♥ Chapter 2 ♥

Hilary Moretti.


My heart was pounding as Pietra parked the car.

"I'll wait for you here," she said, catching me off guard.

"Are you crazy? It might take a while, but you don't have to wait. I'll text you once the interview is over," I insisted. She sighed, showing her reluctance.

"Fine, I'll do as you say. Because I know you, you might end up not focusing on the interview if you're worried about me waiting," she admitted, and I smiled, appreciating her understanding. "Now go."

"Right, wish me luck," I said, hoping for some encouragement.

"I'm rooting for you, my friend," she replied with a smile.

I stepped out of the car and approached the massive gate, where I found an intercom and pressed it. Shortly after, a female voice came through.

"Who is it?"

"Good morning. My name is Hilary Moretti, and I'm here for my job interview," I responded.

"Oh, yes. Please come in," the voice said, and the gate opened.

Entering the vast mansion, I took a moment to observe everything. The garden was immense, clearly requiring several gardeners. As I reached the door, it opened, revealing a very elegant, elderly woman.

She was fair-skinned with blonde hair, her light blue eyes exuding elegance.

"Hello, please come in," she greeted me with a gentle smile.

"Thank you; excuse me," I said, entering the house and immediately being struck by its grandeur.

The mansion was enormous, with two sofas and a glass table in the living room. The light gray walls and matching decorations added to the elegance of the house.

"Well, I'll be conducting this interview myself. Please, have a seat," she directed me to the sofa.

"Thank you," I said, taking a deep breath and sitting down. She sat on the opposite sofa, facing me.

"I've looked at your CV and was impressed, especially by your letters of recommendation," she began. I smiled, though a bit nervously.

"Thank you very much."

"Now, tell me. Why do you want to work with children?" she asked, a question I've answered many times, yet it always feels significant.

"I love children, and I chose this profession because I'm sterile," I admitted, noting her surprise, "Since I can't have children of my own, I chose this profession to fill the void in my heart."

She nodded, making a note in her notebook.

"How would you handle a child throwing a tantrum?" This was a question I hadn't encountered before.

"I would try to calm her down, then have a chat with her, trying to understand the reason for the tantrum," I explained, and she seemed to agree.

"And if a child were to fall and injure themselves?"

"I'd quickly give them first aid, and if it was something more serious, I'd urgently take them to the hospital."

"Even without the father present?"

"Yes, the child's health is more important," I answered confidently.

"What would you do if the child didn't go to sleep?"

"I would read them a story, give them some milk, and if that didn't help, play with them a bit more."

"Right. What kind of activities do you like to do with children?"

"I like to draw with them, play catch, take them to play in a square, and invent new games."

"Good, because my granddaughter really is a child who loves to play," she revealed, causing my eyes to widen in shock.

Holy shit! I'm being interviewed by Mrs. Russo! Oh my God!

"From your reaction, you didn't know who I was, did you?" she observed, seeing my surprise.

"Y-Yes, ma'am," I stammered, failing to hide my astonishment.

"You must be the only woman who doesn't know us," she commented, perhaps accurately.

"It's just that I don't watch newspapers or read gossip sites about you. I've always just focused on work," I explained.

"I like you. I want my granddaughter to have someone who is one hundred percent dedicated to her work. Tell me, what were the reasons you left your old job?" she inquired, and I bit my lip nervously.

"I was fired because the children started calling me Mama," I confessed, prompting her to burst out laughing.

"That shows how well you took care of the children; no child will call another person mother. If these children called you mother, it shows that they felt very comfortable, and what's more, they felt safe," she said, smiling.

"I'm glad they felt safe," I replied, touched by her understanding.

"What days are you available?" she continued with the interview.

"Every day, but I prefer to have Sundays off for family," I explained, and she nodded in agreement.

"Well, if you're hired, you'll just take care of things related to my granddaughter. You'll make her meals, give her a bath, and you'll have to pick her up from school, because when my children leave for work, they take her. You'll just have to pick her up. Likewise, you'll have to help her with her homework, since Dominic and Maximus are always busy with work," she detailed.

Ah, Maximus must be the other brother's name.

"Got it," I said, understanding the responsibilities.

"Now for the last question. How much did you charge for your old jobs?"

"I charged four hundred euros," I said, surprised by her reaction.

"So little," she remarked. "Well, if you're hired, your salary will be thirty thousand euros." I was shocked to hear that.

"That much?" I asked, unable to hide my disbelief.

"I still think it's too little," she shrugged, as if it was a minor detail.

Oh my God!

"Anyway, you won't even have to wash any clothes; there are always maids coming on the weekend to give the house a general clean, so don't worry. Just focus on Annalisa," she continued, mentioning the lovely name.

"Excuse me for asking, but how old is she?" I inquired, curious about the child I might be caring for.

"She's only three. She's not allergic to anything, thank God. Every weekend, she spends time with me and her grandfather. In case you ever work on Saturday," she explained, making it sound as if I was already part of the family.

Oh, my God. She's speaking as if I'm already hired! I hope I am.

"And if you are hired, you'll have to live here," she added, a new piece of information for me. "Will that be a problem?"

"Not at all, ma'am. In my previous jobs, I lived in their house," I assured her, comfortable with the arrangement.

"Very well, ma'am. The interview ends here. If you're hired, you'll receive an email or a call from me," she concluded, standing up from the sofa. I quickly got up too. "It was nice to meet you, Hilary," she said, extending her hand.

"My pleasure, ma'am," I replied, shaking her hand gently. "I'll be waiting."

She led me to the door, and I said goodbye, stepping out of the mansion. I immediately texted Pietra.

I was so excited. Likewise, I confess, I was very nervous when I realized who she was. But I felt much better being interviewed by a woman; the nervousness dissipated. I feel hopeful. Now, I just have to wait for the email or call.

I hope I get accepted. I need this job.

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