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"Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share with you a new story titled 'My New Beginning.' It's an exciting journey that I can't wait to share with all of you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for the ongoing support, and I hope this new story captivates you as much as the previous ones. Looking forward to your comments and feedback!

Anthony Cooper.

Three years ago.

It was as if my world had collapsed before my eyes. Entering my own home and being greeted by police officers and my wife in tears and accusations was an overwhelming shock.

"What's going on here? "My voice carried a mixture of confusion and anguish.

The stern looks on the faces of the police officers and my wife's trembling hands indicated a scene of horror that I didn't understand.

"It was him, policeman! He's the one who assaulted me and tried to... ''Amelia's words were interrupted by sobs as she pointed at me.

My heart was pounding in my chest, and my mind was spinning in despair. How could all this be happening?

'' Amelia, what is happening here? '' My voice, now louder, echoed through the empty rooms, searching for answers that seemed far away.

'' Please, sir, stay calm. '' The policeman turned to me, his hand firmly holding his gun, while his voice tried to control the situation. ''Kneel down and put your hands behind your head.

The command seemed surreal and absurd. I hadn't done anything like that.

"I didn't do anything; Amelia is lying! "My voice rose in defense, but the policeman's order soon followed.

I knelt down, a feeling of helplessness enveloping me as the handcuffs tightened around my wrists.

''I didn't do anything; she's lying! ''The repetition of the words was an echo of despair, a last cry of innocence.

But the words fell on deaf ears. The violence of the handcuffs contrasted with the injustice that surrounded me.

A look of defiance was exchanged with Amelia-a mixture of incredulity and anger. Why was she doing this?

"We don't care who's lying or not; a black person belongs in jail. "The policeman's words cut like sharp blades-the open discrimination, the brutality of the system in front of me.

Revolt overtook me. An irrepressible impulse made me move, and my head met the policeman's nose.

'' You bastard! Just because I'm black doesn't mean you should treat me like that! '' The words came out in a whirlwind of emotions as blood dripped from his nose.

A punch came in response, a muffled scream escaping my lips, but the determination to fight the injustice that was consuming me only grew.

The injustice weighed on my shoulders like an anchor, dragging me into an abyss of despair and anger. As they saw me as the villain in this twisted tragedy, my mind echoed with unanswered questions in an endless cycle of torment.

''You're under arrest for assaulting your wife and assaulting the police officer! '' The officer's words echoed like a cruel verdict, condemning me to a fate I didn't deserve.

They dragged me out; the violence of the physical contact was a brutal metaphor for the injustice that was engulfing me. A look of betrayal met Amelia's cynical smile, fueling the fire of my indignation.

Son of a bitch! What did I do to deserve this? My mind clamored for an answer that would never come while I was thrown into the car like a criminal, as if my whole life had been reduced to this moment of shame and despair.

''You're going to spend a long time in prison, you thug! '' The policeman's words were like sharp daggers, digging deep into my torn soul.

'' Fuck you, you prejudiced bastard!!! '' The answer came out as a cry of revolt, a last attempt at resistance against the system that was crushing me.

I no longer cared that I was verbally assaulting someone under the law. I was already in deep shit. Why me? What did I do? The questions echoed in my mind like a lonely lament as I was dragged into the abyss of uncertainty and injustice.

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