Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Tammy POV

Tammy POV

" Where have you been" my father hissed as I walked in the door. I looked to him, his face splotched with red marks on both cheeks. He looked like he had been drinking. Typical of him and frankly annoying for me because he got rowdy whenever he was drunk and that wasn't very sightly.

" I was away" I replied simply and he growled

" I know you went to see Alex Cross. Forget about him for gods sake, the elections are close and we need to have a backer" he muttered, I sighed. Of course that was the reason he was agitated

" I'll get right on it " I mumbled because that was the only way to get him to shut up.

" You need to forget him you hear me " he whispered and I smiled

" Alex was your last but you need a new future" I nodded dragging my case to my room.

My father was wrong,yes Alex was my past but I was going to make him my future again.

I watched the man with the cigar in his hand with avid interest, or maybe I didn't. I had noticed him only seconds ago when his large frame has blocked my view of light making it hard to tell what anything was, besides him was a woman who was really too old to be poured into that dress clung to him.

She had red lipstick on, her black dress was two sizes to small and would have worked if the woman had the body of a twenty year old but she didn't so she looked like a sleazy cougar.

The man was young and he didn't look particularly interested in the woman hanging on his arms. He took a puff of his cigarette and blew out the smoke in a soft exhale then looked to the woman on his arms, his gaze neither lightening nor darkening, he didn't look like a man interested . His company, he must have felt my gaze cause his eyes raised to mine and I stilled, I was looking at a predatory man, one that wouldn't hesitate to stab me in the back if it suited him and it fascinated me.

He nodded to me acknowledging that he had seen me and that he knew I had been watching him. I gave a short nod in return and looked away from him, he was handsome but he wasn't the reason I was here no my target had just walked in through the door.

Corey Montgomery. The son and only heir to the Montgomery empire, he had cousins but they were not with the family, rumours had it that they had pulled out from the family and it wasn't unreasonable considering the Montgomery family had unsavoury rumors of murders and psychopaths in their midst. Instead they had chosen to build a bar here and it was this bar their errant cousin like to visit for drinks and the occasional women.

And while he was likely a charming man, I didn't see it to be honest. I wasn't really here for Corey Montgomery looks. I was here because he had means to get me what I wanted as the ex-boyfriend of Julienne Campry. He had the means to remove her from his life. I just had to guage just how much he wanted her.

He was at the bar and in the last five minutes numerous women had walked up to him and he had sent them all away.

" That's a very wrong target" a voice whispered behind my ears and I shivered turning to see who it was, I tried not to be too surprised to find the man from earlier behind me, so close that a thin sheet of paper would find it difficult slipping between us.

His eyes were blue, a blue so pale they reminded me of the pond in my grandparents home that always froze over for the winter. They were pulling me in and I was finding it difficult to resist. I swallowed a bit and pulled back from him

" And how is that any of your business" I asked and he shrugged, his lips quirked, but he didn't seem to be smiling, it was almost like an afterthought as if he had assumed he was supposed to be smirking and just had.

" Just helpful advice" I scoffed looking away from him unnerved by his attention,

" Well I didn't ask for it" I muttered, my eye widened when I saw the woman who had been hanging on his arms wrapped around Corey's arms.

Well she worked fast, didn't she.

" You could do so much better" he replied and I looked to him brows quirked in wry acceptance,

" Is this because he stole your girl" I asked pointing to them, he glanced toward the area looked at them and then looked away, he scoffed again like it was an afterthought but his gaze pierced mine deeply

" He can have her, but you" he mumbled his fingers trailing over my cheek. I blinked rapidly a little confused

" I already have a boyfriend,–" I stuttered

" So no one gets to have me, even you" I replied shortly. He laughed the first genuine emotional response since I had met him.

" What's your name" he asked and I countered

" What's yours" he nodded looked to me and answered

" Paul, what's yours" I picked my bag and looked him dead in the eyes as his gaze wandered over my features as if trying to memorize me.

" I don't think I want to tell you, now I'm going to go " I replied and smiled turning away from him my bag strapped along my shoulder the bar was now empty, the elder woman was gone and only Corey was at the table.

I slid into a bar stool, I looked to the bar tender briefly

" I'll have why he's having and one more for him" I said softly.

Corey didn't say a word to me, he just stared at the table top, this was getting a tad awkward. The bartender dropped my drink and when he gulped his down, slid another one to him, he took a sip and then looked to me

" Do I know you" he asked and I leaned back

" No but I know you and I think we both want the same thing " I said softly and he smiled

" Darling if its about the sex, I have someone coming in soon so no" he mumbled. I stiffened

" I don't want to have sex with you no. "

" But I think you want someone else, not the woman with the gray blonde that looks like her " I said and he stilled, his grip on the glass tightening till his finger became pale and rigid.

" What do you mean by that " he asked and I shrugged

" You want Julienne Campry why settle for less when I can help you" I asked

" How do you know her" he asked and I shrugged

" Let's just say she has something I want" he laughed, sipped his drink and looked back at me again

" You want Alex Cross" I stilled uncomfortable with his condescending laughter

" I don't see why that is a problem " I muttered and he shrugged

" Of course, but I don't see what help you can offer me, and even if you could, I don't think I need it" he replied.

I said nothing in reply just sipping at my drink it was obvious he was a tool. What the Campry girl had even seen in him was a mystery I would likely never solve especially when he sat there a smug look on his face.

" Did you know they spent all day together at their honeymoon. I tried to be with them but there was only so much I could do" I whispered, I was going to get his help by bruising his ego and that was the only way this was going to work

" What are you insinuating " he asked and I shrugged

" Well they are man and wife according to the law, he can do whatever he wants with her and he's allowed" I said not confirming but definitely not denying.

" What the fuck do you want " he asked and I sighed

" I don't need much, just get ride of her. I don't care how you do it"

" And what will you be doing" he asked and I shrugged

" Doing whatever it takes to get Alex back " I replied, he looked at me, the door to the bathroom opened and the older Julienne look alike walked towards us her lips stretched in a thin smile, she leaned into Corey's arms, he kissed her lips deeply and bit them playfully.

He rose whispering something into her ear and she nodded

" I don't know what you want Ms–"

" Ms Ford, Tammy Ford " I answered

" –Ms Ford but I don't think I'll ever be needing your help" he led her out of the bar clearing his tab.

Simmering with annoyance and anger, I shoved my hand into my bag and pulled out my pills, I swallowed one waiting for the effect to kick in.

Corey Montgomery had not seen the last of me yet. If he thought that was the end then he had another thing coming.

I was going to have Alex Cross by any and all means.

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