can think of something better " I asked shrugging off my jacket, he stuffed his hand into his pocket then pulled it out line he was too frustrated to stay still

" It's fucking insane to go after him and you know it" he mumbled and I sighed in frustration

" Can we talk about this anytime but now" i hissed in annoyance

" We can end it now if you would be more reasonable" he roared

" Quiet down you girlfriend can hear us"

" And frankly goodnight, I'm exhausted and I don't have the time to be dealing with you please get out " I muttered he stilled looking at me as if surprised but I was tired of being made to stop and stutter and try to make any man happy with me, I was done with that frankly and it was best for both of us.

Using his stunned state I pushed him out the door and closed it in his face turning to lean against it with a deep sigh. I wanted revenge, I wasn't going to be guilted from doing what I had to do to get it.

I strode to my bed and pulled off my blankets dragging it over myself.

It didn't take too long for me to fall asleep, but almost immediately the dreams came

I was standing in that room again, Corey in that girls arms as he whispered words into her ear, then I remembered the argument we had days later after I refused to see him it was almost as vivid as the night it happened, I was standing in the roof too of his building, he grabbed my hand to hold me and stop me from leaving after I had caught him with another girl

" Julie, baby it's not what you think" he muttered tripping over his feet as he rushed to me his hands tight on my arms I grimaced from the pain

" I'm sure it's not. I'm sure you sleeping with someone else in your home is not what I think it is" I muttered woodenly he hurried to stand in front of me and pleadingly reached for her hands and I let him have it at this point I couldn't muster the energy to fight any longer, his betrayal had taken the wind out of my sail– but I should have fought, I should have cursed him out and left him on that too floor, it was my mistake that I made, one I couldn't get away from even as l listened to all his excuses.

" I'm sorry, this was a lapse in judgment and I swear this happened only once it will not happen again," he said, it was a lie I was not that stupid, I knew it was a lie I watched him fascinated by how well I now knew him, his inflections, and how I knew with all certainty that while it might have been the first, it would never be the last. I pulled my hand from his grip and I smiled softly

" I'm sure, but I'm not going to find that out myself " I replied, turning away from him.

He grabbed me and I screeched hitting his chest in a rage

" Stop hitting me" he ordered tightening his grip, I huffed and kept hitting him harshly

" Are you serious" he asked and I screeched

" Let me go" I pleaded but It wasn't helping and I couldn't stop hitting him as we drew to the buildings edge I pushed him away hoping that he'd get frustrated and let me go so I could run

" Do you want me to hit you instead, " he roared. I laughed like a lunatic and slapped at his back

" Go on it wouldn't be the first time" I hissed

" Oh just shut the hell up" Corey roared as he pushed me away, I stumbled over my feet reaching out to empty air to find something to keep me from falling.

Corey just let me fall, I toppled over the wall, air rushed around my face, cold and fast.

I was falling too fast, and I wasn't going to make it. I looked up and there he was watching me fall, he could have saved me grabbed me. Not pushed me at all but he hadn't and now I was falling. I hit the ground hard, my skull cracking across the pavement, floor, I heard screaming, smelled the blood like copper or pennies from church on Sundays, I felt sticky warmth against my cheek, thick and syrupy like I was lying in a pool of honey. Was dying this vivid, was it this chaotic it didn't seem like it should be but as my breath hitched and stopped. I wondered just how long I could do this. I looked up to the roof and somehow I saw him leaning against the wall

I was shivering but I wasn't sure why I was, there was warm liquid pooling beneath my head, and it smelled like copper,–blood. I felt like I had already noticed that before, like I was remembering things I need a second chance.

I needed revenge!!

I jerked awake, my brows furrowed and a head ache forming in my brow. It was early morning, we were supposed to leave back to town today. The horror honeymoon was over at least.

I stood from bed hissing at the horrible headaches, I reached for my drawer and pulled out some medicine. I swallowed just as the door opened

" I, I can't can't having this argument with you " I mumbled lowly and he scoffed

" Of course you aren't because you know as I said before it's a fucking foolish plan"

" Alex just go get dressed" I mumbled in desperation

He stalked to me and grabbed my hand

" I need you to rethink this, this is Corey we're talking about, a Montgomery" I sagged. It wasn't that I didn't understand his worry of course I did, dating that bastard had taught me well, my problem was the fact that he seemed to think I was a weakling

" I'm glad for your worry but I don't think we have a choice, if we want to destroy him then we need all the information we can get "

" I can handle it , " I replied looking him dead in the eyes,he groaned running hands through his hair and nodded

" Ok fine," I arched a brow and he smiled

" It's the least I can give you" he replied, his hand going to my face, I gulped a little bit awkward on what to do next and when he leaned into me, I just stood there my eyes closed as he did so waiting for the touch of his lips against mine

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