Julienne's POV
Julienne's POV
" It's not what you think" I groaned in annoyance as I remembered the most stupid words I'd ever uttered leave my lips. I was changing into more comfortable clothes because soon my husband and I would be leaving for a holiday trip.
My mind flashed back to the incident this afternoon that left me burning with rage and embarrassment.
"You want me to kiss you, maybe even screw you– up against this wall maybe" he whispered against my cheek and instead of angering me those words had aroused me my breath hitching as I imagined just what it would be like to give in to him and let him have what he wanted then the part of me that was furious urged me to raise my hand as I pulled away from him my face flushing with anger as I blindly raised my hand and
slapped him once, he laughed, which enraged me further because of course I was now a toddler with zero emotional intelligence, and glaring I raised my hand to slap him again, but this time he caught the hand midair squeezing, and grabbed at me and spun me so I was tucked against him in an embrace that allowed me to feel his erection on my lower back. I stilled even further
" You don't get to try twice" he muttered and i hissed in annoyance struggling against him
" You're only making this difficult for the both of us" He muttered his but I was furious and missed the meaning of what he said and just kept on struggling, against him, when the door opened and I stilled against him ,his uncle and my father's faces stared back at us from the open door, they both had their eyes open but while his uncle wore an amused grin my father was less welcoming and looked constipated.
And for some stupid reason my brain decided to highlight the fact that Alex was hard against me and I couldn't escape him, it was unnerving and a little nerve wracking
I froze flushing like a red rose with embarrassment as my voice escaped in a high squeaky tune
" It's not what you think"
My father huffed then straightened
" It's time for your to greet your guest and then leave for the honeymoon" he whispered and I nodded taking a deep breath. Alex's uncle nodded to me and walked away but as he did I noticed he mouthed the words.
" Have fun"
I cringed in embarrassment even further
" It's not what you think" I whispered even when there was no one to hear me,I sighed my shoulders slumping. This was embarrassing and there was no way I was going to make it down stairs alive and not think about it.
" This is all your fault" I hissed turning to face him and he laughed adjusting his tie
" Darling that is no fault of mine in anyway" he whispered and I grimaced
"of course you deny responsibility, typical of you" I pulled away from him and stalked to the door
" Be downstairs soon. I don't plan on looking for you" i mumbled and stalked away from him.
Now I was shrugging on a dress that was at least a size too small, my stomach swirling with nerves and apprehension. No matter the fact that I had made big promises this was my wedding and I would have to live with him for the rest of my life. There was no two way about it.
Was I up for this?
Would I be able to last in this marriage? Yes I wanted revenge but at what cost.
The door opened and my mother walked into the room.
" You look beautiful" she whispered
" It's too tight" I mumbled tugging it a bit, she smiled taking my hand in hers and shooting me a fond look
" It fits you just fine" she said
" I really am not sure what I'm doing"
" You are getting married. "
" I'm afraid I'm not ready " I gulped, she looked me dead in the eye and nodded
" We are never ready, marriage is a big deal" I swallowed although my throat was dry
" You are giving your life to this man but I trust that you will do well" she whispered and I sighed, taking a deep calming breath I looked to the door
" Let's go now" I murmured and she nodded leading me out the door, I met Alex by my door he looked to my mother and smiled
" Good day, ma'am" he offered and she smiled
" Hello Alex" she came close, took his palm in hers and dropped mine in it
" Please take care of my baby " she said softly, I swallowed. The biggest thing of all was the fact that I was misleading my mother, she thought that Alex liked me maybe even cared for me, but the truth was this was an arrangement.
Alex looked to her then me and smiled taking my palm in his again.
" I'll do my best "
Happy with the consent she walked to the stairs
" You should come down and say high to the guest, soon the car will be here"
Once she was gone,I looked to him
" Thank you" I whispered and he shrugged
" She's cool your mom " he offered and I sighed
" Let's get this over with"
We went downstairs slow and steady allowing the tons of people who had gathered for this wedding for the sole fact that it was a society wedding.
People who would see the joining of two large empires.
We greeted the guest smiling like we were so in love and happy with one another like we wouldn't tear each other apart by just being in the same room. But deep down my heart clenched with each loving gaze.
It didn't matter to me, nothing mattered but how he had made me feel as we walked together my subconscious laughed.
It is all a lie.
His girlfriend, and I really couldn't call her his mistress now considering she had been here first, she watched us her eyes trailing over our every motion. It was daunting and a little bit annoying, I wanted to scream at her to leave a man that would get married to another woman for a business deal but that seemed so hypocritical a comment to make especially when I was doing the same thing, it was even worse considering the fact that if I were given this choice again then I would do it without hesitation.
His uncle walked to us with a beaming grin
" You both should enjoy yourselves, " he looked to Alex and huffed.
" Well done boy" he patted his back and I stilled, the deal was well on its way to passing then.
" I could stay behind" he offered looking to me and then quickly away from me
" I'm fine with it" I answered because really a honeymoon was overkill, we were not a couple there was literally nothing we could do together except argue and maybe come up with ways to fight off Corey.
" That's nonsense, go on your honeymoon, have fun and I'll be waiting for you" he muttered, Alex sighed obviously put out but unwilling to mention it further to his uncle.
" You can take work with you, it will help," I offered and he sighed
" And what would you be doing"
" I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl, I'll work too" He started to say something when the emcee interrupted, I was grateful for the interruption anyway.
" The couple will now leave for their honeymoon" we walked out together hands held in the other smiling and waving to the crowd.
" The games have begun then" he whispered against my neck, and I shivered. He pulled open the car door and let me in, I gulped softly as I got in.
The drive was smooth, I watched from the window as my mother waved at me through the side mirror and I waved back until I could only see her shadow in the distance.
" You're sad " he muttered. I shrugged
" Maybe, useless emotion though"
" Do you miss him–Corey " he asked. I swallowed looking back out the window, maybe I did miss him, it was possible that I did. For two years I had loved Corey, his betrayal was as deep as a knife to the chest, he had been my first. I wasn't sure how to get over that but everyone seemed to be of the opinion that I should get over it as quickly as possible and I wanted to but for now I had to live with the fact that it would take time.
" You're better off without him" Alex muttered making me realize I hadn't replied to his question.
" I'm sure I am"
We arrived at the airport hangar a private one that was owned by Alex's family, he led me to the plane a big sleek thing that my father would have been envious of.
Standing there in front of the plane was a young woman, in a familiar sleek green gown– Tammy.
What was she doing here?
"What are you doing here" Alex asked then looked to me, I raised my brow at him
How do you want me to know. I sent back, he sighed.
Tammy strode to him, kissed his cheeks
" Well darling, I thought I'd join you on your honeymoon" she replied smiling, she walked to the plane turned to us where we stood dumbfounded grinned as she asked
" Well aren't you coming?"