Chapter 2 Goddess be with Her
It wasn’t long after the accidental fire a decade ago, that Bea was given the name Beastly. The concubine of the Alpha saw her disfigured face and for reasons Bea will never understand, gave her away to this family with a new name to follow her. Marking her ugliness for all to see and hear. Ever since then, they’ve always believed that she was a spy, sent by the concubine.
“I’ve always KNOWN you were nothing more than a useless, disgraceful sneak!”
Jules pulled Bea up to standing and yanked her arm, pulling Bea behind her as she stormed out of the library and down the hall. Her grip on Bea’s arm was fierce. She knew she’d have bruises for days, but she’d take bruising over wherever they were going now.
“I promise.” Bea tried to say. Jules kept pulling hard on her, yanking her forward with each step. “I’m not a spy! I was…” She slammed into the back of her Master as she stopped abruptly at a door. This forced Jules to fall into the door. Turning to Bea, Jules slapped the girl as hard as she could.
“Shut. Up.” She turned again, opened the door, and yanked Bea into the room with her. The sound of the door slamming reverberated around the room.
Looking around, Bea couldn’t ever remember coming into this room before. It was a “Not Allowed” room and Bea couldn’t stop herself from beginning to hyperventilate. She wasn’t allowed in the “Not Allowed”. She couldn’t be here. If Master Visca sees her here, she’s dead.
“What are you doing Jules? I’ve little nerve left this morning.”
Bea’s blood turned to ice. She couldn’t even lift her head to see if her ears were lying to her. It was Master Visca’s voice. She brought her to his office.
“This ugly Beast was hiding in the library when we were speaking to Savonnuh.”
A deep sigh left Visca. Bea lifted her eyes long enough to see that his Wolf was agitated, before quickly dropping her head, and falling to the ground. Her arm yanked up as it was still in the firm grip of Jules, but she didn’t care. She must show his Wolf that she is submissive and hopefully plead to it. His Wolf was the only thing that would save her. It had always been nice to her, coming out and protecting her from Visca.
Finding what little courage she had, she began begging as Visca walked up to her. “I-I-I promise. Master. I promise. I was ch-ch-changing out the dead roses. The-e-ey fell. I pricked myself on one. See…” Her courage was rising but she couldn’t stop her tears as they began to fall. She brought up her hand and showed him the dried blood that had trailed her finger. “I was cleaning.” Her voice broke but still she kept on. “I promise Master. I was only cleaning. When you came in, I feared.” She paused then, fear taking over.
She could feel the sweat sliding down her back and under her arms. It made her shiver as it trailed her skin, causing goosebumps.
“You feared? What did you fear, Beastly?” Visca’s Wolf was very close to the surface. His musk wafted around her as he knelt beside her.
“That you would think I was spying.” Her voice was weak as the words fell from her lips. Her body began shaking and vibrating like she'd just spent the night in the cold. She hadn't felt her body betray her like this since two winters ago when the trough was knocked over and the straw from her bedding was soaked, with her in it.
Visca took her hand in his and inspected the blood and then brought his other hand up to her swollen face and was a breadths whisper away from touching her.
“Obviously, she’s lying.” The harsh voice of Jules interrupted their interaction and Visca’s eyes melted into a dark blue as he pulled his hand away and stormed back over to the window along the back wall.
“Jules, I’ve yet to tell you the rest of the discussion I had with our Alpha.” He paused and looked out the window at the forest surrounding their home.
Jules harrumphed but crossed her arms and waited for Visca to finish.
“As you know, it was our Luna’s idea that Dax and Savonnuh be married originally. Goddess be with her.”
“Goddess be with her.” Jules and Bea repeated. Both respected and loved their dead Luna. Her passing was a cruel fate to this world.
“When Dax was injured last year, it was Concubine Rebecca’s idea that the Traitor's daughter still marries the traitorous Prince. She’s pushing for an early wedding.” He was silent for so long that Jules began shifting her feet beneath her.
“What does this have to do with this wretched spy?” Jules's shrill voice pierced the silence.
The ex-Beta just sighed and turned around. He wasn’t looking at Jules but at Bea. “It means that the Concubine intends to control the Prince’s household and therefore, ours. I shall not have that. I will undermine her and beat her at this game.” He walked back over to Bea and looked down at her. “You were a gift from the Concubine. A reminder of what I lost. Now, you shall be a gift to Savonnuh and Dax, for the wedding. There’s no harm in sending you with Savonnuh. In fact, it shall aid us. You shall be our spy.”
Chills spread through her limbs and the shaking intensified until her teeth were clacking together. Spy? The word repeated itself in her mind, over and over again. She didn't know how to be a spy or some kind of sneak. Her life was that of obedience to her Masters. That's what she knew and strived for.
“Now that's an idea husband!” Finally dropping Bea’s arm, Jules stood for a moment in thought and then clapped her hands together excitedly. “Killing two birds with one ugly little stone. We rid ourselves of a dirty little Beast and gain a protector for our Savonnuh.”
Bea looked up and saw hatred and vileness in the eyes of her Masters.