A mercy of god

The morning was still early and Nina could tell. As the blinding force of the sun's rays pierced through the barred windows of her cell, that gave access to a surprising vista of the Alpha King's castle. She struggled to her feet from the aura of silver that surrounded her, and slowly dragged her body towards the crack in the wall.

The sun's weight pushed harder as her eyes peeked through the limited crevice and she fell back, stumbling. Her head almost striking the broken sink that stood, sat, and laid in the corner. She groaned, cursing under her breath as she tried to pick herself back up. Dragging her legs now as the floor too seemed to be laced with silver.

She could feel her energy draining. Each second she spent here was the life in her dying slowly. Her arms had become weights in themselves and her legs quaked just in making the effort to stand up to her feet. She hated that she had been convinced to do this. To make this stupid daredevil run. This stupid leap in the dark. She had wanted to be careful and wait, just like she had planned. But her generals would've done something even more rash if she hadn't made this decision.

Now she was here…  A queen reduced to a prisoner of war. A criminal tossed like a log in a dungeon. Her dignity lost horrendously. And all because of her Uncle's impatience…

As she managed to stand now, her clothes painfully felt like magnets. As the silver that fundamentally built this room had begun vibrating through them. She could feel the negative energy travel up and around her body, in a spine-like spread. And her heartbeat slow to a frightful thumping.

She knew if she stayed here any longer she would die from the force. As she abandoned her effort to see what lay ahead of the window in a bid to save what energy she had left. Soon, her body trembled, and her eyes rolled back.

And the floor came flying up to meet the back of her head.


Nina woke up disillusioned. With a sharp pain banging around in her skull like a cherokee drum. But something was different. And it was odd, but comforting…

She couldn't feel any pressure inside her? Or weight? Or supernatural burden? She couldn't feel her weakness in or around her? She was surprised as she couldn't feel any silver?

Her eyes were still closed and she was flat on her back. But her ears could somehow pick up the sound of distant voices and the striking of an object that rang like bells jingling. Her fingers twitched and her toes curled. As her subconscious fought to bring her back to reality.

But the remnants of pain she previously felt still left some marks. And she was still so hurt she didn't want to wake up… not yet, and not now.

“Open your eyes false Queen…” a voice suddenly called. It was low, clean-cut but still powerful. Like it commanded a subtle authority.

Nina's head arched slightly at the voice. It was closer than the other ones. Lower, and more audible than the cacophony that went in and out of hearing in the background. And it sounded familiar, yet it wasn't.

“If you plan to sleep all day, then I might as well order your execution so you may sleep permanently…” the voice added, now stern. “It's a true miracle you didn't die in your cell. And pure luck the guards I sent found you while you were still unconscious…” he spat. “But I would say the goddess knew and favoured my endeavour…” A smirk came on his face. “As your journey into my servitude was to begin…” the voice chuckled.

“And it would be a shame if you were a lifeless body…”

Nina's eyes now fluttered slightly. Still closed but on their own will trying to change that. Her fingers pulled back slowly and formed defiant fists of themselves. And her face creased into a frown, now making her look like a mannequin given animation.

Her eyes shot open but her body stayed still. Only moving a fraction from the gasp that followed her awakening. But she immediately made to jump out of her own skin when she found her hands were tied to the wooden frame she was layed on. She struggled, but it was futile. All the while not taking notice of the man just a toe away from her.

“You'd hurt yourself by trying…” the voice came again.

And it was now Nina paused, and craned her neck slowly back in front of her. Her eyes widening as they came in contact with the person just ahead of them.

“I'm sure you're surprised…” the man laughed. And his laugh was a deep throaty laugh. “You're not the first of your kind, and sincerely won't be the last…” he said, with a glint in his eyes.

“Who are you?” Nina asked. Confused more than scared of the man. And the man it strangely annoyed her she couldn't intentionally get out of her sight.

As he stood haughty and the arrogance he held was enough that she could smell it. He was handsome but his obnoxious character made him ugly to her. Even with his lake blue eyes and hair the same colour as the weakness of all wolves. He appeared a donkey with a chip on his shoulder…

His skin held wrinkles that still fought hard to give a facade of youthful firmness. He was an old man well past the proverbial mid-life crisis. Yet he still clung to his self ordained effervescence.

He saw himself a knight in shining armour. A man with a purpose that made him cut out different from the rest. A mighty warrior of valor and chivalry. But his pride wasn't mediocre... As he expressed his ultimate title, moving an inch forward then staring down at Nina's face.

“You are now at the mercy of a god.”

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