Alex's POV
Alex's POV
I felt a little weird now that the day for the wedding is here. I hadn't really given it much thought but I would now be married to one woman for the rest of my life or at least as long as our contract lasted and although I didn't have anyone I wanted to be with at the moment,the truth was I had never thought I would not have a complete choice.
Everyone around me was quite happy with the development, Julienne's father had beamed widely as he shook my uncle's hand,and he seemed equally pleased as well especially considering the contract bid was well on its way to being approved.
Her mother seemed a quiet woman who had given me a soft smile before walking away from me.
Julienne herself seemed morose, I couldn't be sure if that was because she was worried or she just missed Corey.
The door to the dressing room opened and I looked back, as Ian walked in. He looked pale and shaky.
" You should be sitting down" I said softly walking to join him, he sighed collapsing I to the chair next to him, grimacing at the pain it caused.
Ian was like my brother, when my mother had died, my uncle had raised me as his own son. He had given me as much love as he could spare and everyday I was grateful for him and his family so seeing Ian like this was devastating.
" We almost look the same " he muttered grinning
" You want to escape, I think I can cover for you" he mumbled and I laughed
" Screw you " I grinned adjusting my tie, he sniffed
" No thanks, I'm a delicate flower" we both sobered and he looked to me
" It's ok to be nervous"
I huffed, I'm not sure it was. It was my wedding and the improvised kiss at the ball had left me speechless and annoyingly aroused– the annoyance was because I couldn't do anything about it.
My plan had worked though, Corey had seen us as intended and almost caused a huge scene. He had made accusations and lots of threats none that had phased me, I knew men like him and I wasn't scared of him.
" You'll do well though, better than I ever could " he muttered and I sighed
" I hope you're not mad at me " I asked him, this was his bride he was entitled to that emotion.
" I'm fine, " the door opened and my uncle walked in
" It's time " he mumbled and I nodded pulling away from their room
" Let's do this"
I stood at the altar waiting for my bride, the door opened and she strode in looking beautiful as always walking down the aisle like a blooming bird. I swallowed harshly flustered.
I was getting married, and my bride was gorgeous she walked towards me her hand clutching a bouquet. She joined me stood at the altar, she looked nervous and flustered and I found it endearing, we stood in silence as the minister droned on.
I couldn't hear most of it but at least I answered where I was meant to,
" Does anyone object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace?'' he muttered and she shot me a glance and the minister an incredulous glare, as if that was a horrible question. I resisted the urge to grin barely and shrugged at her, in the minutes that passed I thought we were clear, then Corey's voice echoed through the church
" I object" she groaned deeply,as we both looked at the door, Corey looked disheveled, his tie mussed and his shirt not properly tucked in, he looked stressed. I sidled up to her
" I guess he wants you very badly" I muttered and she grimaced.
" It's more likely the construction bid fell through" at that my grin widened. That was more fun than the wedding itself
" Get out of here young man" her father glared alerting security, Corey ignored him
" Julie, baby. I know you don't want this, tell the minister you're being forced into this marriage" he pleaded, as I watched his struggling against the guards I felt sorry for him and for her to have let someone like him into her life must have been so heartbreaking.
" Julie come on, I love you" he roared
" I'm really glad I took you up on your offer" I said , pulling her closer to me, Corey noticed and went feral struggling and kicking
" Get your fucking hands off her " he screeched as he was finally pulled out of the room.
We all turned back to the minister, who blinked rapidly like a fish in water
" We're good to go" I muttered and he nodded.
The reception was a large lustrous affair, one befitting of wealthy and prominent families like our. Julienne was with her mother
" You did good today" my uncle whispered and I shrugged
"It was for the good of the family," I replied and he laughed,
" I guess, but I am proud of you" he replied just as someone clasped his back and took his hand. I tugged at my tie, I couldn't stand the crowd so I got ready to escape. I slide into the dressing room and tugged my tie off.
The door opened immediately and Tammy slid in. Shit!
" You got married " she muttered and I sighed
" I'm sorry, but we both know we were never going anywhere serious" i whispered and she stilled
" Maybe you knew, I didn't. I loved you, I still do" she hissed and I cringed, this wasn't going well at all.
" Why did you marry her, Alex. We've been together for two years now why would you give that up" she asked, I sighed, I really didn't have the time to be explaining this to a woman I was only sleeping with
" We were never exclusive Tammy" I said softly
" But I still love you, " she said softly, as she leaned into me, someone scoffed , and I noticed the opened door
Tammy pressed up against me , her hands running down my chest and then she kissed me.
My eye caught Julienne's, and I couldn't bring myself to break it . It made me remember, the kiss from the ball, how I'd pressed my tongue into her mouth, tasting of honey and champagne. Heat had filled my skin,Tammy may have been kissing me but I didn't see or feel her.
Julienne huffed
" You could at least have the decency to do this somewhere else" Tammy pulled away from me, her breath choppy
" Why are you here " she asked stiffening
" It's my wedding, thought I'd attend the reception" Julie replied and I laughed then coughed to hide it almost immediately.
" You have no right to him" Tammy gritted and she shrugged
" The law would say different but maybe you're right about that"
" Tammy please can you leave" I asked straightening from the wall
" What you can't be serious" she whined
" I'll call you" I muttered never taking my eyes off her.
She sighed and nodded leaving the room, Julienne walked in
" You're missed downstairs" she muttered as I strode towards her
" Missed me" I grunted and she scoffed
" No I got tired of having to explain your absence"
" I just assumed you were a man of your word ans even if you weren't you could have taken your lover elsewhere" She gritted
" Ah I see, jealous then" I whispered leaning over her next to the door amused.
" In your dreams" she spat furiously and I chuckled
" But I think you are, I think you saw me kissing her and you got jealous." I leaned closed my lips close to her skin that was pink and flushed ,she gulped.
"You want me to kiss you, maybe even screw you– up against this wall maybe" I whispered, she pulled away from me anger on her features as she blindly raised her hand.
She slapped me once, I laughed, furious and glaring she raised her hand to slap me again, I caught the hand midair squeezing, and grabbed at her and spun her so she was tucked against me.
" You don't get to try twice" I muttered and she hissed in annoyance struggling against me
" You're only making this difficult for the both of us" but she kept struggling, the door opened and my uncle and her father's face stared back at us.
Them surprised and both of us clinging to each other as if we'd almost undressed the other.
Julienne froze flushing like a red rose with embarrassment her voice in a high squeak
" It's not what you think"