Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Julienne POV

Julienne POV

It was time to put things into action, I woke up that morning feeling disgruntled to have wasted ao much time doing nothing, so I immediately worked to getting Corey's schedule and it wasn't that difficult to do.

I sent Alex a short text to try and pick me up if he could in two hour time.

To give Corey the impression that I was unhappy i had to make him believe that I had been happy once , it would make him feel like my knight in shining armor.

I arrived at the kitchen for unwed mothers and orphans a place he wouldn't be seen in but today was the Montgomery's family day of good deeds and my sources predicted that he would be at the shelter later today.

I lifted the lid of the dishes lined up on the table, as I did so I glanced at the people lining up as Debra the coordinator instructed them to. They were lots of volunteers at Lowell's Shelter,had been since the place was established five years ago, most of the people here were kid with no family that cared others were here due to difficult circumstances, most having been abandoned by family or losing their jobs others were mother's struggling to make ends meet. I had been a constant at the foundation the only Montgomery event my father had allowed.

As I laid out the meals I could identified with the mother's the most, they had been abandoned by the men who were supposed to love them, I had felt the sting of that too.

It had been hard to understand those feelings but she'd gotten there. I was lucky and I had a second chance,I had to make a life for myself and help those I could along the way.

" How's it going" I turned offering a smile at the director a kind warm man

" It's going well Mr Connelly. How have you been" I asked.

As the manager of the shelter I respected him, he touched the lives of many people and in some ways my life too he made me comfortable, taking time to explain things and help me understand them.

"I've been well. I–" he started just as Debra called out

"Ok, we're ready " I smiled apologetically at Mr Connelly then replied

" Wonderful let's get started"

" Can someone tell me who I have to kiss to know the owner of that beautiful car parked outside " a voice replied,startled I turned to meet the gaze of someone I hadn't seen in a while

"Laura what are you doing here "I exclaimed, the young girl laughed, Laura had been part of this system and had aged out but she had never forgotten this place and had first volunteered two years after leaving. She had told me it had been a way to connect with her deceased mother who'd also volunteered.

"I am on holiday,thought I ought to check up on my favorite people" she answered cheekily, I pulled her into a hug

"Lord you've grown" Debra exclaimed as she drew closer, even the children swarmed her touching and cuddling to her.

"Well I've been have lots of good food " she joked as she hugged Debra

"How is school" I questioned and she shrugged

"Stressful but it is wonderful,"

"So who owns the hot ride Mira asked and I frowned

" I would give a hand to drive it"

"I don't think you have to go that far,i could be persuaded to let you drive around the block " I replied and she smiled at me, she laughed

" That's true I head you got married to Cross " she whispered and I nodded

" Why did you drive here. " She drawled and I laughed

" My husband wants me to meet him for dinner " I whispered blushing when she and Debra hooted loudly.

" That enough" I whispered and she laughed

"So- " she clapped her hands

"-where do we start"

I gestured towards the plates

"Hand out the plates their already in line so let's get this done" I answered, she knowledgeable with the routine joined in

"OK guys,start moving" Debra ordered as I dished out the first meal

Everyone worked in cheer making small talk with the people they knew very well and welcoming the newer guys within thirty minutes the room was served with spare food left

"I think we might have to box the rest"Mira murmured.

The doors swung open revealing a pale bruised woman clutching a baby to her chest who was clearly distressed and a man followed not far behind, Corey Montgomery.

I moved immediately hurrying towards the woman leading her away.

"Are you ok, come sit" I urged reaching for her which caused the woman to flinch, wincing I pulled away

"Can you help them with some food at least " I said to Laura, once she was cleaned up and settled I looked to Corey

"What happened" I asked

"I don't know much found her a few blocks from here " he replied curtly

" Do you know her name " I asked and he shook his head

" Alice," a small voice replied

" my name is Alice" looking to the woman I smiled

" Alright Alice let's take you inside once you're done eating" Debra said as she swooped in almost immediately.

"What happened" I asked again and he looked to me

" Some man was trying to take advantage" he replied

"I was driving down the street when she rushed into the road I almost killed her" he said looking dazed and far off and I would have believed him. If I didn't know that what kind of man he was, I winced

"You didn't,you found him and made them safe" I whispered patting his arm,he glanced at her gave her a soft smile then continued

" I called the police and waited for them to get there" He finished,

" He was arrested then" I asked and he nodded

"Hopefully he never gets out" he said softly

"Does she have family," I asked

" Dead. All in a car accident"

" Come let me look you over" I said and he hesitated

"I will be fine "he muttered and I sighed

" I know just let me help you," I said pulling him away, he followed his gaze calculating

" How have you been" he asked and I shrugged

" It's fine, sometimes I still can't believe it" I whispered and he nodded

" I was heartbroken when you left me" he mumbled and I stopped him

" I'm sorry. But I couldn't forgive the affair and I wasn't sure if anyone else could". He hissed as I cleaned his wound.

He nodded

" I still love you Julie" he took my hand in his

" I love you" I stilled hoping I was coy enough

" I'm married " I replied and he said nothing else

" Let's join the others " I said plastering his cut.

He grabbed my hand just as we got to the courtyard

" I'll always be waiting for you" I gulped as if overwhelmed.

" Thank you"

" I'm here, sorry I'm late" my breath escaped me in immediate relief as I caught sight of Alex striding towards them. He pressed a kiss against her lips and I stifled a sigh, I still had to play the game.

Corey was glaring daggers

" You made it " I murmured injecting false joy and he grinned

" I got somethings done" he looked to Corey and I couldn't help but smile as they glared at each other

" Why is here. Is he bothering you" he asked and I nodded

" It's fine," Corey was about to join the fray but I stopped him.

" Let's go" I urged him away dragging at his arm

" How did I do" he asked once we were out of earshot

" You did well, let see if you can live up to your name."

" Let me introduce you" I mumbled and he nodded

" Welcome, this is Mr Connelly the director and this is Debra and Mira I introduced. He extended a hand

" Nice to meet you Mr Connelly." The two men shook hands

" Well I'll leave you then" Mr Connelly said and hurried away.,Debra grinned

" You're quite handsome yourself" Debra grinned and he laughed

" It's time to go" he mumbled and I nodded

"It was nice meeting you Debra" he mumbled and led me away, I could still feel Corey gaze

" Be a bit mean, grab my hand a little" I ordered

" What why" he asked a little alarmed

" He's watching us " I said and he hissed

" Fine " he tightened his grip and I huffed

" You're hurting me" I hissed,

" Sorry" he muttered as he led me to the car, once we were in he slammed the door and sped off.

" How did I do" he asked and I grinned softly

" You did very well considering all things" I laughed rubbing my tender arm.

" Do you think he caught the bait" he asked and I shrugged

" It doesn't matter, I'll keep throwing until he does"

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