Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

‘‘Healing for a Flora is very similar to their eating, with the only difference being the amount of time they need to be in nutrient-rich soil. Floras, when they are gravely injured, just learning to shift, or before they shift fully for the first time, will need to be fully buried in nutrient-rich soil two to three times a week overnight to help their bodies produce and learn how to create the antidotes to the poisons inside of them. At their first full shift, they will need to root for 48 hours into the ground. This will awaken the full power of their Flora blood. It is necessary for them, even uninjured, to root once a week to keep up their wellbeing.’

‘Mating and Marking’

‘Once a Flora meets their mate, whether it is another Flora or another species, their mate needs to mark them immediately. Without the marking, the Flora will weaken as their mate offers them a new way to feed. Floras, once comfortable, will mark their mates back by creating a special secretion that will burn into their mates skin. Floras will also try to root into their mates. This allows the Floras to share their special antidotes with their mates so that if they come into contact with their venoms, they do not die. Special roots, called Mate Vines, carry both poison and antidote to their mates while simultaneously providing the Flora with necessary nutrients. Finding their mates is a life-and-death situation, because when there is no access to the sun or soil, they can still maintain a healthy diet. Without their mates, they will root and refuse to shift back into their human state, thus leading to their deaths.’

‘Mating for a Flora is different from normal mating. Floras, when they are mating, root in their mates as they create a cocoon of vines around them. Each root they put into their mate heightens their pleasure. Each little tendril of their roots holds billions of receptors that increase pleasure and make any type of pain debilitating. Floras need to be mated softly due to any type of pain being crippling. They are very fragile, even being one of the strongest beings in creation, with mating being one of the biggest factors that makes them wilt. Being mated to a Flora is not something to be taken lightly, as they are such incredibly rare, powerful, yet fragile beings. They are meant to be protected in their younger state, becoming stronger the more they grow into their Flora selves.’

Merlot closed the book before scooping up 4 other books and opening a portal. He raised an eyebrow at Rose.

“Are you coming back?”

Rose nodded eagerly before giving the three other females hugs. She raced into the portal as Merlot closely followed. As soon as they landed on the other side, he closed the portal and set the books down before going over to pick Margo up. He carried her to the couch, laying her down before going back to the bed. He let his hands shift into his dragon’s talons to tear into his mattress, clearing out the entire center, leaving just the borders, before stomping out onto his balcony to drop over the edge. He walked a few dozen yards into the forest, conjuring up a large bin to hold soil, before shifting into his dragon, Koda, while his tiger, Kodak, urged him to move faster. He dug quickly, filling the container in minutes. He shifted back to take the bin back up to his room, making it float behind him as he flew back up to his balcony. He poured the soil into the now-empty mattress frame before turning to Rose.

“Can you check the soil?”

She nodded as she walked over. “For what?”

“Anything bad, and can you add some nutrients to it? I also need you to show me how to do it so I can do it from now on.”

She nodded again as she moved to his side. She put a hand on his shoulders as she buried the other one in the soil. She yanked him into her mind as she checked the soil, breaking down anything bad while slowly putting nutrients into it. When she was done, he gave her a sharp nod before going over to pick Margo up. He gently laid her on the soil bed before moving back to watch her. He let out a relieved breath when he saw roots start to sprout out of every bare inch of her skin. He settled on the bed next to her before getting back up.

“Rose, one more thing?”

“What do you need?”

“I need to remove the ceiling,” he said.

Her mouth dropped open. “Are you serious?”

He nodded. “Very.”

She hesitated before groaning. “Alright, but if the house collapses, it’s not my fault.”

She moved back to his side to take his hand to pull on his power as she slowly removed the ceiling, opening the room to the sky above them. She sagged at his side when she was done, and he scooped her up. He looked down at her as he carried her to the door.

“Thanks, Rosie.”

She closed her eyes, yawning. “Just give me to my mate. I’m tired, you toddler.”

He chuckled as he pretended to drop her. She squealed as she wrapped an arm around his neck. He handed her over to Aiden before turning to look at Jenna and Joyce.

“I need you to leave.”

“No!” Jenna screamed, panicking.

Merlot’s eyes softened as he looked at her. “I promise you, I will not hurt your sister. I need to get her naked so she can heal properly. I don’t want to hurt someone for seeing her naked. So, if you will,” he tilted his head to the door, “go sleep in Joyce’s room. You can come back when the sun rises.”

She opened her mouth to argue, making Joyce tug her out of the room. “Merlot won’t hurt her, Jen, I promise.”

She sighed as she let Joyce lead her out of the room, stopping beside Merlot. “I will be back the minute the sky turns pink,” she threatened.

Merlot chuckled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He shut the door behind them before going back to the bed to strip Margo fully naked. Her sleeping body instantly buried itself in the soil as more roots sprouted along her body. Merlot took his clothes off before lying next to her on the bed. Long white and green tendrils came out of her to gently attach to his skin, making his body pulse with energy along with happiness. He curled around her body, wrapping his arm around her waist as he nuzzled into her neck. He pressed a soft kiss into her hair.

“I know you don’t know me, Margo, but I will move Heaven and Hell for you.” He closed his eyes to go to sleep. “Just please, trust me.”

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