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Chapter 1 Marriage to the Disabled Billionaire on Behalf of Her Stepsister

Seated at the lavish villa, Holland Brooks's once-vibrant flowered dress has faded from several washings. Her mother, whom she had not seen in twenty years, was crying and clutching her hands firmly. She had once married into money and instantly forgotten about her. "Holly, you've endured so much hardship in the countryside. Marrying into the Drakes' family for your step-sister will bring you the luxury and riches you deserve."


A sharp twinge of pain clenched at Holland's heart, extinguishing any lingering hope for maternal affection. It was always like this, despite being her mother's biological daughter, she always came second to her step-sister!

Holland hesitated, unable to speak because of the tightness in her chest, and asked her mother, "Are you sure? Do you want me to marry Poppy Evans' fiancé in place of your stepdaughter? The man who's been in a coma since his car accident, akin to a vegetable?"

The Evans family, eager to secure a prosperous alliance with the Drakes, didn’t want their beloved Poppy to suffer through such a marriage.

She was the sacrificial lamb, the one destined to be sacrificed right from the start, hence why Aurora Crawford had brought her in from the countryside.

With tears running down her cheeks, Aurora was a miserable picture as she knelt before Holland. "I had no more options! I am a stepmother and a second wife! Even though I seem wealthy, I struggle with personal issues. You are my child; please support your mother! Replace your step-sister in this marriage!"

With eyes turning red, she inhaled deeply.

Aurora had abandoned her in infanthood to marry into the Evans family and become a stepmother. She doted on her step-daughter, Poppy, as though she were the apple of her eye, while utterly neglecting Holland, her daughter in the countryside, for twenty years.

Holland had initially thought Aurora's decision to bring her back was due to a guilty conscience, the realization of her abandonment. Instead, it was to wring out her last bit of usefulness.

Once it was clear what her mother’s true intention was, Holland said, "Alright, I'll marry."

She would consider it the repayment of a life's debt.

Aurora's tears abruptly stopped as she grinned, wiped her eyes quickly, and assisted Holland in standing up. "The Drakes have prepared a designer wedding dress for you. I don't think you've ever dressed that elegantly. Go ahead and get changed."

Her only concern was to fulfill her agenda, bustling about happily.

Holland shook off her hand, her beautiful face cold and resolute. "This is the last time. After this, you and I will have nothing to do with each other."

Stunned for a moment, Aurora quickly brushed it off and instructed the maids to help Holland into the bridal gown.

Holland stood still, expressionless as the garments were fitted onto her, her natural beauty only enhanced by the exquisite dress.

Her gaze shifted to the staircase where a graceful figure stood. Her stepsister Poppy was perched there with a smug smile, silently mouthing, "Look at the poor orphan."

Holland let her hands fall to her sides, clutching the old medicine chest she had brought back from the countryside.

"The Drakes' family car has arrived, ma'am," the maid reminded.

Aurora chided, "Holly, don't keep the Drakes waiting too long. And don't bother bringing that junk with you to the Drakes', lest you become a laughingstock." She nudged Holland towards the door, attempting to snatch the medicine chest from her hands.

Holland dodged the grab, and Aurora stumbled, nearly falling.

"This is my personal possession; you have no right to it," Holland retorted coldly, her eyes brimming with detachment.

That medicine chest was her lifeline; she relied on it to heal and save others.

Behind her, Poppy helped Aurora up, scoffing, "Stepmom, it seems Holland isn't too keen. Would it be too much of a burden for your daughter to take my place?"

"It's her good fortune," Aurora said glibly. "Even in his vegetative state, the younger Drake’s heir is way out of her league. She couldn't dream of such a life back in the sticks."

Holland's hope was utterly extinguished.


She shut the car door, closing off their vile voices.

The drive to the Drakes' estate was shrouded in twilight gloom.

The Drakes were A City's elite, and the Evans family had lucked into this marriage alliance. The Drakes' lineage consisted of the primary and secondary branches.

Covington Drake of the second branch was exceptional, a strong candidate to lead the family. However, a car accident a month ago, he was left in a coma, put in a vegetative condition, and the doctors almost pronounced him dead.

A City's most eligible bachelor instantly became someone young women shunned.

Rumor has it, he had even lost the ability to father children.

Such a pity!

Out of options, the secondary branch of the Drakes had put their faith in superstitious rumors.

The long veil of white tulle obscured Holland's vision as she was escorted inside the villa by Aunt Harriet, the Drakes' servant; the weight of the pearl tiara almost made it hard for her to hold her head up.

She stepped into a spacious bedroom and took a seat at the edge of the bed.

The housekeeper, Aunt Harriet, noticed her obedience and said, "Sorry to trouble you to stay with Mr. Covington tonight. If you need anything, just call for me."

Holland nodded slightly, her neck so stiff and sore she could barely lift her head.

With those words, the housekeeper closed the door and left.

The silence in the vast room was unsettling, punctuated only by the "beep beep" of machines and the barely audible breath of an unfamiliar man.

Holland set her medical bag down gently by her feet, the faint scent of medicine providing a small measure of comfort.

As long as she had her medical bag, her exceptional skills gave her confidence.

She felt sore and tense all over so she instinctively bent her hands to massage her neck but forgot about the rope in her grasp.

She was yanked forcefully. The beads on her veil clinked sharply as she tumbled onto the bed, her veil flying off.

She found herself lying atop a warm body, her lips accidentally brushing the man's cheek.

Beneath her, the man had a pale and cold complexion, his eyes tightly shut. His long curly lashes cast shadows that accentuated his breathtaking good looks. The only thing that threw off his detached demeanor was the vivid red lipstick stain on his cheek.

Her cheeks flushed with red, and she scrambled to her feet in panic, trying to wipe the lipstick off his face, only to find her hair hopelessly tangled with the button of the man's pajama top, impossible to untie!

"Ah!" she cried out in pain, her scalp burning as tears began to well in her eyes.

The more she struggled, the tighter the entanglement became.

Her lips kept pressing against the man's, kissing him inadvertently.

If anyone from the Drakes Family saw them now, they'd surely think she was audacious to the extreme, not even sparing a comatose man!

"Sorry, I've got no choice," Holland murmured to the man with his eyes still shut.

She straddled him with legs apart, wincing in pain, and grabbed at the collar of his pajamas.

With a ripping noise, the cotton fabric tore open, buttons scattering.

She was finally free. Holland bent down to look and the man on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes.

His gaze was deep, chilling to the bone as he locked eyes with her.

The torn pajama showcased his alluring Adam's apple and broad chest. It looked as though he had been ravaged.

Caught off guard, Holland stiffened, instinctively clenching her legs around him.


The man groaned softly.

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