Chapter 3
In the kingdom of the Snow Queen, officially known as snow valley, but by the people an creatures known as the wastelands, four trolls were busy trying to dig a hole in the half frozen ground at the feet of a huge mountain while a blistering ice cold wind, was pulling at their shabby clothes.
Two of them were twins and the other two were their lifelong friends who they saw as their real blood brothers.
The twins who were named Silas and Carmel were busy shoveling the mud and dirt from the hole to another spot next to them while their friends, Elric en Elroy were digging more deeper.
"Remind me brother, why are we doing this again?" Silas asked his twin, Carmel as he stopped and dropped the shovel in the mud with a grunt.
"You know why, Silas! if you want to have a warm shelter and some food for the night, we need to finish this spot, at least until we have found some gemstones." Carmel answered with a raised eyebrow at his brother.
"Yeah, but really, can we not just ask somebody else to do the job for us and give half the earnings, because my toes are frozen and feel like they could fall off any moment from now!" Silas muttered while massaging his cold legs.
""Who do you think would help us out in this nasty weather? i do not think anyone in his right mind would want to! lets just continue and praying that we will find something soon so we could all go back to the palace stables!" Elroy replied with a huff.
After that said, Silas muttered some curses under his breath and got up again, making Elric to roll his eyes at his friend as they continued their work again.
Sometime later later they all heard a loud thud as the shovel of Elroy knocked on something in the ground.
"Dig it up so we can see!" Elric said while bending over to see better.
As Elric did what was asked he prayed to the Gods hoping it would be answered and that they finally had found something valuable that would satisfy the queen.
After some minutes of short hard labor, they all gasped in suprise as they gazed upon the uncut gemstone in Elric's big rough hands.
"Wow! it is beautiful!" Silas exclaimed while the other nodded in agreement.
"Come bothers, lets go back its getting more darker and my stomach is grumbling!" Carmel said while grabbing their bag in which they brought their shovels and started gathering their tools.
Two hours later they all stood in the throne room before the queen with their cast on the floor while she inspected the uncut gemstone they had given her.
"Okay you can go now! i don´t need you anymore tonight!" she dismissed the four trolls who quickly scurried out of the throne room.
"Finally!" The queen muttered while caressing the stone in the palm of her hands.
Slowly she turned around and walked over to one of the large windows that overlooked the valley down below.
This was the moment she had been waiting for, for a very long time.
Would she now finally get her revenge that she so desperately wants?
After a while of gazing into the dark night, she turns around slowly and walked out of the throne room on her way to her royal bed chamber, to retire for the night.
Before she got ready for bed, she took a last, long look at the stone and then locked it away from prying eyes.
As she stepped into her sleep attire she pondered over which next step to take, to find the last of the four stones she needed for her purpose and with that thought in mind she went to sleep.
Meanwhile in the human world, Micah listens in silence to his mother rambling on, about his date with Sheila.
¨Please be nice to her and do you best to be a gentleman Micah, please do that for me so i can have grand babies soon!¨ she rambled, making Micah to sigh.
¨Yes mama, relax yourself, i will do my best and we will see if she will be the one for me, i can not say that yet so don´t get your hopes up please, i don´t want to get you upset ok!¨ Micah said while putting on his dinner jacket.
After one last look he kissed his mother on the cheek, wishing her goodnight and went out to his car while two of his men followed him in another car discreetly.
On his way to the restaurant he had chosen, his mind thoughts went to his date, Sheila.
He had done some quick search on her and had liked what he saw so far.
On her pictures on social media she looked beautiful but that could also be enhanced by filters, he knows all to well, so he just had to wait and see for the real thing.
After a short drive, he parked at the bag entrance for VIP´s and got out and walked towards the back door where a security guard already opened the door for him after recognizing him.
Inside the restaurant he nodded with his head to his men and then to the table they could sit which he reserved specially for them and then walked over to his own table where he spotted a girl who looked like sheila already waiting for him.
¨Hello Sheila, i am Micah!¨ he said when standing in front of her with his hand out to shake.
¨Oh hello Don, nice to finally meet you! lets sit so we can order, i am starving!¨ Sheila mushed as Micah raised a slightly surprised eyebrow and withdrew his hand since she did not shake his and sat down on his own seat across her.
When they sat down again Micah snapped his fingers at the nearby waiter who quickly scurried over to their table with his tablet.
¨Goodevening sir, what can i get you and the lady?¨ he asked politely with a slight bow.
¨Today´s special please and your best wine, for two!¨ Micah said with his eyes on Sheila who was busy typing on her phone, not paying attention to him.
After the waiter had noted down their order, he left the table while Micah leaned back in his chair, folding his hands under his chin, as he watched in slight annonyance as Sheila continued to be busy on her phone.
¨So tell me about yourself, have you a boyfriend?¨ he suddenly asked.
¨Yes...uhm no, no of course not! hehe, otherwise i would not be here duh!¨ she stuttered with slightly flushed cheeks.
MIcah frowned as he watched her closely. She was lying, but why? he thought by himself.
While she was not looking his signaled his men to grab his phone.
Suddenly het got up with his phone in his hands as he looked at her.
¨Sorry, have to make a work call, be right back!¨ he only said before walking away.
As he walked away he did not look back as he walked straight to the men´s room and got inside.
After pressing the button with the number of his head of security detail, he waited.
¨Boss, everything okay?¨ the man asked after picking up.
¨No, i think Sheila is lying to me, please do a thorough background search on her, i already did short one of her social media but that does not say anything, got it?¨ he barked trough his phone.
¨Yes boss, and boss?¨
¨Yes Dimitri what is it?¨
¨Do not know if you want to know but miss Sheila is talking to somebody on her phone right now, somebody she seems very familiar with, i thought you should know since you just asked me to induct a search on her.¨ Dimitri said in a low voice.
¨Really? can we find put who it is?¨ Micah asked as he stepped out of the bathrooom into the hallway.
¨We can but then i need acces to her phone for a short moment so i can open it and put a device in it¨ Dimitri replied.
¨Okay, lets see if she needs to go to the ladies room before we leave and then take your chance, you that stuf with you right?¨
¨Always boss! because you never know!´ Dimitri grinned.
¨And that is why you are my head of security! good man! i will be at the table in a second!¨ Micah shuckled.
Once back at his table, the waiter was just serving the wine as he sat down again, while Sheila quickly put her phone back in her purse.
All the while during their dinner he tried to make small talk to see what she would gave away but that was not much and besides that she was good at making small talk, too good he felt.
Afterwards de decided to call it the end and made an excuse as he brought Sheila back home.
¨You sure you don´t want to come in for a nightcap?¨Sheila pouted.
¨No sorry, i have some things to do that i want to finish tonight so, sorry¨ he said cooly.
¨But Sheila wouldn´t have it and put her hand on his crotch and started to rub it up and down with a smirk on her lips as she felt him twitch under her thouch.
¨What are you doing?!, i just told you i have work to do, now get out!¨ He hissed in anger at her brasen conduct.
¨Why? am i not beautiful enough huh, come on now, i know you want me, you have been staring at me all night long and at the way your body respond to me now tells me you really want me!¨ She smirked victoriously.
Micah´s anger came boiling up rapidly and he raised his hand up, but before he could lash out to her, a dark figure appeared beside his car window......