Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8

Yep, I was going to have to suck it up and ask for help. While the bottoms came off with only a little tugging, there was no way I could get the top off.

” Hey guys, I’m going to need some help after all.” I called out as I threw a blanket over my lap, the last thing I wanted them to see was my boring white cotton panties. I heard a commotion outside my door, Jake slipped in, slamming the door in his brother's face. I could hear Josh cursing good-naturedly on the opposite side.

I giggled as Jake yelled through the closed door “Next time brother.” He was grinning when he walked over, squatting down in front of me. “What's the best way to help Em, I don't want to hurt you”

”I think as long as I move slow, and you don't jerk the shirt, we should be able to get me out of this.”After several minutes of gently trying to get my good arm out of the scrubs, I sighed “Screw it, go find some scissors, you can cut me out of the stupid thing.”

Jake nodded and began searching the desk that was across the room from my bed.

He triumphantly held up the scissors, and came back over, helping me stand.

”Ok, I'm going to cut along the seam and it should just fall off without hurting your arm.” He began to cut carefully, and a few minutes later, the scratchy shirt fell away. I sighed happily, now that the stiff fabric was gone.

”Here’s the clean clothes from Josh, do you want help with these too?” He set the clothes next to me, waiting for me to decide what to do.

” I think I would like to get cleaned up first.” I was glancing longingly at the bathroom, having spotted the large soaking tub and shower. Jake stood, holding out a hand to help me stand. Wincing I got to my feet, and carefully made my way into the bathroom. Jake followed, stopping to wait at the door until I asked him for help.

I stood in the middle of the room, taking everything in. The tub was big enough to hold three people easily, and the shower was enormous, with so many buttons, and knobs I didn't think I would be able to turn it on without an instruction manual. I turned to face Jake, my anxiety clearly showing.

”I..I..don’t know what to do.” I looked at Jake with tears filling my eyes, and lip trembling. I wanted to take a shower, but with all the bandages and splints I couldn’t do it myself, and there was no way I was asking my new stepbrother who I had just met that day, to shower with me. That just sounded wrong, plus he would see all my scars and I didn't want him to pity me more. As I fought through all of the thoughts running through my head, Jake came up to me and gently enveloped me in a hug, kissing the top of my head and making shushing noises, as he held me.

” Hey sweet girl, it's ok, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, nothing will happen unless you want it to. None of us will ever touch you without your consent.” He pulled back looking me in the eyes.``I promise.” he said again, more forcefully this time. I nodded my head and took a step back so I could see him better.

”No one has ever wanted to help me, or even cared about me, it's so overwhelming.” I was sobbing, crying so hard it was making my ribs hurt. Jake carefully picked me up and walked over to the bathroom counter, setting me down on top of it, he nudged my legs apart, stepping in between them and wrapping his arms around me, careful of my ribs, and broken arm.

“Look at me Em,” Jake insisted, waiting patiently for me to follow his instructions. When I did finally meet his eyes, he smiled at me “Good girl” he whispered. My core clenching at his words.

I tried to look away embarrassed about being turned on by my stepbrother.

“Hey none of that,” Jake cupped my chin holding my head in place so I was forced to keep eye contact with him. “ You have four men now, who are going to do everything they can to help you and care for you. I know you only just met Josh, and haven't met Andrew or Michael yet but I can guarantee they will all feel the same way.”

“Ok,” I whisper still looking him in the eyes. He leans down and kisses my forehead, then my cheek. Taking a small step back he wipes the tears from my cheeks.

“So, how about this? I can fill up the sink, and grab soap, and a washcloth, between the two of us I think we can get you cleaned up pretty well. The other option is we get in the shower both dressed as we are, and I can help you wash your hair, and anything else you're comfortable with.”

“Let's go with option one.” I was exhausted from the day and just wanted to be cleaner than I was and take a nap. Jake ran his thumb along my cheek before turning to look for soap and a washcloth. He quickly returned, turning on the water in the sink, and adjusting it to a nice warm temperature.

“Does this feel ok baby?” He asked as he soaked the washcloth, added some soap, and gently began washing my face, and neck.

“It feels good, there's no pain,” I whispered. Jake continued to run the washcloth gently over my exposed skin, carefully avoiding the numerous bruises and cuts my father had left on me. I froze when he nudged my legs apart again and began running the warm cloth up my inner leg.

“You ok Em?” Jake asked, stopping his upward movement when he felt me freeze. “ I can stop if you're uncomfortable, we can always wash your legs later.” He was so sweet and gentle, and I didn't want him to stop.

“ I’m good, you don't have to stop.” I squeaked, looking anywhere but at him, I began reciting multiplication facts in my head, hoping my body would take the hint and turn down the heat that was shooting through my core. I didnt know what I would do if he noticed how damp my panties were getting, besides die of embarrassment. He quickly finished with my legs much faster than I expected. When Jake stepped back to grab a towel for me, I let out a huge sigh of relief, and let him lift me off the counter. He dried me off quickly and led me back to the bedroom.

Josh was sprawled out on the bed, having changed into basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Remote in hand he was flipping through the channels on a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall across from my bed. When he saw us He froze a big grin spread across his face.

“There's my baby girl, I have been waiting for you, I'm so bored.” He whined, “ Come sit with me and we can find something to watch.” I glanced back at Jake, hoping he was not mad at me. Jake smiles, slowly rubbing my back.

“It's ok Em, I was serious when I told you we were going to take care of you and keep you safe. He gave me a gentle push toward the bed, helped me climb up, and adjusted the pillows so I would be comfortable.

Josh turned to me with a somber look on his face. “Ok, Em I have a very serious question for you.” He looked at me expectantly.

I gulped, “Ok, what is it?” I asked nervously, playing with the edge of a pillow.

“Which is better, superhero, or monster movies?” Jake groaned and set down sandwiching me between himself and his twin, who was not so patiently waiting for my answer.

“Um, I haven’t had a chance to watch a lot of movies lately. I don’t remember the last one I saw.” Josh and Jake both looked at my mouth gaping.

“Oh, baby we are going to fix that right now.” Josh insisted. With a few clicks of the remote, he pulled up a list of movies and began scrolling through them. The boys began arguing about the best movie to start with until I jumped in and picked one that looked interesting.

We all got comfortable, and Josh began listing off facts about the background of the different characters. By the time the movie began, I was sound asleep. My head rested on Joshes shoulder, my hand linked with Jake's.

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