Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Alex POV

Alex POV

I was on pins and needles the whole morning and it made doing anything hard, especially since my assistant had to call my name twice in any given minute.

I continued working , trying to out things in order so i could get to the dinner and get it over with once and for all. The meetings didn't take longer than expected and everyone seemed quite happy to fall in line and follow orders all of a sudden even as I wished I could call Tammy and tell her I was red to cancel.

My phone buzzed on my desk and I took it into my hand , a short text from Tammy it read simply

I can't wait to see you!

I sighed, there was no getting out of this then. I had to suck it up and do it

I walked into Luxmor with a leisurely stroll ,it was old and classic restaurant and the place I and Tammy had first met, the music was splendid ad it had been on that night. She was trying to appeal to my sentiment and any other time it may have worked.

Yeah it's totally not because of the beautiful wife you have back home!

I ignored the annoying thought in my head.

I had been in London for almost two days prior and needed somewhere to relax Clara had then proceeded to recommend a few place to me and this had been on the top of her list. And I was forever grateful I'd made the choice to go there.

I proceeded to the front row,nodding softly to the woman by my side leading me to a table and then I focused forward.

I watched the stage as the musician seated themselves and soon I was looking for traces of brown blond hair.

The first draw of the violin enraptured as notes swelled and echoed with harmony, music was something that had captured my interest from the earliest. As a young child, my mother had carted the both of us to concerts whenever she had the chance and for a while I had fancied myself a musician.

In a flash, the glimpse of whitish blond hair caught my eye,I rose from my chair as she walked to me the music rising and swelling with her movement.

She reminded me if when I had first seen her. Head held high and a soft smile on her face. I was used to people trying to gain my goodwill,either because of my position or out of fear of my physical appearance. But Tammy had cut through the sea of people to meet me and I had been amused to say the least.

"You know,its rude to stare" her feminine voice queried as she joined me at the table, I pulled out the chair for her waiting for her to seat before I could. It was light and soft like the woman who owned it. I shook himself realizing my mistake as I paused took a sip of water as I apologized.

" I'm sorry, good evening" I offered, and she smiled slightly sitting with me, the waiter asked if we needed anything and I shook my head

" Not yet " I muttered and he nodded

" I'll leave you with your guest, Selina" he said and strolled off to the next table

" It really isn't a good habit you know" she murmured drily and I stilled

" What isn't" I asked and she smiled softly

" Staring, it's not a good look on you" she replied gesturing to my face and i shrugged

" It's a habit"

" I know, I think wr had a similar conversation when we first met."

Two years ago

" Staring, it's not a good look on you" the young woman gesturing to my face and i shrugged, she looked beautiful and I was in need of relief, physical exertion to take my mind off whatever all of this was

"Not when the image is enticing" I countered leaning into my seat and offering her a wide grin.

She scoffed

" I'm sure you say that to all the girls"

" They aren't many girls I find enticing so no" I replied. She huffed staring at me with a curious expression, I wondered what she was hoping find with me.

" You seem familiar" she muttered, coming closer

" Maybe" I answered simply, she slid closer and laughed

"You're Alexsander Cross " she accused and I shrugged

" If you say so"

" I do say" she replied , I had to try hard to stop myself from grinning as she asked looking miffed

" Who are you"

"Alex Cross at your service. And what's your lovely name " I asked

"Tammy Ford" she replied, then scowled


" why are we here" I asked and she grinned

"I was hoping to see you again,like old time, I wanted to invite you for dinner" she responded.

" It's not old times anymore, We're all grown now" I muttered and she nodded

She glared at him her cheeks a bright pink he continued

"I know we didn't start off properly but I want to correct that" she watched him warily

"I am busy- Tammy. what do you want " I asked frustration tinging my tone "

"Surely you aren't busy now" she asked and I sighed interrupting her polite rebuttal

" I am busy "she glanced at me with curiosity amd suspicion

" Are you a stalker" she asked, unable to help myself I laughed, sobering when she glared

" No I'm not a stalker,and I should be asking you that question frankly." I reported and sighed looking into her eyes.

"Look I'm a business man, who two years ago happened to thinks you looked gorgeous and wanted to have dinner with you" I replied leaning into my seat

" And then what" she asked

" What do you mean" I questioned, confused

" What comes after dinner and after all the promises " she asked and I huffed , I took my time as I stalked to her

" Well, miss Ford, if we had still liked each other after dinner, then maybe we would be having a totally different conversation right now " I said rising and coming to stand over her.

" I'm going to leave you now " I muttered looking away from her, I moved to walk away when her hands grabbed mine tightly, She swallowed looking flushed her cheeks red even when the rest of her was pale

" Alright I understand but I have a favour to ask" I sighed looked back at her and asked

" What is it" I asked and she sighed

" let's have dinner. One last meal together" she answered looking pleased with herself.

I looked to my wrist watch then around me, I could spare her maybe a few minutes at least.

I nodded, to her

" Let's have dinner"

Far in the distance, a camera snapped and clicked pictures from the restaurant window lobby.

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