"I am sorry, I got carried away," Karsen laughed a bit and put his hands to his mouth trying to keep himself calm but I could see that he got teary which made me confused. "You see, I had a dream. It was a woman, a beautiful woman. I can feel that we have the same feelings however, I can also feel that she's too far away from me. But when I saw you Charlotte, I could sense something I never thought that I could feel," he added.
What is he trying to say? He then slowly turned his head to look at me. "I am eager to talk to you because I want to know more about you. I would like to be friends with you to slowly know more about what I feel whenever you are around," he said, still fixing his gaze on me.
I look down but I can sense that he is still looking at me. I don't know what to say but, I badly want to know him more as well. I guess this is my chance to get to know him. To make friends with him and if destiny will really give him to me, then that's it. However, it may sound so selfish but I really hope that he can help me break the curse.
"Yes." That's what I replied which made him smile.
We then go to a fast food restaurant; he asks where I want to eat, and I recommend this well known fast food restaurant. Despite my insistence that he doesn't have to bother himself with treating me, he still wants to!
As time passes, I finally get to know him. Karsen enjoys smiling and laughing. He is the type of person you could get along with; he is a gentleman, kind, and enjoys playing sports. Not long after, his friends arrived unexpectedly, which surprised both of us. Chico said they had been following us for a few minutes, which made me feel embarrassed, especially when Karsen looked me in the eyes! I was relieved when Noah explained that they had just arrived and that Chico was only trying to tease us.
We are having a picnic here, at the place where Karsen brought me earlier. The wind is still blowing, causing my curly hair to wave and cover my face. I tried using my hair tie, but the wind made it difficult. Karsen noticed me and quickly took my hair tie and helped me with it, which made me feel a little flattered.
"And now you are acting like a good guy to her, huh?" Chico teased us, making me feel embarrassed. Karsen simply chuckled at what Chico had said. He knew he was just trying to tease him, but it wasn't for me! Especially since Karsen and I just got along.
"Stop it! You're making Charlotte shy!" Noah reprimanded Chico, and Chico just looked at me smirking!
"Why would she? I guess Charlotte also had a crush on Karsen. Girls are like that whenever Karsen is around," Chico says, giving me a smirk that makes my face flush. I grabbed the small pillow beside me and threw it to him.
"No, I am not!" I exclaimed, but Chico continued to tease me! He even tried to bring up the topic of how I punched Karsen in the face in detail! This made me feel even more embarrassed!
But who ca not fall in love with Karsen? He has a handsome face and a stunning body! All girls who see him will undoubtedly fall in love at first sight! However, in my case, Karsen had something that always made me feel flattered no matter what he did. In addition, he is connected to the curse I have right now. That is why, when he finally contacted me, I jumped at the opportunity to get to know him.
The day has finally come to an end, but before they go home, they ask if I could join them on their road trip near the area and go to their favorite place. "You will definitely enjoy it!" Railey exclaimed happily, putting on his helmet. Well, since my schedule for tomorrow is in the afternoon, I accepted their invitation.
I am still riding Karsen's big bike, and the three of them each have their own. He helps me put the small helmet on my head. When he finally started the engine, the other three did too. Because I am still afraid of riding it, I tighten my grip around Karsen's waist. "Take care of Charlotte, Karsen!" Noah said, looking in front of him, and they all started the engines on their big bikes.
"Hold tightly, okay? For sure that place will be your favorite once you see it!" Karsen exclaimed and started the engine. I smiled a bit and held his waist tightly.
They drive as if they were racing. Karsen wanted to keep up with his friends, but the way he drove indicated that he was thinking about me. Perhaps he sensed my fear of riding a big bike earlier. It only took us an hour to arrive at the location mentioned and it is already seven in the evening.
When we arrive, we will still need to walk for a few steps. Chico and Railey led the way while teasing each other, followed by Noah, who laughed at what they were doing. I was with Karsen as he was assisting me in walking and climbing the large rocks. I guessed I knew where this was. I can feel the breeze and the peaceful atmosphere of the place. The chills it gives me, and the sounds that may bring you peace.
Yes, I knew it! It's the sound of the waves. When I finally reached the top of the large rock, I spotted how the ocean touched the sand and how the wind from the vast ocean touched my skin. We are in an area near a resort. Behind us, there are many trees and large rocks.
"Is it okay to stay here for a while?" I asked them and all of them smiled at me and nodded their heads.
We decided to sit for a while and just enjoy the peace we have right now. "Hey Charlotte, I don't know if it is okay to ask but I am curious," Railey said while combing his hair and looking at me.
"What is it?" I replied. All of us were now looking at him and waiting for his question.
"Well, I just want to ask if you're also studying. And which university you are in?" he asked, which made the others look at me. Well, I guess I just need to tell them a lie. I have already studied and graduated years ago so I really do not know how to answer it. And every time a hundred years end, I always go to a faraway place and seek help from Wayang to change my appearance a bit.
"I have stopped because of financial problems. My parents died and I don't know where to seek help to help me with my academic needs," I explained. I can see in their faces that they sympathize with me. "But I am okay now! I love my work and I used to be alone," I added and smiled at them to make them feel at ease.
"Well, you are not alone anymore! Besides you have your two friends, right? And us! We are your friends now," Chico said, which made me look at him and smile.
If only they knew that I'd been living my life alone for hundreds of years and never grow old. Once Chel and Leandro leave, it will be just me and myself again. However, I continue to cherish the life I have right now. For hundreds of years, this is the only time in my life when I have had happiness and friends to lean on.
After that discussion and laughing throughout the night, Karsen dropped me off at my house. I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up which made him smile. "Thank you for today, Karsen. I had fun," I calmly said. "Take care!" I added.
He gave me a thumbs-up as well before driving away. I'm still staring at his back until I can't see him. I hold the pendant that Wayang gave me and speak. "Thank you, Wayang." I felt overjoyed that I could finally meet Karsen. I am curious what destiny will do to me this time.