Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7

I gasped in shock as Jake carried me into the house. It was enormous. My old house could have easily fit into just the entryway.

“I don't belong here” I whisper to myself. Everything is spotless, the floor polished so it looked like glass. Expensive paintings lined the hallway. As we walked I looked into the rooms we passed, seeing more sparkling clean rooms and expensive decorations, I gulped. Maybe I could just avoid the whole side of this house. I was panicked at the thought of breaking some priceless vase, or some other expensive disaster.

Josh, who was standing behind me, reached out and rubbed my back.

”It’s ok Em, it's just a house, we grew up here. Trust me we broke plenty of things when we were younger. He smiled shyly at me and slowly reached up to brush the hair out of my face. Looking at me for permission before he touched me.

“ I can't imagine even one child in a house like this let alone for rambunctious boys” I laughed. Trying to picture four little boys all dust and dirt running through these very hallways. Crashing into tables holding expensive decorations, sticky fingers touching everything that could be reached.

” Hopefully one of these days you will know what it's like.” Jake said looking at me with a heat in his eyes that made me blush. Instead of replying I just squeaked and buried my head into his shoulder.

”Jake, man stop embarrassing her, let her get used to us first,” Josh said glaring at his brother while patting me on the back. Jake glared at his twin but still leaned his head against mine and whispered that he was sorry.

” If it makes you feel better Em, we don't spend much time in this wing of the house. Our rooms are all in the East wing, and it's where we tend to spend most of our time.” With that, Josh turned down a hallway, and after a couple of minutes, we were in a more relaxed part of the house.

Large overstuffed chairs and a couch were scattered around the large room, and a flat-screen TV hung on the wall, surrounded by several gaming systems. At the other end of the room was a small kitchen and dining area. I also noticed six closed doors, three off each side of the room. A seventh door looked like it led into a bathroom.

”Wow, much better, “ I grinned while looking around. There was even a small library set up on one side of the large room, and I couldn't wait to explore it. I have always loved to read, but I never had enough extra money to spend on books, and the local library didn't have much either considering how poor our neighborhood was.

”Yeah we like it,” Jake added as he walked toward one of the closed doors. “ this will be your room, once you feel better we can help you decorate it however you want. He pushed the door open and carried me into my new room, setting me gently onto the softest bed I had ever laid on.

”I love it,” I grinned looking around at the beige and pastel blue room. “It's perfect, I'm not changing a thing,” still ginning I looked up at the twins. They were both staring at me with heated expressions that made me immediately blush, and I glued my eyes to the comforter studying it like there would be a test later.

”Hey, don't be scared baby, Jake already promised that we would all keep you safe. We would never do anything to hurt you.” Josh sat next to me, gently rubbing circles on my back.

”Not scared, just shy,” I say quietly, still not brave enough to meet Josh’s eyes.

”Ok, Jake clapped his hands, making me jump at the sound of skin hitting skin. “Let's get you settled so you can rest, maybe take a nap before dinner? “ our parents won't be here tonight, they have another dinner party to attend for Dad's campaign. We could order food, and just relax and watch movies. “How does that sound Em?”

”Great, but I would love to change before I take a nap. The scrubs are ok, but they are kind of scratchy.” I scratched my leg to prove my point.

”On it,” Josh jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, some crashing followed, and Jake just shook his head. A few minutes later a triumphant Josh returned holding up a t-shirt, and a pair of boxers for me to change into.

”Thank you, Josh,” I reached for the clothes he offered, taking them in my good hand, and glaring at my splinted broken arm. This wasn't going to be easy.

” Would you like some help Em?” Jake asked. I looked up at him to see sincerity and concern on both twin's faces.

“I want to try on my own, I need to learn how to take care of myself again, especially since my arm is going to be like this for a while. I smiled shyly as both guys headed toward the door.

“We will be right here if you need anything,” Jake closed the door most of the way leaving it slightly cracked so they could hear me if I called.

”Well, here goes nothing,” I mumbled as I began to try and get out of the itchy borrowed scrubs.

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