Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Julienne's POV

Julienne's POV

I took a quick shower while thinking about what I planned to do today, if I was able to lure him into this meeting then just maybe it would be easy enough to achieve his trust.

As I was getting dressed my phone rang on my dresser and I reached for it, my mother's number boldly on the screen.

" Hello mom" I whispered and she sighed

" Darling, I know that you've been having fun but I would like to think you loved me as much as your new husband" she joked and I winced

" I'm so sorry mom" I apologized,she was right, we hadn't seen each other since I had come back from the honeymoon which was not very ringing endorsement as a daughter

" It's fine but when can I see you" she asked and I smiled

" I will come over today" I muttered

" With Alex, your father is chomping at the bit" she mumbled softly

" Alex is busy but we can set something out " I replied,

" I'm sure he would come if he could " my mother muttered off the phone probably to my father who was now offended of course he was invested in speaking with Alex, the reason for my marriage had been more to his benefits than to mine at any cost.

" Tell dad that we'll set a date soon" I muttered and she sighed

" There's no reason to rush. I'm sure we'll be fine" she replied and I nodded

" I'll see you in thirty minutes, and I'll bring your cakes from you favourite bakery"

" That is my girl" she muttered, I cut the line laughing and got dressed. It did not take too long to get to the house, I opened the door and called out to my mother

" Dinning room"

" Good morning , I brought cakes" I said softly pressing a kiss to my mother's cheek she smiled patting my hands

" Sit, have you had breakfast" she asked and i shook my head

" No, I wanted to eat here" she grinned

" Have a plate "

We had eaten for a while when my mother asked

" So how is married life treating you" my mother asked as she picked at her cake

" It's–" I stuttered

" It's fine" I mumbled shoveling food into my mouth almost immediately.

I watched my parents with hooded glances just as they watched me first. In other circumstances it would have been quite hilarious but at the moment it was entering the creepy territory more than anything else, I sent my mother a small smile and then turned back to the meal.

They really were not buying it,my mother especially. I wasn't sure if my father's was suspicious about the marriage but I did know that we were on a temporary ceasefire between both sides part of which stunned me was the fact that neither of them especially him had asked about this.

If they knew that I was still seeing Corey, my father would burst a gut and it would not be funny at all.

But I couldn't really bring myself to be worried about it at this point, all she could really think about were the words Corey had said to me on the phone

" Will you join us for lunch darling" my mother asked finally breaking the silence and I straightened blinking rapidly looking around the room. I was a little frustrated but that was nothing that wouldn't be solved with some time

" Um, no I'm supposed to meet Alex for lunch" I muttered reaching for my bag, my mother look at me suspiciously as if she wanted to ask more questions but then she didn't only nodding complacently

" Very well, ii hope you have a good lunch" she murmured and I smiled

" I might just have to order desserts since I've eaten so much already " I replied and she laughed

" It's good I can still feed you" she muttered, I only nodded.

My father stood quickly grabbing his bag from across the table and I smiled

" I'll see you later dad" he nodded paused and turned to me

" You are a Campry" he mumbled after some time as I nodded, that was how he knew to show his love and I could accept that.

I helped my mother cleaning up at the table and we talked, mostly about nothing important.

" How is aunt Mathye" I asked and she huffed a worn out sigh

" She's been out and about, she says she is waiting for a new role but I think she's seeing a man"

" That's a good thing right" I asked and she sighed

" It would be if she would tell me who he is"

" She's a grown woman mom, I'm sure she knows what she's doing" I mumbled and she nodded

" Alright" I loved my aunt but the truth was she did not feel the same way as I and i could not force that "

I was meeting with Corey at the coffee shop again to discuss our situation, he'd suggested a hotel room but I did not want to risk that I sighed deeply.

" Are you late" my mother asked and i shook my head

" Not yet but I really should leave" I said and she nodded

" Ok love" I kissed her cheek and she smiled

" Take care of yourself"

It didn't take me long to find the coffee shop,it was a popular spot . I got to the coffee shop and stood outside the door taking in deep breaths that were not very efficient at calming me , I could only stand outside for so long before people wondered if I was just crazy or stupid.

I pushed open the door and strolled in. It was the afternoon rush so the room was busy and filled with people eager to get lunch and get back to work, I glanced around the room stilled when I caught a glimpse of Corey's brown hair. He was here early then, I took a breath and walked to his table studying him as I went.

