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Corey POV

Corey POV

I burst into my bedroom with a loud raw.

Fuck this and everyone!

Shit, this wasn't going as planned. Julienne Campry was messing up carefully drawn out plans and I was not a fan of this. I had just embarrassed myself in the middle of a crowd . She had been a love sick fool, when and how had she gotten the confidence, the slutiness to have humiliated me this way.

I could not understand it and I was not sure what the hell was going on, she had kissed Alex Cross, that two timing god-damned bastard.

I drew on the suit jacket I had in my rack and looked into the mirror and sighed.

It was time to do some damage control, after the scene at my apartment with Julienne and Rose,it had become imperative that I made sure she felt lived and well cared for. I had things I needed from her, things I needed her for and there was no way I was letting a gold mine like that slip through my fingers.

I sighed certain that I looked great and jogged down the stairs where my father sat at the dinning table

" I'm off."

" To where " he asked sipping at his teacup,

I sighed pausing to stare at him,

Josh Montgomery was a fastidious man, he had a calm demeanour and didn't seem to have a worry in the world most days. I knew what he was like, he was my father something I did not understand considering that we were as different as night and day.

He was a calm man, with warm blue eyes that peered I to you to share their disappointment or dissatisfaction with every action he believed to be wrong.

He was a mediator and a man of peaceful action. I wasn't sure how he thought that would work out. For years the Montgomery family had been behind the Campry's for decades maybe even centuries and that was because they were far too noble for the rest of us. The world worked based on the name you had and they had a rich history daring back to England and the multiple royal families they would always have that advantage over us what was ridiculous was my father thought we could do this the legal hardworking way.

I was if a different opinion, I would make my mark on this world, it didn't matter if I had to kill someone to get it then I would.

In that way my father and I were different, the only thing we had in common was the curls of blond hair that we both had on our head.

" I'm going to the ball in the city" I muttered and he sighed

" That's good, you'll get good business there if you put your mind to it" he replied and I nodded absently. He didn't need to know why I was going there.

" Is your wife here" I asked him and he huffed

" She's your mother" I shrugged

" She raised me, that doesn't necessarily make her my mother" Kim Montgomery was a passable woman, she was not a goody two shoes like my father thought she was and i like that. She reminded me of myself, hiding and pretending to be something I was not for the effort of pleasing those around me or confusing them enough to pass off as one of them.

" I don't want to have this argument with you anymore"

He offered, I nodded and pulled away from the table

" I'll see you soon" I replied and stalked out of the house.

The Canton annual business ball was a yearly event, mostly set up so rich men could network and their wives could show how much their husbands made just by the clothing they had on. Most days I found these event truly tedious but not today, I scanned the crowd looking for Julienne but I couldn't find her, she would be here though that I was certain of. She like these sort of things to become of any true value.

I plucked a drink form one of the waiters and sipped at it while I watched the people that roamed the ball around us.

The Canton annual charity ball was a place to network which was something I needed to do a lot off today but as I stood on the corridor instead of the hall trying not to let my anger get the best of me at the thought that I had let such a little princess get the better of me.

I watched the crowd looking for her, and her pale her.

When I had first seen and flirted with Julienne, she had been unaware that I had a girlfriend, I had chased her without abandon, getting her gifts and showing interest in her life in a way I was sure no one had bothered to do in a long time or at all, I had figured she was a virgin and pretty enough so I had gone in.

Then I had found out she was a Campry and it had become about so much more than just winning her for the night.

I had put in my effort and done what I had seen as necessary but to this day perhaps the most adherent way I had won her over was by going against both our families to see her..

For a fairytale dreamer who found this sort of thing romantic she had not been able to help herself. By the time she was aware that I'd left my girlfriend to pursue her, she had fallen too deeply in love and nothing else had mattered, two years after that Sara the ex-girlfriend who hated my guts had gotten married to her best friend and the two always looked so deeply in love which meant it had worked out beat for everyone.

In my mind I had built up some image of her but now the image was crumbling and I was starting to realize that Julienne Campry was a woman who was far better than I had ever though and would not suffer fools gladly.

Bingo! I grinned when she entered my line of sight, and frowned almost immediately when I saw who she was with, her back was to one so I could see the familiar features of Alexsander Cross as he leaned over her framing her against the e wall, I dropped the glass on a table and sped forward he saw me said something and grinned at me before leaning in to kiss her

I reached the balcony just in time

" What the hell is going on here" I hissed and they pulled apart with no hesitation, but as if they weren't interested in me, she was flushed her lips bitten with passion and her eyes glazed

" What are you doing with him" I spat the word like a curse.

" I asked you a question" I growled moving towards her and Alex placed a hand on his chest, I glanced down to the hand and back up at him

" take it easy" he mumbled, I shot him an acidic stare

" I was talking to my girlfriend stay out of this" I muttered and looked to her

" Your not my boyfriend" she replied simply and I hissed

" Baby what the hell is going on" I asked pouring on the charm grasping her arm in my palm

"The last time we spoke, we were fine" I asked we had not been but there was the license to stretch my story to fit what I needed and she looked away from me

" I don't want anything to do with you" she mumbled, and I scoffed – time to change tactics

" And you want something to do with him" I asked pointing to Alex and she stiffened

" That's none of you're business" I laughed

" I don't know what you think you're doing but I'm not falling for it. "

I stalked to her menacingly when Alex slid in between the both of us

" Back off" he hissed

" I know adventurous sluts and you are not it. So come home "

" Just leave me alone " she muttered beneath her breath, I lunged to her reaching for her hand and Alex grabbed mine hand and squeezed,

" I believe she wants you to leave" he drawled and I froze

" Corey I need you to leave" she said , I turned to me

" You can't be serious" I muttered looking her deep in her eyes

" I am, " she replied. I pulled away from her

" You have to talk to me" I pleaded or tried to do so anyway, it was difficult since I had never done it before

" I'll call you" she replied I hesitated unsure whether to trust her but people were watching. I was making a scene already and she noticed it too.

" Please Ben, people are watching" she said I glanced up and looked at the people in the room and cursed, running my hands through my hair.

I straightened

" I'll be waiting for you to call me" I nodded, and stalked away when she nodded her agreement .

I roared in anger shoving the glass of the table and to the floor with shattering sounds, Julienne Campry had made a fool of me lulling me to self complacency, I had been so certain I had her but now she was married to my greatest enemy and had delivered my bid into his hands.

My apartment door flung open and Rose walked in

" You went to her, why are you begging for her love" she asked coming to stand near me hugging my from the back, I sighed in annoyance I didn't have time for this

" I love you" she whispered I turned to her and kissed her lips, I took a deep breath, as I kept on kissing her shoved her against the wall ND wrapped my hand around her neck squeezing, she choked struggling against me, it was time to do this, Julienne Campry had not seen the last of me yet.

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