Chapter 005.

Akira's POV

"Boyfriend, what takes you so long? I have been waiting for you for so long." I raised my voice more than usual, wrapping my hand around his neck. His eyes were puzzled and his eyebrows furrowed. The expression on his face will show that he had no idea who I was, but I am not going to give that satisfaction to my naughty ex-boyfriend. He parted his lips that were hidden under the mask to say something, I pushed him back into his car. The good thing is, his car door was ajar. "Please play along..." I said but his expression is unfathomable. "Drive," I growl at him, as I jumped into the car, from the passenger side.

"What the heck is going on and why are you ordering me around? Fuck off my car." He growled back at me, I paid no attention to him because my eyes were almost everywhere, I was nervous, I didn't want that idiot to get hold of me.

"Drive... What the fuck are you waiting for?" I growl at him still ignoring his outburst, he sighed in frustration as he turned on the ignition.

"Hope we are not been chased?" He murmured.

"We will end up in trouble and be chased if you don't increase your speed?' hearing the words, chase, and trouble, he pressed on the petal without warning, my head almost hit the dashboard, I smirked this stranger seemed to be too scared to want to get into trouble and been chase.

I raised my head on the headrest of the car chair, knowing that bastard wasn't coming after us, and I let out a sigh of relief, I wondered why Ethan didn't chase after us, that was unlike him. Whatever reason he had, I don't care. I am just grateful that he didn't keep chasing us, I shut my eyes and let out a deep breath of relief, as I shut my eyes, "I am sorry, for all those madness, I know it's embarrassing but the truth is, he won't let me be, he kept coming like a hurricane and you seem to be the only savior that could help me from this unintended disasters, anyway, you can stop at the next turn." I said in one heartbeat.

My eyes were still shut and my head was still resting lazily on the headrest of the chair and trying to control my breath, but then I felt a strong burn on my neck.

I tilted my head to the man who was staring at me with a scowl and his gaze was burning and then my eyes went to him, I shut them almost at the same time, that wolf's eyes were all that I could see. "Fuck what is wrong with me?" I murmured under my breath, ‘he is a man, not a wolf.’ I reminded myself. "Can you turn off the ignition?" I asked politely, although he was glaring at me, he was still moving his car. His eyebrows furrow more and it makes me reason while he had that knit around his eyebrows. "Oh! I am sorry, I could just pay for your fuel and your time..." I grabbed my bag, to bring out some notes from my bag but then I barely had sufficient on me, if I were to give him the little cash I had, I would have nothing to take me to work the next day, and I have no intention to arrive there late that monster of my boss will strangle me. "Please, pardon me..." I bite my lower lips. "the thing is, I do not have much on me but I promise, I am going to compensate you as soon as my boss pays me at the end of this month, and one more thing you should pray that I don't get fucking fired before the month end because I heard he is a monster and that he is the most difficult human being to please and that he had fired twenty-nine females assistant of his..." I move my hands to my lips and cover it. I am talking too much. "Oops... you are talking too much again." I scolded myself. His gaze was still unfathomable, and he was glaring at me. "Can I get your..."

"No need..."

"But..." His eyes were cold and he didn't respond to my words, he just pointed at the door, I pulled without warning as I got out of the car without a bat of my eyelashes, and the car was gone.

"Fuck! Where did he go?" I cursed under my breath in frustration as my eyes darted around the area when I couldn't find him, I let out a frustrating sigh, but then my eyes catch a car that is far ahead of me, I didn't think it was that car, I got out of because that car is too expensive for me to control the rider, I let out a signed of relief when the rider didn't prove to be another headache, "it's better, he wasn't an asshole..." I said, shrugging my shoulder before I grabbed my phone to book a cab, I rested lazily on the chair as the incident played in my head, I didn't even know the stranger. stupid of me but it's fine, he didn't want to prove difficult while sitting in the car, my phone ping for messages with numerous missed calls. I sighed as I read the content of one of the messages.

[Stupid girl, where the heck are you? You have been gone since last Night, lady Cassandra is looking for you and you have to resume today, if not be ready to pay her a hundred dollars, as it's, I am holding her for gambling...]

The message was long and I have no patience in reading that, and that naughty Cassandra, she should think of another way to get her money from my mother because I am never going back to there.

It didn't take long before I arrive at Vida's apartment, I pressed the doorbell furiously, I was fucking exhausted, today was tiring.

"Hey, who is that couldn't wait for a second?" She pulled the door harshly and was ready to lash out at me. "Silly, I didn't know you were the one there."

"Now you know get off the way." I scoffed, and she signed pushing the door lock.

"I am famished, what is there to eat?" I said moving to her kitchen.

"Nothing, just the bread and ketchup, if you are so hungry." She yelled from the living room, I took off my shoes and headed to the kitchen. "Hey, how did the interview go?" I tilted my head to her.

"I thought you would never ask." I sighed

"Sorry, I was just carried away, so tell me, how did it go?" I frown, faking tears, as my voice comes out very low like someone who was super down with heartbreak.

"I got a message just now that I am not hired."

"Wait what?" Vida growled, and I just sat here with a low spirit. "oh dear, I didn't know that heartless beast didn't take you but anyway, you have nothing to worry about we could always look for another, is his loss, not yours..." Vida pulled me into a hug, and then I giggled inwardly, ‘Naughty Vida.’ I said mentally. "Forget about him, stop sucking, he is an asshole." I couldn't hold it anymore, I tittered

"Gotcha... I got the job." I screamed and she jumped in excitement with me.

"Silly, why didn't you tell me, instead of all this drama?"

"It wouldn't be fun if I just said I got the job." I shrugged my shoulder while I go back to my snacks

"Wow...I still can't believe that you are going to be Logan's assistant, Wolfie Stark Enterprises is the most powerful company when it comes to technology, he is the man behind the largest online shopping that is been run in the country and the world. Logan was the hottest faceless man on the internet and he held the largest shares in the country reporters are dying to see his face, they are wondering why the man's face was hidden under a mask, people think he is a monster with beautiful eyes."

"Dying to see his face? A monster?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, he is always on a mask, and most reporters, professionals and newbies are desperate to get the face of the famous Logan Wolfie on camera, I heard from one famous reporter that if only she could get the side of his face on camera, will mean triple promotion for her and lot of money as well."

"Really?" Her eyes widen as she seems to watching something on her phone. "what is it?" I asked and her hand flew to her mouth.

"Oh my God! It's said that Mr. Logan Wolfie was seen..." My phone ring

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