Always I wondered what I had seen in him but the truth was he was a very handsome man, marrying him would not have been unpleasant but it would be unimaginable to most people especially considering our families were enemies, maybe I had been too ambitious or was it delusional.

He raised his head, a small smile widening his lips as his gaze stopped at me

" Welcome, I was worried you wouldn't make it" he said softly standing, I smiled sitting immediately

" I would have called if that was the case. I hope I didn't make you wait too long" I asked folding my fingers in my lap, he was looking for a demure woman, the woman he had know, yes he would expect some changes but those could be brought in a little at a time.

" Not at all, I've been working so I'm quite all right" A waiter stopped by their table

" Good day, sir, ma'am what will you have "

" I'll have the lemon tea " I ordered,

" I'll have another coffee" Corey muttered, the waiter hurried away leaving us in relative silence

" How are your parents" he asked and I shrugged

" They are both well. My mother is worried but my father is happy enough that I didn't marry a Montgomery" I grimaced and he laughed

" It's not funny, he would burst a blood vessel if he knew I was here " I replied but he laughed even more.

" While that would be fun to see, I can understand how it would be irritating" he replied

The waiter returned with their drinks

" A tea for you, and your coffee sir" he muttered as he placed their order on the table

" Thank you" we both whispered,the smell of sweet coffee filled my nostrils and I sighed

" Have you given up coffee" he asked worriedly and huffed

" Not willingly I assure you"

" Your husband" he muttered and I stilled as if worried I had said something I shouldn't

" You can tell me " he whispered reaching for my hand on the table. I pulled back

" It's not bad, I like it some days " I sighed sitting straighter

" It must be hard for you, the abstinences, avoiding things you love " he asked and I shrugged

" Well I'm lucky , they aren't that many things I like to eat that are bad " I sipped at the tea hummed softly,

" Alex just wants me to be healthy" I replied

" He's still controlling you"

"Let's talk about something else" I said and Corey shrugged

" I am still going with my words from before, I want you to marry me, leave him and come to me" he paused and I stilled

" And then what next, what happens to my family and you and your family" I muttered and he grinned

" I am considering them, my father wants me to get married. My mother doesn't give a damn about what I do" he replied and I nodded

" I see, and what about the family feuds" he took my hand in his

" We can deal with that as long as you love me "

He pulled a black box from his pocket and opened it, sliding it onto the table, my eyes caught glimpse of the shiny object, a necklace ,with small emerald stones on a beautiful silver chain

" Oh, this looks very expensive. I can't take it " I muttered pushing the box towards him, he placed his hand on mine

" Take it, it's not too expensive besides we do need a ring, this will serve as a token of my live until we can do this properly " he replied shortly, I sighed reaching for the box

" Julie is that you " I froze,

" Julie" scrambling I reached for the box and shoved it into my bag,

" It is you"

" Aunty Mathye what are you doing here " I squeaked

" I should be asking you that " she said laughing, I was going to start hyperventilating if she didn't leave, she was never one to protect me, she'd tell my mother.

" Who is this" she asked her tone becoming brusque, she knew exactly who that was

" He's–" I stuttered and Corey rose

" I'm Corey Montgomery , a pleasure to meet you"

" Hmm" she hummed, I rose from the table

" Your mother is looking for you" she grumbled and I huffed laughing awkwardly

" I know, I was just finishing with Corey" I said

" I'll see you again" I said to him and he smiled and nodding while taking my bag, I grabbed at her arm

" Let's go" I urged pulling her away

" Isn't that the Montgomery boy " she asked as we walked away from the shop

" Do your parents know that you're seeing him"

" No they don't, and I hope you won't say anything" I gritted, she laughed pulling her hand from mine and I sighed

" Can you just not make things difficult for me" I asked softly and she smiled

" Darling I don't have to, you do that all by yourself"

" Why do you hate me so much" I asked and she smiled grabbing hand tightly and pulling me closer to herself

" I would rather die than tell you but know this, my sister is too good for you. I'll always say that"

She let me go and stalked away from me, I rubbed at my sore arm.

Just as my phone pinged, I opened it up and stilled there on my screen was a photo shot of Alex, in an intimate embrace with none other than Tammy Ford.

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